Einblick in den Forschungsalltag am Institut A.U.G.E.


Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Welcome to the A.U.G.E. Institute

The A.U.G.E. Institute works on innovative research issues in the fields of occupational safety, environmental protection, health promotion and ethics (A.U.G.E.).
As an affiliated institute of The Hochschule Niederrhein, we have been working in applied research with ministries, research institutes, health insurance companies, employers' liability insurance associations, educational institutions and companies - especially SMEs - in the Niederrhein region since 2005. Our interdisciplinary team has expertise, know-how and foresight - we design innovative projects and implement them successfully and in a practical orientation with our partner organizations.


Occupational safety
System design, stress minimization, ergonomics and usability are the building blocks for safe and healthy work.

Health promotion
Prevention strengthens the motivation and performance of employees - a sustainable success factor in the company.

Environmental protection
Pollutant analyses and innovative processes are the focus for environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions, particularly in textile production.

People are at the center of corporate responsibility, even when resources are scarce and efficiency efforts are underway. Appreciation, cultural diversity and environmental compatibility are key aspects of corporate ethics.


KIRaPol.5G was at the Digital Week
Live demo of the technology on June 4, 2

AI and radar for greater safety? Police observation in public places

The aim of KIRaPol.5G is to develop a radar technology to support police video surveillance with the help of artificial intelligence, which classifies scenarios such as escape, attack and helpless person on the ground for security applications. In this workshop, the technology was demonstrated live and questions about the KIRaPol.5G project and the results of an online survey were discussed. The speakers were Prof. Hans-Günter Hirsch and Thomas Patalas from The Hochschule Niederrhein.

Project presentation KIRaPol.5G

Thomas Patalas and Fatma Dönmez, who are providing scientific support for the project at the A.U.G.E. Institute of The Hochschule Niederrhein, presented the objectives, content and results of a citizen survey at the city of Mönchengladbach's SmartCity-Summit.Niederrhein on February 29, 2024.
The audience showed great interest and asked numerous questions, which impressively underlined the high level of transparency and involvement of the public as part of the ELSA main tasks of the project.
Many thanks to the organizers for a successful event with high quality standards and an appealing ambience in the Red Box.
Thomas Max Patalas M.A

KIRaPol.5G launches citizen survey

The KIRaPol.5G research project - Artificial Intelligence for Radar Systems to Support Police Surveillance in Public Places and Railway Stations - relies on radar technology to ensure safety in public spaces.

The Hochschule Niederrhein A.U.G.E. is launching a comprehensive citizen survey to gauge public acceptance and opinions on these new approaches.

The project focuses on the use of radar-based observation technologies in public places and train stations.

The main topics of the survey include

  • The basic attitude towards the use of observation technologies in public spaces.
  • The impact of using radar instead of video technology on citizens' opinions.
  • The public's perception of security in relation to surveillance technologies.
  • The importance of personal rights and data protection in the context of surveillance.

The survey takes about 10 to 15 minutes and is completely anonymous.
Click here for the survey.

Thomas Patalas at the SmartCity-Summit.Niederrhein 2024
Fatma Dönmez at the SmartCity-Summit.Niederrhein
Prevention and health promotion

Requirements for prevention and health promotion in the world of work

How can work be designed to promote health? Experts from the prevention forum "Requirements for prevention and health promotion in the working world of tomorrow" will talk about opportunities and challenges from the perspective of employers and employees:
➡ Dr. Stefanie Bühn, KLUG - German Alliance Climate Change and Health

➡ Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter, The Hochschule Niederrhein

➡ Dr. Janice Hegewald, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)

➡ Prof. Dr. Reinhard Burtscher, Katholische Hochschule für Applied Social Sciences Berlin (KHSB):

Click here for the blog post

Regional MINT cluster MINT in MIND

Tailor-made STEM programs for children and young people in the Middle Lower Rhine region

Promoting young talent in STEM subjects at an early stage is of great importance for Germany as a business location. Choosing a STEM profession opens up professional and social opportunities for young people. Supporting children and young people with structural disadvantages due to their background, such as poverty or a migration background, is an important building block for the further development of the Middle Lower Rhine region.

The cities of Mönchengladbach and Krefeld and the district of Viersen want to work with the regional agency, the zdi centers (Zukunft durch Innovation.NRW) and The Hochschule Niederrhein to expand and optimize the support structures for extracurricular STEM activities in order to arouse the interest of children and young people in STEM professions and to attract multipliers in the cultural and youth centers close to their homes.

