Engineering Days
January 24 and 25, 2025 - Campus KR-Süd

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Engineering Days

The four Faculties of Chemistry, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Mechanical and Process Engineering and Industrial Engineering cordially invite you to the Engineering Days!

Friday, January 24, 2025, 9:00-16:00
Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:00-13:00

Building J at Krefeld South Campus (Obergath 79, 47805 Krefeld - see travel information)


  • In-house exhibition with numerous student project assignments from all disciplines
  • A look behind the scenes during campus and laboratory tours
  • Advice on our practical orientation degree programs and the orientation semester in April 2025
  • Tips and information on application and registration from our Student Advice Center
  • Information on the engineering profession
  • Insights into the MakerSpace and the racing team's racing car forge

Who is it for?
All interested parties are cordially invited to get to know the university's technical faculties.

Teachers who would like to visit us with their entire school class or course are welcome to write to us - we will arrange an additional program for you: schule(at)

Here is a YouTube video. Click on it to watch. The data protection regulations of google apply!

Applied science you can touch

Many exciting projects from the faculties await you in the foyer of the J-Building. Students present the results of their work from teaching education and research projects and are available to answer questions.

Every year we show new exciting projects - look forward to seeing the results from this year. The following topics, among others, have already been on display:

  • Edge Finder: positioning aid for a small milling machine developed by a group of students (project stand)
  • Smart waste garbage can: project of a self-driving AI "waste advisor" that emerged from the "Kreate Future" ideas competition
  • Servohydraulics: simulation and comparison of servo-hydraulic drive systems using the example of hydraulic presses
  • Knetex: Development of a textile-integrated sensor system for feedback-supported rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament surgery
  • 3D printing of a chemical reactor: synthesis of the fragrance citral in an automated reactor made of 3D-printed components
  • Textiles meets biotech: how biotechnologically produced enzymes are used in the textile industry and in plastic degradation
  • Color models of paints: prediction of paste mixtures with computer models for colored coatings


Live and in color: Get to know the faculties...

During the Engineering Days, we regularly offer guided tours of the faculties in small groups. Gain an insight into the premises of the institutes, laboratories and classrooms. Staff and students from the university will be on hand to answer your questions and provide information.

The tour starts in the foyer of the J-building. The meeting point is signposted.

Shuttle service to the Faculty of Chemistry at the Krefeld West campus: We offer a shuttle service for anyone who would like to visit the Faculty of Chemistry. We have prepared a guided tour with a short lecture and lab tours for you. The meeting point is also in the foyer of the J-building, the times will be posted. The shuttle will also return to Krefeld South Campus.
