Institute for Information Security

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

(Kopie 7)

Dean Information Security and Cybercrime, in particular Critical Infrastructure Protection Head of Clavis - Institute for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein Member of the management team of the CMC MG

Cyber Management Campus MG / Clavis

Welcome to Clavis

Dear Sir or Madam,

Due to courses, the immediate availability of Clavis and Prof. Dr. Treibert by telephone is not guaranteed.
Please contact Clavis at the e-mail address clavis(at) and Prof. Dr. Treibert at the e-mail address rene.treibert(at), stating your telephone number. As a rule, we will call you back / contact you at very short notice.
Thank you for your understanding.

The Clavis team and Prof. Dr. Treibert.


Compliant data protection and perfect data security, no risk from hackers or espionage attacks/software. An appropriate level of information security and the protection of mobile end devices have been declared standard. Our strategic goal is therefore to support our partners in the region in particular:

Application-oriented research to ensure and increase the information security of organizations in the Middle Lower Rhine region.

The Hochschule Niederrhein's Clavis Institute for Information Security sees itself as a regional link between industry, other researchers and teaching education. The Latin term "clavis" means "key" and thus characterizes the topic of information security through encryption on the one hand and symbolizes the access of regional industry to The Hochschule Niederrhein on the other.

The inter- and transdisciplinary institute brings together experts from industry and the faculties of The Hochschule Niederrhein:

  • FB 03 - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and
  • FB 08 - Business Administration and Economics

In this way, information security is viewed from various scientific perspectives.

The Institute for Information Security aims to become a central point of contact for regional industry when it comes to cyber security. In addition, the university is to achieve accredited partner status for the awarding of certifications in the field of information security (e.g. for the ISO/IEC 27000 series). We assume that there will be a similar cascading need for certification in the industry as there is for ISO 9001 for quality management.

Head of the Institute

Dean Information Security and Cybercrime, in particular Critical Infrastructure Protection Head of Clavis - Institute for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein Member of the management team of the CMC MG

Cyber Management Campus MG / Clavis

Information Security Awareness


Security aspects in IoT applications

Alliance for Cyber Security (ACS)

Gamification - information security awareness through playful aspects

BSI Cyber Security Network (CSN)

Cyber defense

Resilience of critical infrastructures (KRITIS)

ISM systems and B3S in KRITIS ISO/IEC 27001, 27019, and KH B35, WA/AW B 35

BCM systems and emergency planning for KRITIS ISO 22301 and BSI 200-4

Web application security

Web browser security secure web development

Cyber defense models and CERT OT

ISM systems and vulnerability analysis in ICT

IDS du systems for attack detection (SIEM)

Cyber Security Research in IT & OT

ISM systems and B3S in KRITIS ISO/IEC 27001, 27019, and KH B35, WA/AW B 35

IDS du systems for attack detection (SIEM)

Security IT systems clinical environment

Security IT systems in the clinical environment

The domain of information security has been gaining in importance for years, both from a social and organizational perspective. It can be described as one of the central topics of the information society of the 21st century. The spectacular attacks on critical infrastructures, private individuals and our modern society, with the associated IoT, connectivity, Industry 4.0, cyber-physical systems (CPS), artificial intelligence (AI) and smart grid, have highlighted the fragility and existing vulnerability of our systems and the urgent need to devote more attention to security tasks through interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research.

Our focus is on the following research and transfer activities:


We support operators of critical infrastructures with the introduction to
information security management systems (ISMS) based on the international DIN ISO/IEC 27001 standard.

Companies and public clients are important project partners for Clavis. The practicality of the jointly developed solutions is ensured through cooperative collaboration with our project partners. Clavis offers support in the following areas in particular:

  • Design and implementation of an information technology gap analysis based on ISO/IEC 27001 for IT security situational awareness
  • Initial implementation of ISM systems on the native basis of ISO/IEC 27001 for data center operators
  • Initial implementation of ISM systems based on DIN ISO/IEC 27001, 27002, 27019 and the IT security catalog of the BNetzA in accordance with §§ 11 para. 1 (a) and (b) EnWG
  • Initial implementation of B3S WA in the drinking water supply to fulfill § 8 a (3) BESIG
  • Initial implementation of B3S KH in the area of "inpatient care" in the Health Care sector
  • Initial implementation of ISM systems based on the IT baseline protection compendium
  • KRITIS support concepts and projects for the successful implementation of surveillance audits and re-certifications
  • Conducting audits, including second party audits "supplier audits" for KRITIS

Research (accompanying research):

  • Information Security Awareness
  • Web application security
  • Resilience in critical infrastructures (KRITIS)
  • Cyber defense models and CERT OT
  • Cyber Security Research in IT & OT
  • Security of IT systems in the clinical environment

    Networking of stakeholders from research and industry:

    The Critical Infrastructures Working Group links scientists from different faculties with experts from industry.

    Information technology ecosystems:

    Through regular events and keynote speeches, including as part of the BSI's European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM) and the Cyber Management Campus Mönchengladbach, regional organizations are to be provided with proactive, reactive and quality-improving measures and mechanisms or further legislative information and implementation aids on IT-SiG 2.0 or EU-DSGVO.

      More News


      BSI honors two doctoral students with "Best Student Award"

      Asiye Öztürk and Erfan Koza, doctoral students and academic staff at the Institute for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein CLAVIS, have been distinguished with the "Best Student Award" by the President of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) for their contribution at the 18th German IT Security Congress.

      The German IT Security Congress is the largest national congress where representatives from the federal government, state governments, business and industry as well as renowned scientific institutions come together annually to define and discuss the state of the art in terms of increasing the resilience of IT systems and to set the course for future multidisciplinary research activities in the field of information security.

      To the press release



      Prof. Dr. Marcus Niemietz receives the "Best Paper Award"

      Prof. Dr. Marcus Niemietz from the Institute for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein Clavis was awarded the "Best Paper Award" together with researchers from Ruhr-Universität Bochum. The "ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security" (CCS), which makes a significant contribution to IT security, selected the publication " From a Formal Model to the Automatic Evaluation of Cross-Site Leaks in Web Browsers". The CCS has a very high international standing alongside other conferences in IT security research.