The diverse local STEM offerings in the youth education sector will be systematically coordinated with a view to the local labor market and a quality assurance concept will be developed along the education chain. New access routes for young people, parents and multipliers are intended to increase the visibility and attractiveness of STEM offerings and break down structural barriers. The project network promotes culturally sensitive, gender-inclusive didactics and cooperation in the region.

The Hochschule Niederrhein's MakerSpace and Student Advice actively contribute to the project through STEM orientation programs and are happy to welcome interested students on taster days and vacation courses!

Cluster partners
- City of Mönchengladbach
- City of Krefeld, Zentrum für digitale Lernwelten (ZfdL)
- KReMINTec e.V. Krefeld
- WFMG, zdi-Zentrum Mönchengladbach
- Regionalagentur Mittlerer Niederrhein
- Hochschule Niederrhein/University of Applied Sciences

Project coordination Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter, A.U.G.E.
Instagram mint.in.mind
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/mint-in-mind/

Project duration 01.12.2020 to 30.11.2023
Funding reference 16MCJ1012A

Currently funded STEM clusters 53 cluster networks nationwide
Information on the BMBF call for proposals STEM educationfor young people


Artificial intelligence for radar systems to support police surveillancein public places and train stations

Development and AI-supported evaluation of security radar systems in public spaces according to high data protection standards without recording personal characteristics.

    Tasks of The Hochschule Niederrhein in the KIRaPol.5G project

    • Classification models for the use of AI for radar and camera data
    • Protection of the privacy of the persons observed
    • Accompanying ethical, legal and sociological evaluation
    • Generation of training data
    • Simulative and metrological investigations
    • Verification and validation, optimization of the system
    • Development of the 5G campus network

    KIRaPol.5G - Website

    International joint project EnaTex

    Project goals

    Indonesia is driving forward the transition away from fossil fuels for electricity and heat supply. The Indonesian textile industry is playing its part in this transformation process.
    The EnaTex joint project is developing innovative solutions for plant technology and process optimization, the use of regional renewable energies and the recycling of residual materials.

    The aim is for the research results to have a holistic effect beyond the purely technological and energy-related perspective. The technical innovations and concepts open up new business areas for German textile machinery manufacturers and innovative approaches in the field of renewable energies.

    • Innovative concepts for saving at least 15% primary energy
    • Conversion of the energy supply for textile production processes such as wet and dry finishing to 100% regional renewable energies
    • Exemplary evaluation of research results under social, ecological and economic aspects
    • Transition to sustainability management (CSR) in cooperation with Indonesian and German research and business partners

    Project partners in Germany

    - IZES gGmbH Saarbrücken (coordination)
    - The Hochschule Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences
    - ifeu - Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg gGmbH
    - Brückner Trockentechnik GmbH & Co. KG
    - SUNfarming Group AG

    Contact persons at The Hochschule Niederrhein
    Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter (A.U.G.E.)
    Prof. Dr. Maike Rabe (FTB)
    Aslihan Memisoglu M. Sc. (A.U.G.E.)

    Project duration 01.08.2021 to 31.07.2024
    Funding code 005-2108-0042
    Funding framework CLIENT II, BMBF
    Volume 991,790.25 euros

    Project website csr-textil-bekleidung.de


      Competence center Women & Career


      The team at the Frau & Beruf competence centre has been advising small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) since 2013 with regard to the increasing demand for skilled workers and supports them individually in planning and implementing effective, innovative measures for a life-phase-oriented HR policy.

      The range of topics includes flexible working time models, mentoring, women and leadership, reconciliation of family, care and career, re-entry, personnel recruitment and employer attractiveness.

      The mentoring program will enter its fourth round in spring 2023:
      It brings together female junior staff with managers from the region to jointly develop and support the mentees' future career prospects - we are happy to inform interested companies and students from all faculties of The Hochschule Niederrhein.

      In this way, small and medium-sized companies increase their attractiveness as employers and receive impulses on work organization and how they can attract and retain junior staff.

