Elections of the Office of the Dean in the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

The Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics was reorganized at the beginning of the year.

In January 2024, the Business Administration and Economics faculty council elected Prof. Dr. René Treibert as the new Dean


With the election of a Dean of Studies and two Vice-Deans, the new Office of the Dean was completed in February 2024 with

Prof. Dr. Dirk Braun as Vice-Dean for Structure and Strategy,
Prof. Dr. Matthias Freund as Vice-Dean for Finance and Planning and
Prof. Dr. Martin Wenke as Dean of Studies.

We are delighted that Prof. Dr. Matthias Freund has once again taken on the role of Vice-Dean.

We would like to thank his predecessors Prof. Dr. Michael Müller-Vorbrüggen as Dean and Prof. Dr. André Schekelmann, who served as Dean of Studies.

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics welcomes its new Office of the Dean and looks forward to working with him.