      To the press release

      To the paper



      State government supports cybersecurity degree programmes with six million euros

      New cybersecurity programs to be set up at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg and Niederrhein universities

      With the support of the Ministry of Culture and Science, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and The Hochschule Niederrhein are launching the pilot phase of the "Cyber Campus North Rhine-Westphalia" project. The two universities plan to offer degree programs on cybersecurity, cybercrime and digital transformation for the first time from the 2020/2021 winter semester. The Ministry of Culture and Science is providing The Hochschule Niederrhein and Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences with a total of more than six million euros for the pilot phase until the end of 2023, which the universities can use to set up the degree programmes. The universities are each planning to establish up to five additional professorships and create 250 study places.

      More information



      Minister honors Cyber Security Campus NRW

      Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen, Minister of Culture and Science of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, today paid tribute to the Cyber Security Campus NRW being established in Bonn and Mönchengladbach in the state parliament. This is an important pilot project...
      Further information can be found here.


      New Cyber Security Management degree programme

      The Hochschule Niederrhein is launching a new "Cyber Security Management" degree programme in the 2020/21 winter semester. This is the university's response to the increasing demand for IT specialists who are responsible for digital security in public institutions and companies. The Hochschule Niederrhein and Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences have jointly founded the new programs as part of the new Cyber Campus NRW. The pilot project is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science with a total of more than six million euros.

      Further information can be found here.


      Invitation to the event Information Security Management in Clinics

      Experts from information security practice and research will be speaking on November 7 in Mönchengladbach about current and future requirements and solutions for secure clinics. The event is aimed at decision-makers in hospitals. Further information is available here



      The CPS Lab MG 4.0 is now taking off.

      We are convinced that we have created a medium with the pupils' lab, which on the one hand represents a great direct benefit for the pupils because they learn important foundation courses in IT security. On the other hand, it gives pupils a practical insight into STEM degree programs and areas of application.

      Pupils from Mönchengladbach can now register for the free 90-minute courses via their schools. These are offered in cooperation with the zdi Center MG, Mönchengladbach Economic Development Agency, CLAVIS Institute for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein and with funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2014-2020.

      The CPS Lab MG 4.0 is divided into two phases. The first phase addresses the topic of information security. Here, pupils are sensitized to the dangers of the Internet and learn how hackers operate using typical attack scenarios. The pupils are also allowed to try out and participate in a secure environment.

      The second phase is designed to introduce pupils to the world of cyber-physical systems. Cyber-physical systems: This means the combination of programmable software components with mechanical and electronic parts that communicate via a data infrastructure, such as the Internet. In two to three active courses, students will be taught basic knowledge in the field of PLC programming (programmable logic controller) using Industry 4.0 components from Festo Didactics. In this way, pupils can learn about the same technologies that are used in industry and gain an insight into what they can expect in their future careers.

      Interested schools should contact the Institute for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein at the e-mail address guido.wolf(at) Appointments will be made by arrangement with the responsible teaching education staff at the schools.



      The Hochschule Niederrhein and IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein continue their cooperation.

      The Hochschule Niederrhein and the IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein are extending their cooperation between business and science with the aim of increasing the transfer of technology and knowledge. The IT security center Clavis is also to become active in the field of digitalization and establish an IT security pilot in cooperation with the IHK.

      Further information can be found here.


      Sponsorship award for contribution to social engineering

      Our academic staff member Kai Sluiters has been awarded the Alfred Kärcher Gmbh & Co KG sponsorship prize.

      Read more here.

      Upcoming events

      Regional Forum CSN Lower Rhine

      The Regional Forum Cyber Security Network Lower Rhine will meet on Monday, December 9, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Cyber Management Campus Mönchengladbach, Monforts Quartier, Schwalmstr. 301, 41238 Mönchengladbach.

      "Both companies and helpers should be given the opportunity to train, exchange ideas and network in a secure environment to deal with IT security incidents," comments Matthias Mehrtens, Professor of Cyber Security Management at Hochschule Niederrhein.

      This time, the topic will include "The changing AI security paradigm".

      Please register informally by e-mail to britta.benning(at)

      The Cyber Management Campus in Mönchengladbach, supported by the Faculties of Business Administration and Economics and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Hochschule Niederrhein and located in the Monforts Quartier, offers special degree programmes in the field of cyber security.

      The following courses are available:


      We offer certificate courses as part of continuing education for professionals:

      ISMS Lead Auditor according to ISO/IEC 27001

      to become an IT security officer


      Further information can be found here.

      The Hochschule Niederrhein is also a recognized training provider of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and offers the following continuing education courses:

      Incident Practitioner of the Cyber Security Network

      CSN incident expert - official BSI advanced training course

      IT baseline protection basic training to become an IT baseline protection practitioner

      Cyber security network

      The Cyber Management Campus and Clavis in Mönchengladbach are supporting the apprenticeship of incident experts for the development of the BSI's cyber security network as part of an internal project. The link to the BSI website can be found below under "Further information can be found here". In the process, components of the apprenticeship will be tested as part of project assignments in the BCSM and MCSM degree programmes.

      The cyber security network is intended to establish a nationwide decentralized structure that offers efficient and cost-effective support to SMEs and citizens in the event of IT security incidents. The cyber security network is a voluntary association of qualified experts for dealing with IT security incidents. Through a standardized training program in the Cyber Security Management degree programme, a basis is to be created in the future to qualify incident experts for IT security incidents.

      Students can contact Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens and Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert.

      Further information can be found here.

      School lab

      The student lab is offered in cooperation with the zdi Center MG, the Mönchengladbach Economic Development Agency, the Clavis Institute for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein and with funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and covers three different fields of action:

      - Field of action I: Awakening interest in IT content among future specialists in Mönchengladbach's economy

      - Field of action II: Imparting relevant knowledge for the challenges of Industry 4.0

      - Field of action III: Supporting teaching staff in the teaching of IT content

      Clavis offers various modules in the areas of information security and Industry 4.0 to students in grades 5 to 13. These modules, which usually last 90 minutes, are held on the university's premises and can be flexibly adapted to the respective level of knowledge of the student groups. In addition to events for school classes, courses are also offered as part of the Easter, summer and fall academies, for which students can register depending on their interests.

      Further information can be found here.

      The "" project was launched in October 2018 under the patronage of Minister President Armin Laschet. It is a 3.5-year state-wide qualification offensive for digitalization in the dual system, which targets training personnel from mechanical and plant engineering companies, teachers from technical and commercial vocational colleges and apprenticeships in mechanical engineering.

