Nikola Steinbock, Spokeswoman of the Executive Board of Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, speaks at the "Forum Banking & Finance" at The Hochschule Niederrhein. Copyright: Rentenbank

HSNR invites you to the Banking & Finance Forum on the Mönchengladbach campus

"Financier between market and state - How does the development bank work for the agricultural sector and rural areas?" This question will be the focus of the next expenditure of the "Forum Banking & Finance" format, organized by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at The Hochschule Niederrhein. The answer will be given by Nikola Steinbock, Spokeswoman of the Executive Board of Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, on April 24 from 6 p.m. in the main auditorium (Building V2) on the Mönchengladbach campus, Webschulstraße 41-43.

In her presentation, Steinbock will explain the special features of the promotional bank's business model, show how the bank, which is based in Frankfurt am Main, refinances itself on the capital market and what impact the topic of sustainability has on the bank's work.

Rentenbank's promotional mandate covers not only agriculture and forestry, the entire food industry value chain and the expansion of renewable energies, but also the promotion of the bioeconomy. In this way, the "green sector" and rural regions are to be modernized and made fit for the future.

There is also a special specialization in promoting innovation. This ranges from research and development at universities and the early financing of agri-related start-ups to the market and practical introduction of new technologies and products. Nikola Steinbock will explain to interested parties how the bank finances this.

External participants are requested to register at forum-bankingandfinance(at)

