eWeb Research Center

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Current project: ON4OFF - AI in retail

The NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs and the EU's European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) are funding the ON4OFF joint project with around 2.1 million euros.

Concept and project objective:

Launched in January 2019, the ON4OFF research project is looking for an intelligent fusion of online and offline shopping with the help of machine learning. The aim is to strengthen the competitiveness of local retailers in North Rhine-Westphalia. The three-year project focuses on concepts and applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning in order to improve the dialog with customers who prefer to store in stores in their region.

The Hochschule Niederrhein is joined by other consortium partners from business and science, including Forschungszentrum Jülich, the University of Duisburg-Essen and Adesso AG. The Hochschule Niederrhein and its eWeb Research Center, headed by Prof. Dr. Gerrit Heinemann, are responsible for identifying applicable approaches in the project together with retail partner Parfümerie Pieper GmbH. In addition, the eWeb Research Center supports the testing of the ON4OFF system to be developed with test customers as well as the subsequent experimental implementation in the store and the transfer of ON4OFF to other industries.

You can find the latest news about ON4OFF on the website https://www.on-4-off.de/.

Provide answers
The future belongs to online retail.

Even today, more than 50% of customers look online before making an offline purchase. By 2020, the online share of total retail sales will increase from the current 9 percent to over 20 percent. So how can companies counter declining sales in brick-and-mortar stores and meet the future challenges in retail? The eWeb Research Center provides answers and knows what customers expect and want from multi-channel companies.

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Core research areas of eWeb Research

The core research areas of the eWeb Research Center are empirical social research for the analysis of online-induced purchasing behavior. In doing so, the competence center investigates the impact of changing buyer behavior on retail. Because only those who ask the right research questions can provide the right answers.

Research with a practical emphasis / orientation

As part of its practical research, the eWeb Research Center combines multi-channel expert knowledge with business management know-how and researches the following questions:

  • How do customers obtain information in the online channel?
  • Why do consumers engage in multi-channel hopping?
  • How is the increasing specialization and performance of Internet devices changing consumer behaviour?
  • What differences are there in terms of price acceptance in the online and offline channels?
  • How high is the willingness to pay for multi-channel services?


Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Gerrit Heinemann
Business Administration, in particular Management and Retailing Specialization Trade and Retail Head of eWeb Research Centre Head of the MTTT/Trade and Retail study program
Prof. Dr. Silvia Zaharia
Business Administration, in particular International Sales Management, Head and Managing Director of the eWeb Research Centre

Vita & Publications

Prof. Dr. Michael Schleusener
Head of eWeb Research Centre Business Administration, esp. Marketing