      The Hochschule Niederrhein's Clavis Institute for Information Security is one of a total of thirteen project partners. It offers training courses in the form of two-day face-to-face events and webinars for 600 training managers and teachers in the field of IT security. The content for the training courses and digital learning materials have been specially developed for this purpose and made available on the MLS (Mobile Learning in Smart Factories) learning platform.

      Further information can be found here.

      KRITIS network platform

      The initial idea to create a network platform on the topic of critical infrastructures emerged in 2016, based on years of intensive expert dialogue between Prof. Dr.-Ing René Treibert, who established the Clavis Institute for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uli Barth, who heads the Chair of Methods of Security Technology/Accident Research in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Safety Technology at the University of Wuppertal. After the dissolution of the Protection Commission at the Federal Ministry of the Interior in 2015, the network platform was also intended to open up a modern format for all those who wanted to continue to engage in the continuous security improvement of critical infrastructures in a scientific and independent manner. Fortunately, since the official launch of the network platform on December 9, 2016 in Mönchengladbach, numerous specialist events and publications have been achieved.

      Expert opinion on behalf of the Bundestag

      On behalf of the German Bundestag, the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB) carried out a project on the topic of "Opportunities and risks of the digitalization of critical municipal infrastructures". In this context, the German Bundestag commissioned the Clavis Institute for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein to prepare a report on the topic of "Preventive information security in the water industry".

      This report is a descriptive study to record the current information security situation within the water industry, with the aim of specifying legal and regulatory requirements and concretizing preventive information security mechanisms to increase resilience in terms of information security in a practical orientation.

      Overall project management: Treibert, René

      Technical research management: Koza, Erfan

      Research team: Öztürk, Asiye; Wolf, Guido

      Commissioned by: Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB)

      Status: Completed March 2021

      Further information can be found here.

      ISO27K software prototype development

      The software to be developed is suitable for the early phases of ISMS introduction in accordance with the ISO/IEC 2700 series, with the main functions being the automated linking of norms and standards and more time-efficient navigation. The development was prompted by the identification of inefficient handling of the series in KRITIS projects. The prototype is still in use today, especially for junior consultants and for "quick research" in the standards.

      Further information can be found here.



      Digital first responders

      Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens

      at the IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein

      Further information can be found here



      The logistics sector as a critical infrastructure according to the IT Security Act

      Treibert, René

      At the logistics forum of BVL and LOG4MG

      Further information can be found here



      Innovative business models in the transportation of dangerous goods

      Sluiters, Kai

      At the BVL and LOG4MG logistics forum

      Further information can be found here



      IT security in critical infrastructures

      Schütz, Philipp

      In the IT Security in Critical Infrastructures forum at the German Congress for IT and Cyber Security in Government and Administration

      Further information can be found here



      IT security - is it really that important?

      Krings, Sebastian

      Lecture as part of the event Table Talk and more.



      Clavis - Kompetenzzentrum für Informationssicherheit der Hochschule Niederrhein: An overview and comparison of the NIS Directive within the EU with a focus on operators of critical infrastructures

      Schütz, Philipp

      Lecture at the 16th German IT Security Congress



      The new GDPR...What's the best way?

      Krings, Sebastian

      Lecture at the annual general meeting of the VAFA - Verband Automatenfachaufsteller e.V.



      Cybersecurity in mechanical engineering - opportunities for cooperation with the HS Niederrhein

      Schütz, Philipp

      Lecture as part of the MaschBau Innovation Night



      IT security in SMEs for the target group "Executive Board, Management"

      Treibert, René; Schütz, Philipp; Sluiters, Kai; Steffens, Bernhard; Kopowski, Jaroslaw

      As part of an information event for members of the support association


      Typical attack scenarios & defense mechanisms

      Steffens, Bernhard

      As part of the Resilience and Vulnerability lecture series at the University of Wuppertal


      The "social engineering" attack method - creating cyber resilience through awareness-raising

      Sluiters, Kai

      As part of the lecture series Resilience and Vulnerability at the University of Wuppertal.


      Information security in critical infrastructures

      Schütz, Philip

      As part of the lecture series Resilience and Vulnerability at the University of Wuppertal


      The vulnerability of our modern society in digital structures - a showcase with a "Facebook hack".

      Steffens, Bernhard; Schütz, Philipp

      As part of a festive event for the 20th anniversary of Café Philosophique e.V., Düsseldorf.


      The human risk factor in information security - information leakage through social engineering and countermeasures

      Sluiters, Kai

      As part of the "Award of Excellence - Prize for the best graduate in 2017" sponsored by Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co KG, in cooperation with the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach.

      Further information can be found here


      Simple mechanisms for the security of web applications in SMEs taking into account personnel structures

      Brell, Claus; Steffens, Bernhard

      Within the 4th Research Day IT Security NRW, Hagen.


      The attack method of "social engineering" and countermeasures

      Sluiters, Kai

      IT security in SMEs for the target group of IT security personnel. Day event organized by Clavis - Competence Centre for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach.


      Lecture 1: Threats to information security for organizations

      Lecture 2: Norms, standards and laws on information security

      Schütz, Philipp

      IT security in SMEs for the target group of IT security personnel. Day event organized by Clavis - competence centre for information security at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach.


      The attack method of "social engineering" as a threat to your company

      Sluiters, Kai

      IT security in SMEs for the management target group

      Day event organized by Clavis - Competence Centre for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach.


      Lecture 1: Threats to information security for organizations

      Lecture 2: Norms, standards and laws on information security

      Schütz, Philipp

      IT security in SMEs for the management target group

      Day event organized by Clavis - Competence Centre for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach.


      The human risk factor in information security - information leakage through social engineering

      Sluiters, Kai

      Guest lecture in the student module "Vulnerability and Resilience Analysis" at the University of Wuppertal


      Information leakage through social engineering - A threat to critical infrastructures

      Sluiters, Kai

      Constituent meeting of the Critical Infrastructures Working Group of the Chair of Safety Engineering Methods and Accident Research and Clavis - Competence Centre for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach


      Resilience, quo vadis? - Information security in KRITIS

      Schütz, Philipp

      Constituent meeting of the Critical Infrastructures Working Group of the Chair of Safety Engineering Methods and Accident Research and Clavis - Competence Centre for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach


      Risk management in the discipline of "information security". Regulatory-induced requirements for operators of critical infrastructures (especially the energy sector)

      Schütz, Philipp

      Guest lecture in the student module "Vulnerability and Resilience Analysis" at the University of Wuppertal



      Introduction to ISMS in the energy industry

      Treibert, René; Schütz, Philipp

      As part of a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. (Funding reference: 16OH21010), The Hochschule Niederrhein, Krefeld


      Introduction to ISMS in the energy industry

      Treibert, René; Schütz Philipp

      As part of a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. (Funding reference: 16OH21010), The Hochschule Niederrhein, Krefeld


      The threat of social engineering - forms of attack, methods & countermeasures

      Sluiters, Kai

      As part of a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

      Further information can be found here


      Concept for the implementation of regulatory requirements and standards of the IT Security Act and ISO/IEC 27001 for KRITIS operators - using the example of the energy industry

      Schütz, Philipp

      As part of the "Award of Excellence - Prize for the best graduate in 2015" sponsored by Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG, in cooperation with the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach.

