Campus week

Have you ever wanted to know what topics students from other faculties are dealing with or deepen your horizons outside of business and economics? Then the Campus-Week is just the thing for you!

During this week, you have the opportunity to attend courses and workshops in other faculties or with us, that are not part in the curriculum. 
The weekly lectures pause during this week so that you can fully concentrate on what the Campus-Week has to offer. Take a look at the varied faculties programmes and attend the courses that suit you.. These range from  Intercultural Awareness to Künstliche Intelligenz und Entrepreneurship - Von der Idee zum Erfolg to Privater Vermögensaufbau.

You can find an overview of our offers with the respective descriptions in HIO in the course catalogue.

Winter 2023/24 - Campus Week – Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Registration for our courses is possible directly via HIO. 
Information on the courses offered by the other departments can also be found in HIO under Campuswoche.