      Project website www.fachkräfte-im fokus.de
      Network partner WfG Kreis Viersen

      Funded by the Ministry for Children, Youth, Family, Equality, Refugees and Integration of the State of NRW

      Completed projects


      Recognizing STEM talents and promoting them in a gender-inclusive way

      In order to recognize and promote STEM talents in girls and to support STEM-related career orientation in a gender-inclusive way, individual interventions for digital media were developed and evaluated in the MINTcoach joint project.

      Girls are less likely than boys to choose STEM subjects such as mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology. They develop a lower STEM self-concept early on, although their grades reflect equivalent abilities. Pupils in the 6th/7th grades took part in fun STEM tasks, workshops and exciting excursions over a period of 1.5 years, continuously evaluated and tailored to the interests of girls in particular.

      MINTcoach is part of the nationwide "Komm, mach MINT" network within the National Pact for Women in STEM Professions. The gender-didactic psychological concept with tasks and interventions, questionnaires, statistical analysis and evaluation was created at A.U.G.E., while the coordination, technology and school workshops were the responsibility of the Birkenfeld Environmental Campus of Trier University of Applied Sciences;

      Project duration (HN sub-project): July 2017 - June 2020
      Project funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), funding line "Strategies for the implementation of equal opportunities for women in education and research", FKZ 01FP1610

      STEM network website: Komm mach MINT
      MINTcoach project website: www.mintcoach.net
      Project profile: MINTcoach
      Summary of objectives and content: MINTcoach compact

      Weltbunt - how color changed the world

      Weltbunt - The significance of historical dye collections for the development of the textile and chemical industries and everyday culture

      The BMBF-funded Weltbunt project researched the development and effects of synthetic textile dyes since their discovery at the end of the 19th century. The project partners were the CICS, Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences at the TH Köln(project page), the TU Dresden with its own collection as well as the Museum Schloss Rheydt and Textilmuseum Krefeld-Linn.

      The great demand in the fashion world for ever new colors triggered a rapid development in textile dyeing, the production of chemical raw materials and machine technology and thus became the basis of today's widely publicized chemical industry and large-scale production.

      The starting point for the project idea is the historical dye collection of the Hochschule Niederrhein and its royal predecessor institutions, which comprises around 10,600 specimens. The small glass bottles with the valuable dye powders are exhibited in the Textile Technology Center in the Montfors Quarter Mönchengladbach-Rheydt and in the Textile Museum Krefeld-Linn.

      Their origin, composition and technical properties in the dyeing process and in use are examined. The particular challenge is to record the influences of almost 150 years of storage by comparing them with historical sample books and searching for historical traces. The results will be summarized in a database and will then be generally accessible.

      Project funding: BMBF, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, funding reference 01UQ1704A

      Project duration: 01.02.2017 to 31.01.2020

      Contact: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schram, Instrumental Analytics at the Department of Chemistry


      Maintaining and promoting the mental health of particularly stressed occupational and functional groups
      The BeFunt project focuses on mental health in small and micro enterprises (MSEs). Mental illness is also on the rise in the skilled trades sector, both among owners and employees.
      By analyzing the work processes of the participating model companies, prevention needs were identified and company-specific measures were designed that could be tested and adapted directly in practical application.
      In order to enable and expand sustainable use in MSEs, the support tools developed were incorporated into the project partners' advisory services.
      Sponsored by the European Social Fund ESF and the NRW Ministry of Labor, Integration and Social Affairs (MAIS)
      Contact: Ms. Birgit Weber, A.U.G.E. Institute

      Project materials / practical aids

      Evaluation IREQ Internal recruitment

      The IREQ project was finally evaluated. The aim of the project was to analyze the existing work activities and skills of employees in SMEs in order to derive qualification profiles and development potential. Internal recruitment is intended to prevent the shortage of skilled workers in SMEs. The project was rated very positively by the SMEs involved.