      Further information can be found here


      Maturity levels of information technology security in the KRITIS sectors of energy and medical care - increasing resilience through modeling

      Schütz, Philipp; von Uechtritz and Steinkirch, Michael

      Within the 3rd Research Day IT Security NRW, Gelsenkirchen

      Further information can be found here


      Introduction to ISMS for organizations

      Treibert, René; Schütz, Philipp

      As part of the certificate course "IT-Security - Advanced course for managers with IT responsibility" funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (funding code: 16OH21010), Hochschule Niederrhein, Krefeld.


      Information security in the energy industry

      Treibert, René

      Within the 2nd Research Day IT Security NRW



      An overview and comparison of the NIS Directive within the EU with a focus on critical infrastructure operators.

      Schütz, Philipp

      Published in: INFORMATIK 2019: 50 Years of the German Informatics Society - Informatics for Society. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V(pp. 451-452).

      Edited by David, K., Geihs, K., Lange, M. & Stumme, G..



      An overview and comparison of the NIS Directive within the EU with a focus on Critical Infrastructure Operators

      Schütz, Philipp

      Published in IT security as a prerequisite for successful digitization : Conference proceedings of the 16th German IT Security Congress / Federal Office for Information Security, SecuMedia Verlag, Gau-Algersheim , pp.297-306, Published by the Federal Office for Information Security



      Towards Constraint Logic Programming over Strings for Test Data Generation

      Krings, Sebastian; Schmidt, Joshua; Skowronek, Patrick; Dunkelau, Jannik; Ehmke, Dierk

      Accepted for 33rd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (WLP 2019)

      Further information can be found here.



      Prolog Coding Guidelines: Status and Tool Support

      Krings, Sebastian; Nogatz, Falco; Körner, Philipp

      In Technical Communications 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019), EPTCS

      Further information can be found here.



      Data protection and IT security - Can't we do without it?

      Krings, Sebastian; Schütz, Philipp

      Article in the special of VAFA - Verband Automaten-Fachaufsteller e.V.

      Further information can be found here.


      March 2019

      The blockchain - a look beyond cryptocurrencies

      Sluiters, Kai-Klaus

      Article in the Mönchengladbacher Schriften zur wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Praxis.
      Further information can be found here.



      Automated Backend Selection for ProB Using Deep Learning.

      Jannik Dunkelau; Sebastian Krings; Joshua Schmidt

      Proceedings 11th Annual NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2019), Springer LNCS.

      Further information can be found here.



      Experience Report on An Inquiry-Based Course on Model Checking

      Sebastian Krings, Philipp Körner, Joshua Schmidt

      Proceedings 16th Workshop Software Engineering in Higher Education (SEUH 2019), CEUR Workshop Proceedings.



      Development of a prototype to increase efficiency in dealing with the KRITIS-relevant ISO/IEC 27K standards for the ISMS stakeholder group

      Schütz, Philipp; Treibert, René; Kopowski, Jaroslaw

      Published in: Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018, March 06-09, Leuphana University of Lüneburg



      Measuring Coverage of Prolog Programs Using Mutation Testing

      Alexandros Efraimidis; Joshua Schmidt; Sebastian Krings; Philipp Körner

      Proceedings 26th International Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming (WFLP 2018), Springer LNCS



      Development of a prototype to increase efficiency in dealing with the KRITIS-relevant ISO/IEC 27K standards for the ISMS stakeholder group

      Schütz, Philipp; Treibert, René; Kopowski, Jarowslaw

      Article in the proceedings of the MKWI 2018

      You can find the link to the article here.



      IT security of municipalities in NRW in the context of critical infrastructures

      Christian, ter Stein

      Article in the Kommune21

      You can find the link to the article here.



      The theses listed below were completed in FB 08. The following are indicated: Topic of the thesis, first and second assessor as well as month and year of (possibly expected) completion. If you are interested in new topics for Bachelor's or master's theses, students of FB 08 are welcome to contact Prof. Dr. Treibert.

