Target group
The binational Bachelor's degree programme in International Marketing is suitable for you if you would like to complete a broad-based business studies degree with a specialization in marketing and international management. The international orientation of the Degree program offers you the best prerequisites for a career start in an international environment.
Aim of the studies
The course prepares you to take on specialist and management tasks in a wide range of business areas. As a marketing specialist, you will also be in demand across all sectors - in national or international companies, in associations or public institutions!
You will not only acquire the necessary basic knowledge in business administration, but also specific professional and social skills. Exciting modules await you, such as international management, international marketing or marketing as a specialization. The knowledge you acquire will enable you to analyze practical business problems using appropriate methods and develop suitable solutions. After completing your studies, you will have the necessary know-how to work in various marketing positions.
Content and structure of the studies
You will spend the 1st to 4th specialization semester together with students from the French partner university at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics in Mönchengladbach.
The following areas await you here:
- The basic knowledge of business administration (core area of business administration),
- the other knowledge required for activities in operational management functions (economics, mathematics, business law, business informatics),
- the necessary key qualifications (business languages and international competence as well as other key qualifications).
Building on this basic knowledge, the content of the subject areas is specified in the two specialization courses.
The specialization courses include
- Marketing
- International Management
Further compulsory optional courses offer you the opportunity to round off your theoretical knowledge and apply it in practical application.
In the 5th and 6th semesters of the Franco-German study program, you will get to know the French culture and improve your language skills. These are completed at our French partner university, the Université de Haute-Alsace, in Colmar. There you will not only specify your knowledge in the key area of "Marketing and Sales", but also apply your knowledge in exciting, practical marketing projects.
At the end of your studies, you will have to write your Bachelor's thesis and present it in an oral examination. The special feature of this degree programme is the German-French double degree. The Hochschule Niederrhein awards a "Bachelor of Arts" and the Université de Haute-Alsace awards a "Licence Gestion". The double degree opens up career prospects on the Franco-German and international job market!
Special features of the degree programme
- max. 15 students per academic year
- sponsored by the EU Erasmus+ program
- sponsored by the Franco-German University (DFH): sponsor of 350 euros per month during the stay abroad (as of June 2024).
Course of studies(see figure DE - see figure FR)