Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Classification & Recognition

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Important note

Dear Students, 
Please only submit your applications and all related documents in digital form to the email address provided to help us deal with your questions in the best possible way in the current circumstances. 
As usual, you fill in the “Antrag auf Anerkennung und/oder Einstufung“ (Application for recognition and/or placement) (preferably digitally; the application is a digital form) and attach the copies of the other required documents to your email as a photo or scan.
Please refer to the website for information regarding the required documents: Applications which are incomplete will still not be accepted.
Please also note that the time required to process applications will be considerably longer than usual.
Thank you very much – please stay safe!

Please note that this page is currently under construction. The information in the download section will soon be available for you in English as well.

Classification & recognition of achievements

Placement in a higher semester & recognition of previously completed examinations

  • At the Hochschule Niederrhein (internal),
  • At another state or state-recognised external university in Germany or abroad (external) 

when switching to another degree programme (internal) or when switching completely to the Hochschule Niederrhein (external).



Depending on how you wish to have your documents assessed, there will be differences in the overall procedure.
If you require a placement assessment for the application for a higher semester before a recognition assessment (and are subsequently awarded a place), the following is necessary:

  • After registration, in addition to the recognition and placement documents you have previously submitted, you must submit proof (student card or similar) that you are now enrolled in the degree programme of your choice and
  • Independently inform the respective person in the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics that you also require a recognition assessment in addition to the completed placement assessment. This is required before the recognition of previously completed examinations is possible.

If you only require a recognition assessment, submit your application with all documents directly to the Faculty.

The procedure as well as all information on the process for the recognition of academic achievements and the placement assessment can be found in the document “Merkblatt für den Antrag auf Anerkennung und/oder Einstufung” (Information on the application for recognition and/or placement) in the download area.

All the documents that must accompany your application for recognition must be submitted as originals or as a certified copy. The documents that must be attached to the respective applications are specified with additional information on the procedures in “Hinweise und Checkliste” (Notes and Checklist) in the download area.



All applications for grading and recognition must be submitted to the responsible Examinations Board or to the responsible member of staff in the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. Please submit your documents either

  • preferably in digital form to the e-mail address provided or
  • in person to the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics (Administration Office or by posting in the letterbox opposite the Administration Office), or
  • by post(see contact for address)

to the attention of the responsible member of the examination board (Prof. Dr. Christoph Pütz) or the responsible employee (Mr. René Steinwartz).



The Downloads section contains the “Antrag auf Anerkennung und/oder Einstufung” (Application for recognition and/or placement) to be submitted as well as a "Beispielformular für den Antrag auf Anerkennung und/oder Einstufung” (Standard form for the application for recognition and/or placement). This will tell you how to fill in your application. We strongly advise you to refer to the standard application form when submitting your application.

Please note that incomplete or incorrectly completed applications cannot be processed.

Joint Degree Programme Application 
If you require a recognition assessment for the Joint Degree Programme in Business Law, please use the application form 

"Antrag zur Anerkennung und Einstufung im Verbundsstudiengang Wirtschaftsrecht" (Application for Recognition and Classification in the Joint Degree Programme in Business Law) 

in the download area.



Important information about the placement exam

In the course of the placement assessment and your application for a higher semester, please also note the deadlines (from Krefeld) for submitting the placement notice in Krefeld, which you will receive by post from us, the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, after the placement assessment has been passed. This must be submitted in Krefeld together with the other documents required for the application by the Student Services by the end of the application deadline! 

All relevant further information and on how to apply for a higher semester can be obtained from the Student Services in Krefeld or by clicking on the following link:

» Application for a higher semester

Very important:
All applications for placement in a higher semester must be submitted to the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at least two weeks before the end of the submission deadline of the Student Office so that a decision can be made in good time before the end of the registration period!




Please always and exclusively address all enquiries regarding the placement and/or recognition assessment as well as enquiries regarding appointments to: 


Prof. Dr. Christoph Pütz

Deputy Chair of the Examinations Board, Business Administration Marketing
Phone: +49 (0)2161 186-6425

René Steinwartz, M.A.
Classification and recognition,
Program coordination BBFD / BBFT / MBA
Contract lecturer Bankmanagement & Risikosteuerung, Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, Lernmethoden
Phone: +49 (0)2161 186-6356

Hochschule NiederrheinHochschule Niederrhein
Prüfungsausschuss Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Prof. Dr. Christoph Pütz
Webschulstr. 41 - 43
41065 Mönchengladbach
