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Research & Transfer Department

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University Alliance for SMEs invites to the 7th Berlin Transfer Conference

Whether in matters of sustainability, digitization or diversity - universities of applied sciences (HAW) and medium-sized companies bear a special responsibility in the regions. Their joint innovations not only strengthen the technological sector, but also make an essential contribution to regional development in the social and cultural sense. Under the title "Social Responsibility and Innovations", the Higher Education Alliance for SMEs (HAfM) invites you to the 7th Berlin Transfer Conference on Monday, March 13, 2023 at the Bremen State Representation. Representatives* from politics, SMEs and science will discuss from 2:00 p.m. onwards the possibilities and limits of mastering current challenges in the technical, social and cultural sense and promoting social participation in a sustainable way. The keynote address will be given by Zarah Bruhn, BMBF Commissioner for Social Innovation. The complete program as well as the registration form can be found on the homepage:

"As universities of applied sciences, we bear a special social responsibility in the context of our application-oriented teaching education and research," says the chairwoman of the University Alliance for the Middle Class, Prof. Dr. Kira Kastell. Through the intensive exchange with medium-sized companies in particular, students learn that their technological and economic activities also always have a social and societal component. For example, she said, the invention of a vaccine not only entails technological innovation, but also social issues regarding accessibility and distribution. "In view of such societal challenges, it is necessary to anchor the dialogue between HAW, SMEs, politics and society not only theoretically, but in a very practical and realistic way," said the managing director of HAfM, Prof. Dr. Peter Ritzenhoff. With the 7th Berlin Transfer Conference, HAfM offers a platform to discuss and network with representatives from science, SMEs and politics.

The HAfM is a nationwide association of 15 universities of applied science, which together with the SMEs aim to support the transfer of scientific expertise and practical experience. In order to promote innovation and social responsibility and make them visible, HAfM is dedicated to the topic at the 7th Berlin Transfer Conference. Since 2016, potentials of applied science as well as possible innovations as drivers for the regions are discussed annually in the course of the transfer conferences. Representatives of federal, state and local politics as well as political institutions give presentations and discuss current topics on the podium. Speakers from the business sector from well-known companies will also give an insight into their internal and external innovation support. In addition, universities will present their proposals for idea generation with the help of best practice examples.

Registration and the complete program for the 7th Berlin Transfer Conference can be found on the homepage
