BBW Business Administration
(Bachelor of Arts)

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

BBW Business Administration (Bachelor of Arts)

The degree programme is aimed at prospective students with a practical emphasis / orientation who would like to complete a compact business studies course with an optional international focus.

In addition to full-time studies, you have the opportunity to complete the "Business Administration" dual degree programme, career-integrated or with an international double degree. You can find more information here:

Courses and dates


The current course dates can be found in the course catalog.


Information events on the Degree programme

There are currently no events taking place.

You will find future dates here soon.

Aim and content of the studies

Aim of the studies

The aim of the studies is to enable students to take on specialist and management tasks in national and international companies, associations, public and comparable institutions in a wide range of business management fields.

The studies impart the basic knowledge required for practical application and a broad spectrum of specialist, methodological and social skills. Graduates are able to analyze problems in business practice with the help of appropriate methods and develop implementation-oriented solution concepts with recourse to scientific findings. They acquire the ability to think in a networked way and are thus able, for example, to classify business management issues in broader corporate processes or in overarching economic and social contexts.


Content and structure of the studies

In the six-semester Bachelor's degree program, students are taught the following areas of knowledge and qualifications:

  • Core business management skills (e.g. organization, marketing, foundation courses in procurement),
  • subject-related skills (e.g. microeconomics, macroeconomics, commercial and labor law) and
  • personnel and social skills (e.g. business languages, international competence and key qualifications).


The specialization courses include:

  • Procurement Management
  • marketing
  • controlling
  • human resources management
  • International Management (English)

In addition, a large number of compulsory optional courses offer students the additional opportunity to either round off their choice of specialization in a meaningful way or to explore further Business Administration and Economics topics.

Parallel to the courses in the specializations and the compulsory optional courses, students take part in a practical phase in the sixth semester. This gives them an insight into everyday working situations. This allows them to apply the theoretical knowledge they have acquired in practical applications. At the end of the studies, the Bachelor's thesis must be completed and defended in an oral examination. The degree programme is modular, with each module concluding with an examination, for which corresponding credit points (ECTS) are awarded. (You can find a graphical representation in thisillustration.)

BBW with semester abroad

The Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration with an integrated semester abroad offers students the opportunity to study abroad for one semester without any loss of time.

The course is designed so that students spend a semester abroad in their fifth semester. They can take advantage of the offers of the partner universities of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, but can also choose another university abroad (free mover).

Before the stay abroad, students start with selected specializations in the fourth semester, in addition to other modules, and then continue with these in the sixth semester.

In this illustrationyou will find a graphic overview of your course of study and the programme content.

The stay abroad comprises 30 ECTS. At least 2/3 of this must be completed in the form of module credits. Further ECTS credits will be awarded for intercultural skills acquired during your stay abroad. Further details can be found in § 21 of the Bachelor in Business Administration examination regulations.

For further information regarding the recognition of academic achievements, please contact Nina Friedrichs. If you have any questions regarding the organization and application for a semester abroad, please contact Ms Alexandra Howe.

Study requirements

The following requirements must be met in accordance with §3 of the examination regulations:

  • Proof of general higher education entrance qualification or entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences, a relevant subject-restricted higher education entrance qualification or a previous qualification recognized as equivalent.
  • Proof of practical work experience in the form of a 12-week internship, which must be completed by the beginning of the fourth semester at the latest. At least three of the following functional areas must be completed during the internship, whereby the accounting functional area is mandatory:
    • Procurement
    • materials management
    • production planning
    • organization
    • Accounting
    • Information Technology
    • credit management
    • Human Resources
    • Marketing/Sales
    • Taxation
    • Auditing



Personal contact

Dr. Frederike Hautmann
Quality Management Program coordination for B. A. Business Administration, B. A. Taxation and Auditing, M. A. Business Management
Business administration, especially purchasing and logistics