      Further information

      HYGRE BGW Cleaning in hospitals

      .....an the interface between occupational safety and hygiene

      The work processes of cleaning staff in clinics were the focus of the HYGRE project, sponsored by the BGW (Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege):
      The hygienically flawless and thorough cleaning process reduces the risk of infection transmission in hospitals. Cleaning staff in hospitals are generally a little-noticed group, although their work is of great importance. Their work makes a significant contribution to ensuring health in hospitals.
      Many of the cleaning staff have a migrant background, which can lead to difficulties in understanding and knowledge deficits that can result in incorrect procedures and thus endanger themselves and others.
      An extensive multilingual survey was conducted among cleaning staff in NRW clinics, as well as observations of activities under practical conditions. Behavioral aspects, work requirements, (protective) equipment and available knowledge on safety and hygiene were analyzed as factors influencing potential hazards:
      (1) Are the cleaning staff aware of the potential risks in their work?
      (2) Are the cleaning staff sensitized through training and able to act, e.g. in the event of a cannula injury?
      (3) How are hygiene standards and occupational health and safety implemented, especially when there is a lack of time or staff?
      A summary of the results can be downloaded here:

      Summary of the results


      Resource efficiency in building operation through user integration and automation
      Universities have a role model function with regard to saving resources and the task of acting as social multipliers and developing transferable models. The building sector accounts for 40% of the EU's total energy demand, with public buildings making up around a third of this. Although the savings potential of building measures is considerable, it is usually cost-intensive and cannot be realized in the short term, and is often linked to correspondingly optimized usage behavior.
      The focus of this project is therefore on low-investment measures based on an assessment of the building technology and environmental psychological surveys and interventions that take into account the specific usage patterns of numerous different user groups and their general conditions.

      Evaluation MIGEMA

      ....Modern personnel management in transport companies
      The MIGEMA project of the VDV Academy Cologne for the organizational development of transport companies was accompanied internally by our institute and finally evaluated. MIGEMA dealt with the topics of leadership at a distance, leadership in large management spans and leadership in part-time under the aspects of employee involvement, support and resource orientation in the transport service. The project was rated very positively by the participating companies. Shifting values and changing expectations make it necessary to adapt leadership behavior again and again.

      AI for learning assistance systems

      Accompanying evaluation on behalf of RWTH (6 2021 - 11 2023)

      The KI-LIAS project researches and develops AI assistance applications in manufacturing companies that promote learning - from the acceptance-based application decision to the development, introduction to and use of the AI tools.

      Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter from the A.U.G.E. Institute at The Hochschule Niederrhein is responsible for the external formative evaluation, in accordance with the quality guidelines of the BMAS funding program "New Quality of Work". The feedback impulses in the course of the project focus on the acceptance of employees in human-machine interaction.

      CSR, digitalization, AOW psychology

      Book contribution in the Handbook of Business Ethics
      Eigenstetter, Monika (2021). Values in companies. In: M. Aßländer (ed.), Handbook of Business Ethics (pp. 218-228), Stuttgart: Metzler.

      Online article on CSR-News - Responsibility does not end at the factory gate
      Eigenstetter, Monika & Langhorst, Nadine (2021). Human rights in the textile value chain, responsibility does not end at the factory gate

      Technical paper: CSR in textile finishing
      Eigenstetter, M., Lempa, E., Voller, R., Corporate Social Responsibility - Challenges for finishing in: Trendbook Technical Textiles 2020 (pp. 74-76). Deutscher Fachverlag dfv Media Group

      + + + + +

      VDI Trade Media: Smart Maintenance Study

      Industrial maintenance is becoming a smart service 4.0 through process assistance and automation, digital controls and adaptation to smart forms of production. Prof. Dr. Katja Gutsche from Furtwangen University and Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter examined the effects on people, working conditions and the relationship between people and technology in the context of work management. The study was published in peer-reviewed form by VDI Fachmedien Düsseldorf:
      Gutsche, Katja; Eigenstetter, Monika (2019). Service productivity in smart production, humans and automation in industrial maintenance; wt Werkstattstechnik online, 7/8 2019, pp. 514-521.

      Occupational science publications

      Prof. Dr. Thomas Langhoff, occupational scientist at the Department of Industrial Engineering, is an expert in age-appropriate work design and prevention in night and shift work.

      Current specialist articles 2022 as PDF for download
      Pilot project in the rescue service of the Cologne fire department
      From 12-hour duty, introduced to the rescue service in 2009, back to 24-hour shifts. Thomas Langhoff, Christian Miller, Daniel Richmann (2022), Health protection and shift length with rising deployment figures in: Good Work 10/2022, pp.25-30, Frankfurt/Main: BUND Verlag.
      Typical deficits in occupational health and safety organization
      Implementation problems with company agreements on risk assessment, such as inadequate occupational health and safety organization, which must be dealt with additionally, are avoidable! Thomas Langhoff, Rolf Satzer in: Good Work 12/2022, p.17ff

      MINTcoach poster at the DGPs Congress


      The MINTcoach app: getting girls interested in MINT

      At the 51st DGPs Congress (German Psychological Society) in Frankfurt am Main, Dr. habil. Britta Oerke, research associate at A.U.G.E., presented a poster on the MINTcoach project. The focus was on the motivation and self-assessment of girls on STEM topics and how the MINTcoach app can sponsor this from a psychological perspective.

      The team led by educational researcher Dr. Britta Oerke and Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter designed playful STEM tasks with an exciting storyline to arouse curiosity, encourage independent solutions and spur on further challenges.

      The theoretical foundation course of the gender didactic interventions was summarized in an interim report, which was published on the portal of the nationwide network "Komm mach MINT".

      Conference contribution to the 32nd EnviroInf

      Conference contribution to the 32nd EnviroInfo on the MINTcoach project

      At the 32nd EnviroInfo at the Leibniz Supercomputing Center Garching near Munich, the MINTcoach team presented technical and content-related aspects of the development of the MINTcoach app, which implements gender didactic interventions for pupils in the 7th grade.

      The article "Sustainability through Digital Behavioral Interventions" has now been published in the conference proceedings "Techniques and Trends. Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd EnviroInfo conference" (ed. Bungartz, Kranzlmüller, Weinberg, Weismüller, Wohlgemuth; Environmental Informatics, Munich, 2018, pages 11-16).The authors are Simone Blank, Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter, Andreas Filler, Achim Guldner, Yasmin Juncker, Prof. Dr. Stefan Naumann, Dr. Britta Oerke and Prof. Dr. Gisela Sparmann


      Technical article BGW project HYGRE

      Occupational health and safety for cleaning staff in hospitals is a high priority for cleaning companies and departments, as coordinated cleaning and cleaning aids and protective equipment are the foundation course for good working conditions on site and patient safety. The HYGRE project, sponsored by the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the health and welfare services, analyzed further hygiene-relevant aspects of cleaning and disinfection activities as part of a systematic survey comparing service providers and hospitals as internal employers.

      The research team led by Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter with Leon Galushko, Ekaterina Jäger, Stefanie Olesch and Adam Blaszk found a need for systematic training and targeted knowledge transfer about hazards and the importance of instructions and label symbols, especially in the case of language barriers and time pressure, as well as collegial and professional recognition and support from other professional groups in the hospital.

      The study was published in peer-reviewed form in the Zeitschrift für medizinische Prävention ASU Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin No. 53, pp. 256-263 and is also available online. Interesting facts about the project and a summary of the study results can be found under "Completed projects".

      HYGRE technical article

      Publications from the field of labor science

      Prevention of mental stress in shift work
      Prof. Dr. Thomas Langhoff, occupational scientist in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, is an expert in the assessment of mental stress and effective prevention within work processes and organizational structures. Prevention is also at the forefront of shift work, the subject of two publications from 2019:
      Langhoff, Thomas (2019). This is how mental stress is assessed, in: Good Work 6/2019, p.20ff
      Langhoff, Thomas; Satzer, Rolf; Richter, Marius (2019). Health burdens due to shift work, Z.Arb.Wiss (73), 4/2019, pp. 465-473, https://doi.org/10.1007/s41449-019-00153-2 (peer reviewed)

      Flexible working hours and shift work
      The greater flexibility demanded by companies often means an expansion of existing highly flexible working time and shift planning systems with additional peak loads due to overtime. The aspects of ergonomics and health promotion tend to take a back seat in times of economic boom. Prof. Dr. Thomas Langhoff, occupational scientist in the industrial engineering department at The Hochschule Niederrhein, and Rolf Satzer, psychologist, analyze the influencing factors, effects and control options of work design and refer to Section 5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, according to which works councils can initiate an "event-related assessment of physical and mental stress" (Good Work, issue 7-8/2018).

      Integration of shift work into the risk assessment
      Thomas Langhoff and Rolf Satzer explain how shift work should be taken into account in a holistic risk assessment in their new article in the magazine "sicher ist sicher" (69th year, issue 4/18, pp. 175-177, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin).

