NIERS - Niederrhein Institute for Regional and Structural Research (NIERS)
The NIERS - Niederrhein Institute for Regional and Structural Research (NIERS) deals with questions of regional structural change, regional sustainability and future viability from a regional science perspective. With our research, we generate findings for understanding and shaping regional and socio-economic structures and change processes and thus aim to contribute to solving spatial social and economic challenges.
Cooperation within the institute is characterized by mutual respect and appreciation. Everyone contributes their own knowledge and thus creates a lively research and institute culture. A high degree of interdisciplinarity characterizes our work both internally and externally and contributes to the continuous development of the Institute's topics.
Our work is based on a circular understanding of knowledge and transfer. This means that our research and project partners and target groups are both the addressees of and the initiators for our work.
The target group of NIERS' activities includes the scientific community, local and regional stakeholders and the wider public. As an affiliated institute of a university, we also see research-based teaching and learning as part of our mission, meaning that students should also be mentioned as a further target group.