      • Evaluation of the status quo of the implementation of the NIS-2 Directive with a special focus on the current cyber resilience of the EU Member States Evaluation of the status quo of the implementation of the NIS-2 Directive with a special focus on the current cyber resilience of the EU Member States. Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Philipp Schütz Bachelor's thesis, expected completion September 2023
      • Der Einfluß von Künstlichen Intelligenzien auf social engineering The influence of artificial intelligence on social engineering Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Master's thesis, expected completion October 2023
      • Impact of theNIS2 directive on organizations - identification of affected organizations, changes in security measures and implementation preparations Impact of the NIS2 directive on organizations - identification of affected organizations, changes in security measures and implementation preparations Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Philipp Schütz Master's thesis, expected completion September 2023
      • Securing production processes: An Analysis of the Role of Technology, Employee Awareness and OT Security Assessment [C2M2 ] in Defending Against Ransomware Attacks Securing Production Processes: An Analysis of the Role of Technology, Employee Awareness and OT Security Assessment [C2M2] in Defending Against Ransomware Attacks Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens Bachelor's thesis, expected completion August 2023
      • Cyber Threat Intelligence in companies- Improving thecyber security strategy through standardized incident response procedures Cyber Threat Intelligence in companies: Improving the cyber security strategy through standardised incident response procedures Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Peter Davids Bachelor's thesis, expected completion August 2023
      • Development of information security policies Development of information security policies Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Peter Davids Bachelor's thesis, expected completion August 2023
      • ImpactofChatGPTon information security - analysis of social engineering penetration tests and phishing attacksImpactof ChatGPT on information security - analysis of social engineering penetration tests and phishing attacks Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M. Sc. Erfan Koza Bachelor's thesis, expected completion August 2023
      • Adata protection analysis of the use of cloud infrastructures of US companies with regard to EU-US third country transfers and GDPR compliance A data protection analysis of the use of cloud infrastructures of US companies with regard to EU-US third country transfers and GDPR compliance Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis, expected completion August 2023
      • Development of information securityKPIs from corporate strategy: An analysis of suitable models and application to TenneT Germany Development of information security KPIs from corporate strategy: An analysis of suitable models an application to TenneT Germany Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis, expected completion August 2023
      • Conception and realization of the digital transformation using the case study of a company in the electronics industry Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Master's thesis, expected completion August 2023
      • Increasing demands on digitalization and IT security in German hospitals. Competition or symbiosis? Increasing demands in digitization and IT security in German hospitals. Competition or symbiosis? Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis, expected completion August 2023
      • Implementation of a Security Information & Event Management System based in theElastic Stack Implementation of a Security Information & Event Management System based in the Elastci Stack Prof. Dr. Thomas Meuser, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis, expected completion August 2023
      • Implementation and use ofThreat Intelligence at SantanderConsumer Bank AG Implementation and use of Cyber Threat Intelligence at Santander Consumer bank AG Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis, expected completion August 2023
      • Analysis of the effectiveness of currentcybersecurity frameworks and standards with a focus on OT environments Analysis of the effectiveness of current cybersecurity frameworks and standards with a focus on OT environments Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis, expected completion August 2023
      • Conceptual design and theoretical implementation of an OT securitydashboard to monitor and improve the information security of OT assets Conceptual design and theoretical implementation of an OT security dashboard to monitor and improve the information security of OT assets Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis, expected completion August 2023
      • Consideration ofCybersecurity Aspects in Mergers and Aquisitions using the Example of an International Logistic Company Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis, expected completion August 2023
      • Creation of a maturity model toassess the information security of companies in a merger & acquisition process Creation of a maturity model to assess the information security of companies in a merger & acquisition process Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis, expected completion August 2023
      • Consideration of information security in the construction and preparation of cloud native urban data platforms Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. Matthias Freund Master's thesis, expected completion July 2023
      • Challenges of IT security - how can protection also be guaranteed for mobile working? Challenges of IT security - how can protection also be guaranteed when working remotely? Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis, expected completion May 2023
      • Analysis of immersive digital technologies (AR/VR) in industry, agriculture and beekeeping - state of the art and future opportunities Analysis of immersive digital technologies /AR(VR) in industry, agriculture and beekeeping - state of the art and future opportunities Prof. Dr. Claus Brell, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis September 2022
      • Partial Automation of Research for IT Security Information through Threat Intelligence Information from the Clearnet, Deepweb and Darknet Partial Automation of Research for IT Security Information through Threat Intelligence Information from the Clearnet, Deepweb and Darknet Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M. Sc. Philipp Schütz Master's thesis September 2022
      • Information security requirements when using cloud-based applications in the financial sector Information security requirements when using cloud-based applications in the financial sector Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M. Sc. Erfan Koza Bachelor's thesis September 2022
      • Data privacy - technologies, hazards, protective measures Data privacy - technologies, hazards, protective measures Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. Daniel Retkowitz Bachelor's thesis August 2022
      • ITsecurity measures to protect RFID-based systems: organization andtechnologyITsecurity measures to protect RFID-based systems: organization and technology Prof. Dr. Georg Wilking, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis June 2022
      • Smart Home - Technologies, Uses, Risks, Protective Measures Smart Home - Technologies, Uses, Risks, Protective Measures Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. Daniel Retkowitz Bachelor's thesis May 2022
      • Information technology security ofSMART LOCKS Information technology security of Smart Locks Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. Claus Brell Bachelor's thesis April 2022
      • Structure and Automation of a Server-Based Communication Interface to aKnowledge Base Structure and Automation of a Server-Based Communication Interface to a Knowledge Base Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. Claus Brell Bachelor's thesis March 2022
      • Ransomware - Definition , Types of Attack, Historical Development and Protective Capabilities Ransomware - Definition, Types of Attack, Historical Development and Protective Capabilities Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. Claus Brell Bachelor's thesis February 2022
      • Examination of the BSI IT-Grundschutz for the module up-to-dateness in the area of user-side cloud computing using the example of OpenShift Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bonne (HBRS) Bachelor's thesis February 2022
      • Design and implementation of an SAPUI5 application for the presentation of driver and vehicle management in the logistics industry using SAP Transportation Management Prof. Dr. rer. oec. Detlev Frick, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis February 2022
      • Design of a business continuity management system in the context of the preparation of an ISO 27001 certification using the example of a solution provider for selectedcybersecurity products Conceptual design of a business continuity management system in the context of the preparation of an ISO 27001 certification using the example of a solution provider for selected cybersecurity products Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M. Sc. Erfan Koza Bachelor's thesis February 2022
      • Conception and prototypical development of a key performance indicator system for the production area of a company in the food industry Conception and prototypical development of a key performance indicator system for the production area of a company in the food industry Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. André Schekelmann Bachelor's thesis February 2022
      • Blockchain Technology in the Energy industry - Functionality and Use Cases Blockchain Technology in the Energy industry - Functionality and Use Cases Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Asiye Öztürk Bachelor's thesis February 2022
      • Development of a concept for sustainable information security awareness measures in SMEs, taking socio-psychological aspects into account Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Guido Wolf Master's thesis August 2021
      • Optimization and further development of SMS group specific augmented reality glasses - development of virtual content for remote support Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M. Sc. Erfan Koza Master's thesis August 2021
      • Conducting a risk analysis and deriving an action plan for cloud services of an IT system house as part of the preparation for ISO 27001 certification Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Philipp Schütz Bachelor's thesis August 2021
      • Comparison of "Business Process Management and Notation" tools - using the example of a selected business process Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Bachelor's thesis June 2021
      • The conception of an IT emergency management system for a hospital Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M. Sc. Erfan Koza Master's thesis April 2021
      • Opportunities and risks in autonomous driving with special consideration of information security Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis April 2021
      • The conception of an IT emergency management system for a hospital Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. Matthias Mehrtens Bachelor's thesis March 2021
      • Hybrid learning as a learning concept for knowledge transfer for training events in the field of information technology Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Master's thesis February 2021
