NEWS Detail
Research & Transfer Department

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

(Kopie 1)

The research project will use the Platz der Republik in Mönchengladbach as a test environment (Photo: City of Mönchengladbach).

KIRaPol.5G research project as a guest at the Mönchengladbach Digital Week

The Hochschule Niederrhein will also be represented with a project as part of the city of Mönchengladbach's Digital Week. On Tuesday, June 4, between 4 p.m. and 5.30 p.m., the functionality of the radar technology from the KIRaPol.5G project will be demonstrated. The venue is the large hall of the adult education center at Sonnenhausplatz, Lüpertzenderstr. 85, 41061 Mönchengladbach.

The KIRaPol.5G research project deals with the question of whether public places and train stations should be monitored using radar systems in the future. Radar technology is intended to support police surveillance in order to ensure safety in public places and train stations. This is to be done with the help of artificial intelligence, which classifies situations such as escape, attack and helpless person on the ground for security applications.

In the presentation during Digital Week, the technology will be demonstrated live and questions about the KIRaPol.5G project and the results of a recent online survey will be discussed. The speakers will be Prof. Hans-Günter Hirsch and Thomas Patalas from The Hochschule Niederrhein.
