Competence Center Microbiology and Biotechnology

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Competence Center Microbiology and Biotechnology

"Microbiology and Food Hygiene" deals with the occurrence and behavior of microorganisms in food and animal feed. The CCMB investigates the production chain from agricultural production to the consumer.

Key issues are, for example, the contamination and microbial spoilage of food as well as food-borne infections and microbial intoxications. The Hochschule Niederrhein is headed by Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander Prange. The Department of Biotechnology is mainly represented at the CCMB by Prof. Dr. Uta Bergstedt and Prof. Dr. Anna Nickisch-Hartfiel in the Faculty of Chemistry.

The CCMB is already successfully carrying out collaborative and industrial projects and intends to tackle further projects in the fields of microbiology, hygiene, biotechnology, speciation analysis and bioprocess engineering.

In addition to universities in Germany and abroad, numerous companies are already cooperating with The Hochschule Niederrhein in this field. It is no coincidence that microbiology is an economically lucrative technology of the future. The students also expect great professional advantages from application-oriented teaching education in the Bachelor's area and additional research in the Master's degree programme. After completing their degree, they will be well equipped to enter the world of microbiology.
