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Research & Transfer Department

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

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Celebrating the 15th anniversary of the research institute for textiles and clothing at the HSNR (from left): Markus Schmitz (Chairman of the support association), Felix Heinrichs (Mayor of Mönchengladbach), Dr. Thomas Grünewald (President of the HSNR, Dr. Christian Feiler (Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia), Prof. Dr. Lutz Vossebein (Dean of the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology), Detlef Braun (Textile Academy), Prof. Dr. Maike Rabe (Institute Director, shown here with "Outfit"). Dr. Lutz Vossebein (Dean of the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology), Detlef Braun (Textile Academy), Prof. Dr. Maike Rabe (Institute Director, here with the outfit "TO APPEAR AS WE PLEASE" by graduate Nadine Gottwald), Prof. Dr. Rudolf Voller (former Dean of the Faculty) and Prof. Dr. Marie-Louise Klotz (former Dean of the Faculty).

Research that attracts! HSNR's Textile Institute celebrates its 15th anniversary

The FTB of the HSNR celebrates its 15th birthday as part of the recruiting fair "MG ZIEHT AN". Textile students put their knowledge to practical use here.

The Research Institute for Textile and Clothing (FTB) at Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) has been consistently driving research forward since 2009. From a competence platform with just a few employees to an independent institute with around 40 employees: it was time to celebrate.

Embedded in Germany's largest recruiting and innovation fair for the textile and clothing industry "MG ZIEHT AN" on the Mönchengladbach campus, the university celebrated its 15th anniversary under the motto "Research that attracts!" Around 150 guests and partners who have followed the development of the FTB from its founding to the present day were in attendance.

They took a look at the latest equipment or listened to graduates and students at the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology and the institute's research at the "MG ZIEHT AN" master's conference. At the big party in the tent on the Mensa meadow, there was plenty of opportunity to network in a relaxed atmosphere.

The FTB was one of the first in-institutes founded at the HSNR. This is where lecturers, students and researchers put their knowledge into practical application: With the help of modern equipment and machinery, it offers optimal conditions for test series to work on solutions to specific issues.

Topics along the entire textile processing chain, including recycling at the end of the product, in which all of the faculties' lecturers are closely involved, can be implemented here. "A strong team of researchers and in-depth expertise based on many years of professional experience in industry, research and teaching education ensure consistent and good results," says FTB Head Prof. Dr. Maike Rabe. Cooperation with other affiliated institutes and universities is also very important.

This is of particular benefit to students on the various degree programs such as Textile and Clothing Technology, Design Engineering or Textile and Clothing Management. They are regularly involved by participating in research as part of their bachelor's or master's theses or by carrying out their own practical projects. Around 1400 young talents are registered at the faculty and contribute to problem solving in various areas with their creativity and commitment - and are thus qualified for their future careers at the same time.

Introducing students to complex problems and research tasks at an early stage has always been a major goal of the HSNR. The faculty reached an important milestone in the early 2000s with new examination regulations for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in German and English.

In order to differentiate itself more strongly from the previous diploma courses, more emphasis was to be placed on research. In 2009, a competence platform finally became an independent research institute.

The inclusion of the FTB in the Textile Research Board was a door opener that made it possible to submit applications for research projects to the Industrial Collective Research Fund (IGF). With the first IGF projects came success in other funding guidelines and the expansion of industrial cooperation.

Since then, the institute has developed into a major player in textile research in Germany and abroad and now employs around 40 researchers and around 30 students every semester.
