Tailor-made STEM programs for children and young people in the Middle Lower Rhine region
Promoting young talent in STEM subjects at an early stage is of great importance for Germany as a business location. Choosing a STEM profession opens up professional and social opportunities for young people. Supporting children and young people with structural disadvantages due to their background, such as poverty or a migration background, is an important building block for the further development of the Middle Lower Rhine region.
The cities of Mönchengladbach and Krefeld and the district of Viersen want to work with the regional agency, the zdi centers (Zukunft durch Innovation.NRW) and The Hochschule Niederrhein to expand and optimize the support structures for extracurricular STEM activities in order to arouse the interest of children and young people in STEM professions and to attract multipliers in the cultural and youth centers close to their homes.
The diverse local STEM offerings in the youth education sector will be systematically coordinated with a view to the local labor market and a quality assurance concept will be developed along the education chain. New access routes for young people, parents and multipliers are intended to increase the visibility and attractiveness of STEM offerings and break down structural barriers. The project network promotes culturally sensitive, gender-inclusive didactics and cooperation in the region.
The Hochschule Niederrhein's MakerSpace and Student Advice actively contribute to the project through STEM orientation programs and are happy to welcome interested students on taster days and vacation courses!
Cluster partners
- City of Mönchengladbach
- City of Krefeld, Zentrum für digitale Lernwelten (ZfdL)
- KReMINTec e.V. Krefeld
- WFMG, zdi-Zentrum Mönchengladbach
- Regionalagentur Mittlerer Niederrhein
- Hochschule Niederrhein/University of Applied Sciences
Project coordination Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter, A.U.G.E.
Instagram mint.in.mind
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/mint-in-mind/
Project duration 01.12.2020 to 30.11.2023
Funding reference 16MCJ1012A
Currently funded STEM clusters 53 cluster networks nationwide
Information on the BMBF call for proposals STEM educationfor young people