in the Future Work Lab

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
Interactive workshop on electronic music production in the Future Work Lab

Interactive workshop on electronic music production

10.10.2024 16:00 - 20:00

The Future Work Lab in Krefeld will host an interactive workshop on the topic of electronic music production next week, Thursday, October 10, from 4:00 to 8:00 pm.

Live template and arrangement with Dieter Herten

  • Ableton Live 12 as a test version. Setup and test of the system
  • Presentation and explanation of the empty Live Template
  • Tuning question at the beginning of the track (drum, voice, PAD, sequence, ....)
  • Repeat until the track is finished (raw version) in the Live Session view
  • Building the track start in the template
  • Switching to the Live Arrangement view and recording the tracks
  • Fine structuring the track incl. automation, adding breaks, etc. automation, adding breaks, etc. and mastering
  • Final bounce of the track

Please register at: Ingrida.Dolfen(at)hs-niederrhein.de

Location Krefeld South Campus Krefeld West Campus / Mönchengladbach