Digital first responders
Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens
at the IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein
Further information can be found here
The logistics sector as a critical infrastructure according to the IT Security Act
Treibert, René
At the logistics forum of BVL and LOG4MG
Further information can be found here
Innovative business models in the transportation of dangerous goods
Sluiters, Kai
At the BVL and LOG4MG logistics forum
Further information can be found here
IT security in critical infrastructures
Schütz, Philipp
In the IT Security in Critical Infrastructures forum at the German Congress for IT and Cyber Security in Government and Administration
Further information can be found here
IT security - is it really that important?
Krings, Sebastian
Lecture as part of the event Table Talk and more.
Clavis - Kompetenzzentrum für Informationssicherheit der Hochschule Niederrhein: An overview and comparison of the NIS Directive within the EU with a focus on operators of critical infrastructures
Schütz, Philipp
Lecture at the 16th German IT Security Congress
The new GDPR...What's the best way?
Krings, Sebastian
Lecture at the annual general meeting of the VAFA - Verband Automatenfachaufsteller e.V.
Cybersecurity in mechanical engineering - opportunities for cooperation with the HS Niederrhein
Schütz, Philipp
Lecture as part of the MaschBau Innovation Night
IT security in SMEs for the target group "Executive Board, Management"
Treibert, René; Schütz, Philipp; Sluiters, Kai; Steffens, Bernhard; Kopowski, Jaroslaw
As part of an information event for members of the support association
Typical attack scenarios & defense mechanisms
Steffens, Bernhard
As part of the Resilience and Vulnerability lecture series at the University of Wuppertal
The "social engineering" attack method - creating cyber resilience through awareness-raising
Sluiters, Kai
As part of the lecture series Resilience and Vulnerability at the University of Wuppertal.
Information security in critical infrastructures
Schütz, Philip
As part of the lecture series Resilience and Vulnerability at the University of Wuppertal
The vulnerability of our modern society in digital structures - a showcase with a "Facebook hack".
Steffens, Bernhard; Schütz, Philipp
As part of a festive event for the 20th anniversary of Café Philosophique e.V., Düsseldorf.
The human risk factor in information security - information leakage through social engineering and countermeasures
Sluiters, Kai
As part of the "Award of Excellence - Prize for the best graduate in 2017" sponsored by Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co KG, in cooperation with the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach.
Further information can be found here
Simple mechanisms for the security of web applications in SMEs taking into account personnel structures
Brell, Claus; Steffens, Bernhard
Within the 4th Research Day IT Security NRW, Hagen.
The attack method of "social engineering" and countermeasures
Sluiters, Kai
IT security in SMEs for the target group of IT security personnel. Day event organized by Clavis - Competence Centre for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach.
Lecture 1: Threats to information security for organizations
Lecture 2: Norms, standards and laws on information security
Schütz, Philipp
IT security in SMEs for the target group of IT security personnel. Day event organized by Clavis - competence centre for information security at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach.
The attack method of "social engineering" as a threat to your company
Sluiters, Kai
IT security in SMEs for the management target group
Day event organized by Clavis - Competence Centre for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach.
Lecture 1: Threats to information security for organizations
Lecture 2: Norms, standards and laws on information security
Schütz, Philipp
IT security in SMEs for the management target group
Day event organized by Clavis - Competence Centre for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach.
The human risk factor in information security - information leakage through social engineering
Sluiters, Kai
Guest lecture in the student module "Vulnerability and Resilience Analysis" at the University of Wuppertal
Information leakage through social engineering - A threat to critical infrastructures
Sluiters, Kai
Constituent meeting of the Critical Infrastructures Working Group of the Chair of Safety Engineering Methods and Accident Research and Clavis - Competence Centre for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach
Resilience, quo vadis? - Information security in KRITIS
Schütz, Philipp
Constituent meeting of the Critical Infrastructures Working Group of the Chair of Safety Engineering Methods and Accident Research and Clavis - Competence Centre for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach
Risk management in the discipline of "information security". Regulatory-induced requirements for operators of critical infrastructures (especially the energy sector)
Schütz, Philipp
Guest lecture in the student module "Vulnerability and Resilience Analysis" at the University of Wuppertal
Introduction to ISMS in the energy industry
Treibert, René; Schütz, Philipp
As part of a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. (Funding reference: 16OH21010), The Hochschule Niederrhein, Krefeld
Introduction to ISMS in the energy industry
Treibert, René; Schütz Philipp
As part of a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. (Funding reference: 16OH21010), The Hochschule Niederrhein, Krefeld
The threat of social engineering - forms of attack, methods & countermeasures
Sluiters, Kai
As part of a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Further information can be found here
Concept for the implementation of regulatory requirements and standards of the IT Security Act and ISO/IEC 27001 for KRITIS operators - using the example of the energy industry
Schütz, Philipp
As part of the "Award of Excellence - Prize for the best graduate in 2015" sponsored by Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG, in cooperation with the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach.
Further information can be found here
Maturity levels of information technology security in the KRITIS sectors of energy and medical care - increasing resilience through modeling
Schütz, Philipp; von Uechtritz and Steinkirch, Michael
Within the 3rd Research Day IT Security NRW, Gelsenkirchen
Further information can be found here
Introduction to ISMS for organizations
Treibert, René; Schütz, Philipp
As part of the certificate course "IT-Security - Advanced course for managers with IT responsibility" funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (funding code: 16OH21010), Hochschule Niederrhein, Krefeld.
Information security in the energy industry
Treibert, René
Within the 2nd Research Day IT Security NRW