Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Mission statement of the faculty

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
dear interested parties, dear students, dear partners, dear alumni,

We welcome you to our website. Here you will find information about our programmes, our projects with partners from research and industry, and everything you need to know about our ongoing studies.
We are located in Mönchengladbach, the green city on the Lower Rhine. With around 3,200 students, the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is the largest faculty at the Hochschule Niederrhein.
The faculty currently has 45 professors, one senior lecturer and 5 teachers for special purposes. In addition, more than 60 contract lecturers from business and industry are involved in teaching education. Furthermore, 14 scientific and non-scientific staff members work at the faculty, 15 staff members are employed at the faculties as well as two doctoral students.

We offer application-oriented full-time and career-integrated Degree programmes based on current scientific findings and business requirements. We rely on action-oriented forms of teaching and project assignments in cooperation with industry, thus ensuring an apprenticeship with a practical emphasis / orientation. In addition, we enable our students and lecturers to engage in a constant exchange through national and international cooperation.

We look forward to welcoming you to the faculty!



The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics sees itself as an innovative and practice-oriented teaching education and research unit within the Hochschule Niederrhein. The self-image of the faculty is characterized by a consistent customer orientation. Accordingly, students as well as companies and organizations are customers for whom the faculty provides knowledge services. The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics focuses on working for and with the students.

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics aligns its studies and teaching education with a society and working world in a state of constant change. The work of the faculty reflects this in applied research and teaching education.

The continuous development of the faculty's Degree programmes is a self-evident task.

Ensuring and continuously improving the quality of teaching education and research is our most important goal. The faculty integrates the results of research and teaching education into its work.

Graduates and members of the faculty present our performance, competence and social responsibility.

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics places a high priority on student support and maintains contact with graduates. Students should enjoy studying at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, identify with the faculty, and feel at home on campus.

The faculty is committed to equal opportunities for women and men in order to make greater use of the existing qualification potential of women.

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is committed to working conditions under which the potential in teaching education and research can be optimally exploited and developed.

By consistently orienting our work to the mission statement, the attractiveness and competitiveness of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is continuously strengthened and its positive image in the regional environment is ensured.

Communication within the university and externally is characterized by transparency, openness and participation.

A critical discourse is an elementary component of this self-image. Therefore, the mission statement is supplemented and renewed in a continuous process through further discussions.