      Demography-friendlyknowledge management
      The need for practicable and socially acceptable options for older employees in technologically changing companies is still highly topical 10 years after the public funding phase for demography projects: the book article "Demography tools for companies" by Ulrike Weber and Prof. Dr. Thomas Langhoff shows examples of good practice on how to reconcile the requirements of people and companies, mitigate points of friction and make optimum use of resources. The book can be found on pages 587-599 of the expert anthology "Neue Entwicklungen in der Unternehmensorganisation" (VDI book published by Springer-Vieweg in Berlin, editors D. Spath, E. Westkämper, H.-J. Bullinger, H.-J. Warnecke), which was published at the end of 2017.

      Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter, FB 07

      AOW psychology in practical application

      AI - employee participation and qualification
      Eigenstetter, M. (2021). Work psychology perspectives: Designing a sponsoring work environment through employee participation and qualification.
      In: Artificial intelligence. Law and practice of automated and autonomous systems, K. J. Chibanguza, C. Kuss, H. Steege (Baden-Baden: Nomos)

      Workshop contributions Psychology of Occupational Safety and Health
      Eigenstetter, M. (2021). Gender-specific hazards: A Neglect in Occupational Safety and Health
      Atmoko Benedictus, R. (2021). Factors of Religion on Safety Behavior in the Context of Indonesia
      In: 21st Workshop Psychology of Occupational Safety and Health: Preventing Violence at Work and Shaping the Future to Promote Health! Eds: R. Trimpop, A. Fischbach, A. Große-Jäger (Kröning: Asanger)

      AOW Study 2015
      What activities do occupational, organizationaland business psychologists perform in different industries? What skills do they need and how do they assess the future demand for AOW psychologists? Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter, Head of the A.U.G.E. Institute and an expert in occupational science at the Faculty of Textiles, conducted a study on these questions. Click here for the presentation of the study results.

      Prof. Dr. Thomas Langhoff, FB 09

      Work and ageing - 20 years of research and practice
      Langhoff, Thomas (2021). Arbeitsgestaltung im demografischen Wandel - Bilanzierung des Fortschritts von 1999 bis 2019, in: G. Richter (ed.) Arbeit und Altern - Eine Bilanz nach 20 Jahren Forschung und Praxis, (pp.41-60), Baden-Baden: Nomos and Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA). To the BAuA website

      Expert opinion: Prevention of shift work and night work
      Langhoff, Thomas (2021). Health protection and night work in: Good Work 10/2021, p.15ff, Frankfurt am Main: BUND Verlag.

      Kohte, Wolfhard; Langhoff, Thomas; Satzer, Rolf (2020). Expert opinion on labor scient. Erkenntnissen zu Nachtarbeit und Nachtschichtarbeit (Tarifrecht, Zuschlagsregelung); Frankfurt am Main: BUND-Verlag

      Shift work: prevention of mental stress

      Prof. Dr. Thomas Langhoff is an expert in the assessment of mental stress and effective prevention in work processes and organizational structures. Prevention is also at the forefront of shift work.

      The greater flexibility demanded by companies often means an expansion of existing highly flexible shift planning systems with additional peak loads due to overtime. Ergonomics and health promotion take a back seat during periods of economic boom. A scientifically based work design prevents stress and damage. Works councils can "initiate event-related assessments of physical and mental stress in accordance with Section 5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Good Work, issue 7-8/2018).

      More on the topic of shift work and mental stress:

      Langhoff, Thomas; Satzer, Rolf; Richter, Marius (2019). Health burdens due to shift work, Z.Arb.Wiss (73), 4/2019, pp. 465-473, https://doi.org/10.1007/s41449-019-00153-2 (peer reviewed)

      Langhoff, Thomas; Satzer, Rolf (2018).
      Integration of shift work into the risk assessment
      sicher ist sicher, 69. Jg, 4/18, S. 175-177, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin

      Long-term study: Night work as a health risk

      Thomas Langhoff, Professor of Ergonomics and Human Resources at The Hochschule Niederrhein, presented a study on shift work together with Roman Zitzelsberger, District Manager of IG Metall in Baden-Württemberg, which involved more than 2,500 employees:

      Due to evolution, people's active phases are adapted to the light hours of the day. As a result, the quality of sleep is much higher in the dark, allowing the body to regenerate more fully at night than during daytime sleep. If night shifts cannot be avoided for organizational reasons, blocks of max. 2-3 night shifts alternating with longer day shifts and shifts off are recommended. Early shifts should not start before 6 am. In the case of artificial lighting, the light spectrum is decisive for the health effects - where possible, lighting that corresponds to daylight should be used. In order to avoid stressing the metabolism programmed for night-time rest during the night shift, employees should be provided with healthy and light hot meals as an energy supply, as they cannot afford to prepare them themselves.

