Continuing training in the faculty

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Practical orientation and job-specific: certificate courses

With its continuing professional training, the Faculty of Chemistry imparts sound specialist knowledge on job-specific topics within a manageable period of time. The professional applicability of the academic knowledge is our top priority in the design of the program.


You can get more information in the following drop-down menu.

Statistical design of experiments with Excel

All evaluations under Excel

Product development and optimization require extensive experiments in almost all work phases. This generates large quantities of analytical raw data. Employees of research and development departments have to evaluate these mathematically and scientifically and at the same time with a view to economic factors.

With its multitude of methods, procedures and experimental plans, Design of Experiments (DoE) can reduce development times and save costs.


Physics and Data Processing, ILOC institute council, faculty council, hlb-NRW Executive Board, Executive Board Heinrich Lange Foundation
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Expert training according to § 11

the Chemicals Prohibition Ord

Section 11 of the Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance regulates the proof of expertise required for persons who place certain hazardous substances, preparations or products on the market. This is important for anyone who supplies end customers with chemicals. This includes, for example, not only traditional companies in the chemical industry, but also DIY stores, drugstores and companies that supply painters. It should be noted that the expertise according to § 11 ChemVerbotsV ("poison certificate") can only be acquired by persons and is not issued to a company, as is often assumed.

Coatings Technology Member ILOC Institute
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Continuing education to maintain expertise


Coatings Technology Member ILOC Institute
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Numerical flow simulation with OpenFOAM

(CFD) with OpenFOAM®

Material and energy flows occur in virtually all industrial processes. Fluid dynamic properties are central to performance and efficiency in a wide range of products. By using CFD, great potential for improvement can be uncovered and realized, from planning and development to optimization of existing plants. With the freely available CFD software OpenFOAM® a powerful simulation tool exists that offers companies as well as research facilities a real alternative to commercial solutions.


Chemical Engineering ILOC Institute Council
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Laboratory management organize and lead

and motivating lead

At the latest when taking on a management function, interpersonal skills become just as important as technical skills in scientific career paths. The daily routine in a management function requires distinctive soft skills, knowledge of companies and their cultures, laboratory and project management, budget management, occupational safety and much more. How are natural scientists supposed to fill these knowledge gaps in the shortest possible time and have the required expertise at the ready?

Instrumental Analytics, Dean, Member ILOC Institute
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REACH The EU Chemicals Regulation

Authorization and Restriction

Since its introduction to the EU chemicals regulation REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) has had a massive impact on all manufacturers, importers, distributors and users of chemical substances. This has led to great uncertainty, especially for many downstream users:


  • What needs to be considered in the long-term implementation of REACH, ChemG and GefStoffV?
  • How are strategic forecasts on raw material availability to be made?
  • Who plays the central role in the REACH, SVHC system?


Coatings Technology Member ILOC Institute
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