      • Blended learning as a modern fashion for conducting courses to increase IT security in the digital age Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Master's thesis February 2021
      • Information security risk analysis in the financial sector - Conception of a methodology for risk analysis based on regulatory requirements using the example of a regional financial services provider Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. Jens Kaufmann Master's thesis January 2021
      • Information security and the human factor - Investigation of the information security awareness of an internal IT service provider using the example of an insurer Prof. Dr. Jürgen Karla, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Master's thesis January 2021
      • Model generation according to the LOD approach and its use in university-developed applications Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Asiye Öztürk Bachelor's thesis January 2021
      • Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security - Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligence for Information Security Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Kai Sluiters Master's thesis November 2020
      • Selected methods for performing penetration tests - an investigation and evaluation based on various standards Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. Jens Kaufmann Master's thesis October 2020
      • Conception of remote maintenance methods in an infrastructure with DMZ Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Kai Sluiters Bachelor's thesis September 2020
      • The digital twin as the basis for Industry 4.0 processes Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Philipp Schütz Bachelor's thesis October 2020
      • Implementation of automated detection of cyber attacks in three selected attack scenarios Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. Jens Kaufmann Bachelor's thesis September 2020
      • Conceptual design of an adaptive cyber defense model taking into account a preventive behavioral strategy to increase the resilience of IT systems in the energy sector Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M. Sc. Erfan Koza Master's thesis September 2020
      • Possibilities of creating complete online user profiles of end users by monitoring Internet activity Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Kai Sluiters Bachelor's thesis August 2020
      • IT Security Awareness and IT Security Literacy - Concept and Implementation of an Escaperoom as a Serious Game Prof. Dr. Claus Brell, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis May 2020
      • Resilient software supply chain - risk analysis of software libraries in the context of intrusion prevention Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Master's thesis March 2020
      • Conception of the Continuity Management module for a tool to support the introduction to and operation of an information security management system - using the example of an existing tool Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Philipp Schütz Master's thesis March 2020
      • Network technologies for the Internet of Things Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Bachelor's thesis January 2020
      • Optimization of Data Tracking on Events using the Design Research Method Prof. Dr. Jürgen Karla, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis January 2020
      • Organization of information security in small and medium-sized enterprises Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Philipp Schütz Bachelor's thesis November 2019
      • Design and development of an IT-supported tool for the implementation and documentation of risk analysis as part of the introduction to an information security management system according to ISO/ICE 27001 Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Philipp Schütz Master's thesis November 2019
      • Determination of the potential ... in pension provision and the costs of processing Prof. Dr. Matthias Freund, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis October 2019
      • Comparison of different encryption methods Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. rer. oec. Detlev Frick Bachelor's thesis October 2019
      • Use of artificial intelligence in industry - how artificial intelligence can be used to optimize processes Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. André Schekelmann Bachelor's thesis October 2019
      • A comparison of international legislation for the protection of critical infrastructures in the field of information security with a focus on the NIS guidelines Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Philipp Schütz Master's thesis October 2019
      • The digital transformation of the automotive industry Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Bachelor's thesis September 2019
      • Influence of information security on the global spread of mobile payment Dr. Sebastian Krings, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis September 2019
      • Development of a concept for the risk-oriented implementation of penetration tests for a KRITIS operator from the insurance industry Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Philipp Schütz Master's thesis August 2019
      • Concept of an aggregation and analysis platform for testing and calibrating self-learning algorithms in relation to financial models for the purpose of volatility forecasting in the market segment under investigation Prof. Dr.-Ing.
      • Communication security in the context of an information security management system Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Bachelor's thesis August 2019
      • Causes and elimination of security vulnerabilities in software using selected examples Dr. Sebastian Krings, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis July 2019
      • Design of integrative core and support processes for the provision of CERT services in virtual power plants as an integral part of the future smart grid Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. André Schekelmann Master's thesis June 2019
      • Design of participatory core and support processes to efficiently ensure information security in virtual power plants as an integral part of the future smart grid Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. André Schekelmann Master's thesis June 2019
      • Security of web applications - evaluation of the software development process with special consideration of software security Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. André Schekelmann Master's thesis April 2019
      • Information security requirements for public authorities with security tasks - selected use cases Prof. Dr. Jürgen Karla, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Master's thesis May 2020
      • Conception of a model to determine the digital maturity of a company Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Kai Sluiters Master's thesis May 2019
      • Anonymization of personal data in public spaces using WLAN transmission technology Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Bachelor's thesis April 2019
      • Investigations into information security management systems in critical infrastructures Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Philipp Schütz Master's thesis April 2019
      • Blockchain technology - application scenarios of blockchain technologies in companies Dr. Mülder, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Bachelor's thesis February 2019
      • Information and data security in cloud computing - opportunities and security risks from a corporate perspective Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Bachelor's thesis February 2019
      • Evaluation of information security training measures Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Bachelor's thesis February 2019
      • Information security measures for intelligent manufacturing systems Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Bachelor's thesis February 2019
      • Security certification of a modular system for key management in networks for use in selected industries - requirements and implementation Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Philipp Schütz Master's thesis January 2019
      • The new General Data Protection Regulation - A systematic study overview of the effects of the GDPR on companies Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. Matthias Freund Master's thesis January 2019
      • Success factors in e-commerce - How to develop into a successful online retailer in various sales channels using the case study of your own company Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Master's thesis December 2018
      • Modeling of selected business processes in the healthcare sector in accordance with the BSI-Kritis Regulation using a BPMN tool Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Bachelor's thesis November 2018
      • Creation and application of a criteria catalog to determine a cloud computing provider using the example of a fictitious company Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Bachelor's thesis September 2018
      • Blockchain in the energy industry - selected use cases and development of a demonstrator Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Master's thesis September 2018
      • Comparison and introduction to intrusion detection and intrusion prevention systems - application to a fictitious case study Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Bachelor's thesis September 2018
      • Areas of application of smart home technology - technical implementations and user requirementsProf. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Dr. Sebastian Krings Bachelor's thesis September 2018
      • Data analysis for customer evaluation for lending Prof. Dr. Abts, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert Master's thesis September 2018
      • Integration of the new General Data Protection Regulation into an existing information security management system Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, M.Sc. Philipp Schütz Bachelor's thesis August 2018
      • Hybrid IT project management - development of a concept for the integration of classic and agile project management methods Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Karla Bachelor's thesis August 2018
      • Current encryption methods in data communication using selected examples in the Health Care sector Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Schekelmann August 2018 Bachelor's thesis
      • Integration of the new General Data Protection Regulation into an existing information security management system Prof. Dr. Treibert, Mr. M. Sc. Schütz August 2018 Bachelor's thesis
      • Blockchain in the energy industry - selected use cases and development of a demonstrator Prof. Dr. Treibert, Dr. Krings September 2018 Master's thesis
      • Design of a process model for the implementation of an information security management system (ISMS) according to ISO/IEC 27001 in the Health Care sector - using the example of a fictitious hospital Prof. Dr. Treibert, Dr. Krings September 2018 Master's thesis
      • Analysis and interception of radio communications in two selected use cases Prof. Dr. Treibert, Dr. Krings August 2018 Bachelor's thesis
      • Conception of a reporting system for selected penetration tests Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts August 2018 Bachelor's thesis
      • Ensuring data security when dispensing with the central trust instance of a blockchain Prof. Dr. Treibert, Dr. Retkowitz July 2018 Bachelor's thesis
