International Business (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts)
German-English Degree programme (Bachelor)
at our partner university HAMK, Hämeelinna/Valkeakoski in Finland
International Business (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts)
German-English Degree programme (Bachelor)
at our partner university HAMK, Hämeelinna/Valkeakoski in Finland
Target group
The binational Bachelor's degree programme in International Business with a double degree is aimed at prospective students with a practical emphasis / orientation who would like to complete a compact course of studies in business administration with a specialization in international management and global marketing and an international focus.
Aim of the course
The aim of the studies is to enable graduates to take on specialist and management tasks in a wide range of business areas in national and international companies, associations, public and comparable institutions.
The studies impart the basic knowledge required for practical application and a broad spectrum of specialist, methodological and social skills. Graduates are able to analyze problems in business practice with the help of appropriate methods and develop implementation-oriented solution concepts with recourse to scientific findings. They acquire the ability to think in a networked way; they are thus able to classify business management issues in more comprehensive corporate processes or in overarching economic and social contexts and have the opportunity to experience intercultural differences due to the strong international orientation of the study program.
Content and structure of the course for German students
The "International Business" course is integrated into our full-time Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration and Economics with a standard time to degree (in semesters) of six semesters
You will spend the first to fourth specialisation semester at the Hochschule Niederrhein, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics in Mönchengladbach. Here, students are taught the following areas of knowledge and qualifications:
Building on this knowledge, the specialization courses "International Management" and "Marketing" are to be chosen as advanced courses in this Bachelor's degree variant.
Here you will find a graphic overview of the course of study and the programme content of semesters 1-4.
You will study the 5th and 6th specialization semesters at the HAMK University of Applied Sciences in Valkeakoski, Finland. Here you can choose modules related to the specializations "International Management" and "Marketing". During your stay at the partner university, you will also write your Bachelor's thesis. The thesis and oral examination are supervised by both partners.
In order to obtain the Finnish degree (210 ECTS credits required), students must also complete a work placement worth 30 ECTS credits. The work placement is scheduled for the seventh semester and can be divided up flexibly. Recognition is granted solely by the partner university, as it requires the corresponding performance. However, pre-study internships can be recognized if they correspond to the study program.
Here you will find a graphic overview of the course of study and the programme content of semesters 5-6
(see illustration).
After successfully completing your studies, you will receive the German and Finnish degree "Bachelor of Arts".
Application is made online for the Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration degree program and is possible in the winter semester of each academic year. Due to the different lecture times, it is best to start at the Finnish university in the winter semester.
The studies are sponsored by the EU ERASMUS program. During your stay abroad, tuition fees at the German and Finnish universities are waived.
Special features:
- Successful completion of the modules Business English foundation course and advanced course with a minimum grade of "good"
- 105 ECTS must be completed at The Hochschule Niederrhein before the start of the stay abroad
- Application at the end of the 2nd semester - Preference for the ERASMUS program Semester
- preference for the practical phase in the lecture-free period possible (work placement 30 ECTS)
Content and structure of studies for Finnish students
Finnish students begin their studies at the International Business Department of the HAMK
University of Applied Sciences in Valkeakoski.
They complete the first four semesters there. The content of the studies, which serve to impart the basic knowledge required in a business degree program, is determined by the home university. The fifth and sixth semesters of the studies are completed in Mönchengladbach, with a focus on international topics.
In the sixth semester, Finnish students must complete a practical phase in a company (in the region). The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics supports students in finding a company where this can be done in English. The practical phase can, but does not have to, go hand in hand with the Bachelor's thesis. This also takes place in the sixth semester.
Here you will find a graphical overview of the course of study and program content of semesters 5-6 at
Mönchengladbach(see figure).
After successfully completing your studies, you will receive the German and Finnish degree "Bachelor of Arts".
After successfully completing your studies, you will be awarded the German and Finnish Bachelor of Arts degree.
The following certificates are required:
Webschulstraße 41 - 43
Webschulstraße 41 - 43
Office hours by appointment (registration by e-mail)
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