      Press report

      Measuring/assessing mental stress

      Langhoff, Thomas (2020). Burnout and mental stress, in: Good work 2/2020, p. 29ff

      Langhoff, Thomas (2020). Some comments on the article "GBU Psyche - Which instruments are permissible?", in: Sicherheitsingenieur, 51. Jahrgang, Heft 11/20, p. 39

      Langhoff, Thomas (2019). This is how mental stress is assessed, in: Good work 6/2019, p.20ff

      Demographic-oriented knowledge management

      The need for practicable and socially acceptable options for older employees in technologically changing companies is still highly topical 10 years after the public funding phase for demography projects: the book contribution "Demography tools for companies" by Ulrike Weber and Prof. Dr. Thomas Langhoff shows examples of good practice on how the requirements of people and companies can be reconciled, points of friction mitigated and resources optimally used. The book can be found on pages 587-599 of the expert anthology "Neue Entwicklungen in der Unternehmensorganisation" (VDI book published by Springer-Vieweg in Berlin, editors D. Spath, E. Westkämper, H.-J. Bullinger, H.-J. Warnecke), which was published at the end of 2017.

      Institute management

      Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter
      Industrial Psychology CSR Management Head of A.U.G.E. Institute Head of EthNa Competence Centre CSR Head of study program


      Prof. Dr. habil. Thomas Langhoff
      Labor science and human resources


      Instrumental and chemical analysis


      Prof. Dr. habil. Thomas Langhoff
      Labor science and human resources


      Instrumental and chemical analysis

      Academic staff

      Thomas Max Patalas, M.A.
      Academic staff A.U.G.E. Project KIRaPol.5G
      Aslihan Memisoglu, M.Sc.
      research associate, A.U.G.E Project EnaTex
      Julia Kühne, B.Sc.
      A.U.G.E. Institute, EnaTex Project, CSR Management
      Ikram El Moussaoui
      Projekt Smint, A.U.G.E
      Dipl.-Ges.- Ök Paskalia Mpairaktari
      A.U.G.E. Projekt Competentia
      Design and Plastics Engineering

      We are here for you

      A.U.G.E. Institute of The Hochschule Niederrhein
      Postal address Reinarzstraße 49, 47805 Krefeld
      Phone +49 (0)2161 186-6635
      E-mail auge@hs-niederrhein.de

      Location Site plan Campus MG
      Faculty 07 Textiles and Clothing
      Rheydter Straße 188, 41065 Mönchengladbach
      Building U, Rooms U119 - U121

      Signpost VRR regional transport plan
      By train to Mönchengladbach Hbf or Rheydt Hbf
      Bus 001, 002 or SB1 to the "Hochschule" stop
      Bus 019, 097 or SB4 to the "Webschulstraße" stop


      Basi (A+A Trade Fair & Congress)

      Federal Working Group for Safety and Health at Work
      75 organizations and institutions work together in the Basi to improve safety and health in the world of work. It organizes the international congress on occupational safety and health (A+A) in Düsseldorf.


      Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V.
      The GfA sees itself as a platform for the exchange between science and practice for the promotion of applied ergonomics and organizes the annual GfA Spring Congress.


      Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie e.V.
      The DGPs is an association of psychologists working in research and teaching education. Over 5,000 members research human experience and behavior, publish, teach and take a stand in universities, research, politics and everyday life.

      FV PASiG e.V.

      Professional Association of Psychology for Occupational Safety and Health e.V.
      In dialog with practitioners, association stakeholders and scientists, the association generates expert knowledge for practical application in the workplace and inspiration from science for innovative solutions to problems. Scientifically proven methods, instruments and measures with a practical emphasis / orientation support prevention and workplace health promotion in large companies, small businesses and public authorities.


      Gesellschaft für angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie e.V.
      The GWPs promotes applied and problem-solving-oriented business psychology at universities of applied sciences, with a focus on the "human factor" in and around business organizations.


      German Network for Workplace Health Promotion
      The DNBGF networks, promotes and disseminates the knowledge base for workplace health promotion in Germany.