      • Implementation of the IT Security Act according to ISO/IEC for KRITIS operators in Health Care - Conception of an empirical study for the hospital sector Prof. Dr. Treibert, Dr. Krings July 2018 Bachelor's thesis
      • The requirements of the IT Security Act in the healthcare sector - The introduction to an information security management system Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts April 2018 Bachelor's thesis
      • Introduction to an information security management system at a water supplier - design and implementation of a gap analysis (GAP analysis) Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts April 2018 Bachelor's thesis
      • Investigation into the introduction to an information security management system (based on ISO standard 27001) for the German subsidiary of a globally active media agency group - design and implementation of a gap analysis Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Frick April 2018 Master's thesis
      • Assessment of protection requirements for the application systems of a regional financial services provider Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts February 2018 Bachelor's thesis
      • IT security and blockchain Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts February 2018 Bachelor's thesis
      • Production of cryptocurrencies based on blockchain technology Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts February 2018 Bachelor's thesis
      • Security in the use of Web 2.0 and social media in medium-sized companies, including current IT security solutions Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Retkowitz January 2018 Master's thesis
      • Conception of an information security management system for a medium-sized company in the textile industry Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts January 2018 Master's thesis
      • ICT crisis and security management in the KRITIS health sector using the example of a selected hospital Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Brell January 2018 Master's thesis
      • Conception of a regional Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) for the target group of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Prof. Dr. Triebert, Prof. Dr. Brell November 2017 Master's thesis
      • The threat to information security posed by social engineering Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts September 2017 Bachelor's thesis
      • Virtual reality using CryEngine and OculusRift Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts September 2017 Bachelor's thesis
      • Creation of a mobile security concept using the example of mVISE AG Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts August 2017 Master's thesis
      • Information security and data protection in cloud computing - challenges and solutions Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts March 2017 Bachelor's thesis
      • State of IT security 2016 - A meta-study with a focus on Germany Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts March 2017 Bachelor's thesis
      • Creation of a concept for the use of an Industry 4.0 learning factory to raise awareness and provide apprenticeships for selected target groups Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts Bachelor's thesis
      • Introduction to an information security management system at an energy supplier - defining the scope, determining the effort and success factors Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts March 2017 Bachelor's thesis
      • Introduction to an information security management system at an energy supplier - design and implementation of a gap analysis Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts March 2017 Bachelor's thesis
      • Information security in the NRW state administration - analysis and recommendations for the adoption of existing regulations as part of the design of the E-GovG NRW Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts March 2017 Master's thesis S
      • icherheit von Webanwendungen - Erstellung eines Leitfadens zur Gewährleistung der IT-Sicherheit von Webanwendungen und Evaluation anhand eines Fallbeispiels Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts August 2016 Bachelor's thesis
      • Conception of a process model for the introduction to an information security management system in the critical health sector Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts August 2016 Master's thesis
      • Success factors of data discovery Prof. Dr. Abts, Prof. Dr. Treibert April 2016 Master's thesis
      • Conception of emergency scenarios for decentralized critical infrastructures in the financial services industry Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts July 2016 Master's thesis
      • IT security of mobile devices - attack scenarios and countermeasures Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts June 2016 Bachelor's thesis
      • Mobile security: A guide for SMEs Prof. Dr. Schekelmann, Prof. Dr. Treibert March 2016 Bachelor's thesis
      • IT security for Industry 4.0 - a literature-based analysis of the current level of security Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts March 2016 Bachelor's thesis
      • The "human" risk factor in information security - analysis of information loss through social engineering and recommendations for countermeasures Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts March 2016 Master's thesis
      • IT security in Industry 4.0 - Threat situation and measures to maintain IT security in the Industry 4.0 environment Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts February 2016 Master's thesis
      • Conception and implementation of machine planning with SAP Business One Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts May 2013 Bachelor's thesis
      • Evaluation of a single sign-on solution for medium-sized companies Prof. Dr. Treibert, Prof. Dr. Abts, Bachelor's thesis
      • Economic efficiency in IT security management Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Stegemerten February 2013 Bachelor's thesis
      • Mobile Payment - Market analysis of electronic payment systems Conception, design and realization of a mobile payment application with consideration of current technologies and security standards Prof. Dr. Abts Prof. Dr. Treibert January 2013 Bachelor's thesis
      • Evaluation of an automatic dial-in procedure into an Internet/company network using a public key infrastructure for authentication and authorization of remote (WAN-bound) participants Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Stegemerten January 2013 Bachelor's thesis
      • Evaluation of a single sign-on solution for medium-sized companies Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Abts February 2013 Bachelor's thesis
      • Creation of an IT security policy and design of an IT security concept for a utility company Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Stegemerten September 2013 Bachelor's thesis
      • Security guidelines and basic IT protection of networks in the hospital environment Prof. Dr. Meuser 2013
      • Creation of a social web security model - conception and realization of a holistic-integrative system for the security-oriented design, analysis and optimization of corporate social media activities Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Stegemerten December 2012 Diploma thesis
      • Security-relevant aspects in cloud and data center management Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Stegemerten December 2012 Diploma thesis
      • Creation of an IT security concept in accordance with ISO 27001 for an energy supply company Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Stegemerten September 2012 Bachelor's thesis
      • Creation of a concept for raising awareness and carrying out penetration tests in companies based on the guidelines of OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Stegemerten August 2012 Bachelor's thesis
      • Mitter SAP-Compliance - General procedures and mechanisms of authorization management as well as monitoring options for system security of SAP systems Prof. Dr. Abts Prof. Dr. Wirtz 2012
      • Conception of a profitability analysis for the implementation of penetration tests Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Abts August 2011 Master's thesis
      • Selection of an enterprise single sign-on system and implementation planning for a retail company Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Frick May 2009 Diploma thesis
      • Analysis of the information security of a small company using the concepts and tools of the Federal Office for Information Security Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Stegemerten February 2009 Diploma thesis
      • SOA, but secure! Concept analysis for the security of web services in connection with an enterprise service bus in the company Vodafone D2 GmbH Prof. Dr. Abts Busch 2009
      • Open Source Business Intelligence - A security audit of the Pentaho BI Suite Prof. Dr. Abts Prof. Dr. Wirtz 2009
      • VPN security and authentication procedures Prof. Dr. Abts Prof. Dr. Wirtz 2009
      • Expansion and further development of the infrastructure as well as analysis and optimization of IT security for the WLAN at a Norgren GmbH site Prof. Dr. Stegemerten Prof. Dr. Treibert August 2008 Diploma thesis
      • Conception of a procedure for the implementation of IT risk management in medium-sized companies Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Stegemerten February 2008 Diploma thesis
      • Identity Management - Security for authentication and authorization of users Prof. Dr. Abts Prof. Dr. Treibert January 2008 Diploma thesis
      • Conception of an IT strategy based on a requirements analysis for a medium-sized company Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Abts January 2008 Diploma thesis
      • Conception of a server-based provision of workstation PCs with the help of virtualization Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Abts December 2007 Diploma thesis
      • Selection and implementation of a system for monitoring the IT infrastructure in a medium-sized company Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Abts August 2007 Diploma thesis
      • Conceptual design of a solution for e-mail signing and encryption in a selected area of a medium-sized company Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Abts August 2007 Diploma thesis
      • Methodology for performance measurement and maturity assessment of an information security management system based on ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Prof. Dr. Stegemerten Prof. Dr. Treibert August 2007 Diploma thesis
      • Voice over IP in the context of IT security Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Stegemerten March 2007 Diploma thesis
      • ITIL Security Management - Optimizing the management of information security through the use of ITIL Prof. Dr. Abts Prof. Dr. Frick 2007
      • IT Security in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - Conception and Implementation of a Web-based Initialization of the IT Security Process Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Stegemerten July 2006 Diploma Thesis
      • IT security of B2B web applications Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Stegemerten July 2006 Diploma thesis
      • Development of an IT security concept for a medium-sized company Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Stegemerten June 2006 Diploma thesis
      • IT-Security Management on the basis of the ITIL reference model Prof. Dr. Treibert Prof. Dr. Stegemerten April 2005 Diploma thesis
      • Security in home banking - presentation of the foundation courses and procedures used Prof. Dr. Abts Prof. Dr. Wirtz 1999

