Dealing with violence in social media

Many of us use social media such as WhatsApp and the like on a daily basis. And surely each of us has already been sent a message whose content we did not classify as politically correct.
But how do we deal with such content?
What do we do with posts that seem funny but can be classified as critical?
Am I allowed to forward such posts? Am I liable to prosecution if I create such posts myself?

The presentation by Michelle Hormes from the Criminal Investigation Department for Prevention and Victim Protection of the Mönchengladbach Police and Patrick Kanthak from the State Protection Department deals specifically with the production, dissemination and reception of extremist content and the possible consequences under criminal law.

In addition to the presentation of which actions are relevant under criminal law, the participants learn which assistance measures and support options affected persons can take advantage of if they have nevertheless become victims of such attacks on the Internet and at what point the police should be called in.

13.04.2023, 10-12 h

Lecture hall V1, Mönchengladbach campus

Via HIO or simply drop by.

