CC eHealth

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

eHealth is an important pillar of Health Care

Changing framework and competitive conditions pose major challenges for all stakeholders. The use of innovative information and communication technologies (ICT) enables new forms of inter- and intra-organizational cooperation and process organization.

The activities of the Competence Center eHealth (CCeHealth) focus on the efficient networking of stakeholders. The CCeHealth focuses on both scientific analysis and the development of innovative technical solutions.

We offer a network of eHealth experts and a scientific platform for the exchange of information. This provides the basis for the cooperative development of innovative telemedical solution concepts.

We carry out research and development (R&D) projects and are available as a specialist contact for questions relating to eHealth.

Teaching activities and blended learning at The Hochschule Niederrhein, renowned universities and private teaching institutions promote the interdisciplinary mindset of our students and make them attractive employees for the healthcare industry.


The Hochschule Niederrhein's Competence Center eHealth (CCeHealth) was founded in May 2014 as a competence center. This has succeeded in establishing the eHealth research specialization in Faculty 10 and the Competence Center eHealth Ruhr (Ruhr University Bochum) as a permanent fixture in the eHealth community - both nationally and internationally. The synergies of these two pillars of the new CCeHealth offer the potential of a successful research focus at The Hochschule Niederrhein.

CCeHealth provides the framework for interdisciplinary research and an intensive exchange between science and practice with a focus on IT-supported systems, processes and forms of cooperation in Health Care.


The healthcare industry is an important pillar of structural change in NRW, particularly in the Rhine-Ruhr region, but also in the context of national and European strategies for the future. The changing framework and competitive conditions pose major challenges for service providers. The use of innovative information and communication technologies enables new forms of inter- and intra-organizational cooperation and process organization. Unfortunately, it can be observed that existing potential is often insufficiently utilized.

The activities of the Competence Center eHealth (CCeHealth) focus on the existing gaps in implementation potential. This involves both scientific analysis and the development of innovative solutions in cooperation with the relevant stakeholders. The CCeHealth offers a scientific platform for the exchange of information and networking as well as the basis for the cooperative development of future-oriented solution concepts.

The activities are embedded in selected research and teaching activities at The Hochschule Niederrhein in cooperation with Ruhr-Universität Bochum and the University of Duisburg-Essen in order to promote interdisciplinary ways of thinking and prepare students for the healthcare industry as a possible future working environment.


Against the background of the efficient and targeted use of IT in Health Care as an important success factor for the players and on the basis of the skills and project experience of the competence centre's employees, the following work priorities were defined:

  • eSupply and eCommerce
  • Intersectoral networking in Health Care
  • Support for stakeholders in process and IT networking
  • Interoperability and semantics
  • Development, selection, maintenance and use of IT standards in Health Care
  • Hospital engineering Sustainable redesign of the overall hospital system and innovative forms of care
  • Medical IT Design and analysis of information systems in Health Care and use of Business Intelligence in Health Care
  • Medical process engineering, analysis and improvement of administrative processes and integrated treatment paths
  • IT security in Health Care Establishment of standard-compliant IT security engineering
  • Drug therapy safety

CCeHealth promotes cooperation with companies, healthcare networks, administrations and research facilities in various forms. These include, for example, specific research assignments and projects or cooperation projects in teaching education in the form of internships, student projects and student assignments.

  • Participation and co-organization of public lectures, workshops and topic-focused expert panels
  • Participation in national and international standardization committees
  • Cooperation projects in teaching education in the form of internships, student projects and student assignments
  • Research and practical collaborations with application-oriented goals and tasks
  • Designing and applying for funded research projects and competitions
  • Conducting empirical studies, market overviews and product comparisons
  • Training and sensitization of employees in companies


Cooperation partner industry:

  • CompuGroup Medical
  • exceet Secure Solutions AG

Collaboration on the following projects:

  • OpenMedicine H2020
  • eStandards H2020
  • Introduction to the supra-regional live operation of an electronic reporting procedure for the transmission of notifiable diseases and pathogens from laboratories to the responsible health authorities - Semantic coding
  • Scientific evaluation of health APPS using MARKOV modeling


Process Management in Health Care
Technical Systems, Operational Organization and Logistics in Health Care Facilities
Health Informatics (System Integration)
Digital Health