      Completed projects


      Study on IT security in SMEs

      Under the project management of the institute and on behalf of the IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein, the aim was to systematically record the implementation status, requirements and other influencing factors of IT security and to provide respondents with points of reference for possible deficits.

      Further information can be found here.

      Previous events


      Information security management in clinics

      The current legal situation presents many clinics with challenges in the area of information security management. For KRITIS clinics, the industry-specific security standard (B3S) must be taken into account. The B3S also offers smaller clinics the opportunity to increase their level of security. The Hochschule Niederrhein's competence center for information security - CLAVIS cordially invites you to the 2nd lecture series "Information Security Management in Hospitals".

      Further information can be found here



      2nd workshop "Ethical Hacking"

      On October 16th we will offer a workshop on "Ethical Hacking" as part of the European Cyber Security Month. We want to present common hacking methods to the participants. They will also be able to try these out in a secure environment as part of the workshop. Further information can be found on the poster.



      Information security management in hospitals

      On November 7 in Mönchengladbach, experts from information security practice and research will speak about current and future requirements and solutions for secure clinics. The event is aimed at decision-makers in hospitals.

      Further information can be found here



      1st workshop "Ethical Hacking"

      On November 5, as part of the European Cyber Security Month, nationally coordinated by the Federal Office for Information Security, we will be offering a workshop on the topic of "Ethical Hacking". We want to present common hacking methods to the participants. It will also be possible to try these out in a secure environment as part of the workshop. Further information can be found on the poster.


      Information event: IT security in SMEs for managing directors


      Information event: IT security in SMEs for IT security personnel


      Information event: IT security in SMEs for managing directors


      Lecture series on the topic of "KRITIS"

      Following the 2nd meeting of the "Critical Infrastructures" working group, Clavis is organizing a series of lectures on the topic of "KRITIS". Starting at 13:00, speakers from various institutions and companies will present topics.


      Official opening of the competence center

      Institute management

      Dean Information Security and Cybercrime, in particular Critical Infrastructure Protection Head of Clavis - Institute for Information Security at The Hochschule Niederrhein Member of the management team of the CMC MG

      Cyber Management Campus MG / Clavis

      Professors & contract lecturers

      Prof. Dr. Peter Davids
      Practical computer science
      Prof. Dr. Christofer Fein
      Information security and digital forensics
      Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Grothe
      Network security and secure software architectures
      Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Kopal
      Applied computer science
      Cyber Security Management
      Head of the Cisco Network Academy Data Networks and Distributed Systems
      Cyber Security Management
      Prof. Dr. Gael Pentang
      Cyber Security Management
      Technical data processing especially process automation

      Partner of the Clavis

      We are associated with the following companies and institutions through joint projects and memberships:

      • NEW Netz GmbH
      • De:Bit GmbH
      • Methods of Safety Engineering Accident Research (MSU) at the University of Wuppertal
      • Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG
      • Bechtle GmbH, Solingen
      • Stadtwerke Düsseldorf AG
      • Stadtwerke Neuss GmbH
      • Digital City of Mönchengladbach
      • Mönchengladbach Economic Development Corporation GmbH
      • TeleTrusT - Federal Association for IT Security
      • CPS.HUB NRW
      • nrw.uniTS
      • infaz Institute for Auditing and Certification GmbH


        Business informatics, especially program and system development

        Dear Sir or Madam,

        Due to courses, the immediate availability of Clavis and Prof. Dr. Treibert by telephone is not guaranteed.
        Please contact Clavis at the e-mail address clavis(at) and Prof. Dr. Treibert at the e-mail address rene.treibert(at), stating your telephone number. As a rule, we will call you back / contact you at very short notice.
        Thank you for your understanding.

        The Clavis team and Prof. Dr. Treibert.
