International Women's Day & Mentoring Program

March 8 is International Women's Day.

On this day, people around the world draw attention to violence against and discrimination against women.

As part of International Women's Day, Equality also invites you to a digital lecture on March 09:

"Gender justice is teamwork - Why the path to gender justice needs the joint commitment of women and men".


Gender equity is still not a reality in society, politics and the economy in 2023.

Imbalances in care work, access to leadership positions, or safety in public spaces slow women down millions of times every day.

Surveys show that a majority (61 percent) of German men believe that equality has already been achieved to the greatest possible extent, while 59 percent of women come to the conclusion that it is still a long way off (source: "Generation What" project, Bayerischer Rundfunk, 2017, around 50,000 citizens surveyed - (Germany)).

The difference shows: there is still a lot to do.


The presentation by Vincent-Immanuel Herr and Martin Speer, authors, HeForShe Ambassadors for UN Women Germany, and members of the 2022 Gender Equality Advisory Council (GEAC) of the G7 countries invites reflection and provides concrete impulses on how men and women can make their contribution to a more gender-equal society. It can only be done together!


Click here to register:


In addition, the HONOUR program of the university, six female students will present an exhibition on the theme of this year's Women's Day "Each for Equal" in S102, S103 and S104 at the Mönchengladbach campus.



Mentoring program of the Hochschule Niederrhein

On Feb. 14, 2023, the mentoring program of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering started in cooperation with the Unternehmerschaft Niederrhein e. V. Niederrhein and the LEADING LADIES in TOWN.

In the rooms of the employers' association, the managing director of the Unternehmerschaft Kirsten Wittke-Lemm welcomed together with Prof. Ralf Kampker, Drin Inge Röhnelt and Drin. Sandra Laumen welcomed ten students from the Hochschule Niederrhein and representatives from companies in the Lower Rhine region.

The mentoring program was thus launched and suitable tandems were formed from ten mentees and ten mentors.

In the coming months, the tandems will not only get to know each other better, but the students will also have the opportunity to gain insight into companies and at the same time be supported by the mentors on their way to starting their careers.

However, it is not only the students who benefit from mentoring, but also the managers of the participating companies, who are given the opportunity to present themselves to young people in a different way as an employer in times of a shortage of skilled workers.

In addition to the exchange of information between the tandems, various events are also offered by Equality.

In the future, the program will also be extended to STEM students from other faculties.


Equality offers in March / April

# 09.03.2023, 16.30 - 18 Uhr: For International Women's Day: digital lecture "Gender justice is teamwork - Why the path to gender justice needs the joint commitment of women and men"
Further information and registration at:

# Mar. 22, 2023, 7-8:30 p.m., For female university members: digital lecture
Personal Branding and Digital Networking via LinkedIn
For more information and to register, visit:

# 04/17/2023, For female university members:
Self-assertion course (3 x 3 hours), Mönchengladbach location
Further information and registration at:

# 27.04 2023, 15-18.30: digital lecture
Gender-inclusive language - for studies and career
Further information and registration at:

