Our faculty

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Office of the Dean

Our Office of the Dean in the Faculty of Chemistry for you

The Office of the Dean is responsible for the organization and the smoothest possible running of the study program. It is the contact for all related issues, e.g. lecture schedules, study regulations, information exchange and the hiring of students, tutors, etc. It is also responsible for the faculty's development planning.

The Office of the Dean is open all day.


Dean Faculty of Chemistry


Coatings Technology Member ILOC Institute

Administration FB 01

Christine Ochmann
Michaela Prinz-Bader
Department Management

Examinations Board

elected 31.3.2022

The Examinations Board in the Faculty of Chemistry is an independent body of the Hochschule Niederrhein. It ensures compliance with the examination regulations adopted in each case. In particular, it is responsible for deciding on appeals against decisions made in examination procedures, recognition procedures in the studies, conducting a proper examination and carries out reflections on the examination procedure.

From the group of university teachers / lecturers (1.4.2022, term of office 4 years)


From the group of scient. Employees (term of office 4 years)

  • Dipl.-Ing. Monika Weidmann
  • Dipl.-Ing. Petra Heithausen (deputy member)


From the group of students (term of office 1 year, elected 30.03.2023)

  • Sarah Fasbender (Full Member)
  • Mareike Schlangen (Full Member)
  • Sebastian Tiemerding (Alternate Member)
  • Gobigan Vavuniy anar (Alternate Member)


budget committee

elected 31.3.2022

The budget committee (HHA) of FB01 deliberates and budgets the budgetary resources available to the faculty. After allocation of the annual funds by the university administration and advance deduction of recurring material costs, these are distributed to the individual laboratories and departments according to need and expenditure in accordance with a sophisticated distribution key that has proven itself over many years, which subsequently manage these independently within the framework of the allocated sums. The budget funds must be used to cover running costs such as chemical and gas requirements, disposal costs, repairs and other consumables. In addition to planning and managing the budgets, cost tracking and monitoring is also part of the budget committee's work. The committee usually meets twice a year. In one meeting at the beginning of the year, the planning for the year that has begun takes place, and in the second meeting in the summer or fall of the year, an interim balance sheet is drawn up. Special meetings can be scheduled if necessary or in special situations, such as major repairs, etc.

Particular emphasis is placed on student participation. In addition to planning and organizational skills, participation in the HHA also promotes insight into HSNR administrative processes.

From the group of university teachers / lecturers (31.3.2022, term of office 2 years)

From the group of scient. Staff (31.3.2022 term of office 2 years)

  • Dipl.-Ing. Monika Weidmann

From the group of non-academic staff Staff

  • Cornelia Eder

From the group of students (30.3.2023, term of office 1 year)

  • Kevin de Greef (Full Member)
  • Julian Schmidt (Full Member)
  • Steffen Fiorenza (Alternate Member)
  • Tobias Timp (Alternate Member)



Study Advisory Board

elected 31.3.2022

The tasks of the advisory board can be requested from Mrs. Hoffmann-Jacobsen.

From the group of university teachers / lecturers (elected on 31.3.2022, term of office 2 years)

From the group of students (term of office 1 year), elected on 30.3.2023

  • Lukas Böker
  • Steffen Fiorenza
  • Kevin de Greef
  • Sören van Stiphoudt
  • Tobias Timp

Student Advice (B.Sc., M.Sc.)

elected 31.3.2022

Instrumental and chemical analysis

Student Advice (B.Eng., M.Eng., KOOP)

elected 31.3.2022

Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Member ILOC Institute

Webmaster FB 01

elected 31.3.2022

Physics and Data Processing, ILOC institute council, faculty council, hlb-NRW Executive Board, Executive Board Heinrich Lange Foundation
Physical Chemistry / Mathematics, Member ILOC Institute


elected 31.3.2022

Biotechnology Member ILOC Institute
teacher for special purposes


elected 31.3.2022

Instrumental and chemical analysis

international coordinator

elected 1.12.2022

Biotechnology Member ILOC Institute


elected 31.3.2022

faculty council

The Faculty Council is the highest decision-making body of the Faculty of Chemistry and is responsible for all matters concerning the Faculty, unless other responsibilities are expressly determined. In order to perform its duties, the faculty council may elect, appoint and/or commission committees, commissions, working groups and task forces. It is responsible for all matters of fundamental importance to the faculty. These include, among other things, the enactment of examination regulations, the determination of the structural plan, the coordination of research projects and decisions on appointment proposals of the appointment committees.

Composition of the FBR 01

From the group of university teachers / lecturers (term of office 2 years from 01.3.2022)

From the group of the wiss. Mitarbeiter

  • Dipl.-Ing. Petra Straßburg


From the group of non-academic staff

  • Cornelia Eder


From the group of stud. members

  • Sarah-Isabelle Fasbender
  • Adrian Dobnik
  • Steffen Fiorenza

Quality Improvement Commission

elected 31.3.2022

The Quality Improvement Funds Committee (QVMA) of FB01 advises and budgets the quality improvement funds available to the faculty. Quality improvement funds are earmarked for use in teaching education. After annual funds are allocated by the university administration and a portion is preallocated for the ongoing replacement of the chemistry-specific literature collection in the HSNR library, they are distributed according to need and expense. On the one hand, there is a sophisticated and long-standing distribution formula by which funds for student/scientific assistants are distributed to individual laboratories and departments so that they can assist in internships, for example. On the other hand, a residual sum remains for which the individual areas can apply with innovative project proposals. The QVMA deliberates and discusses the applications and establishes a priority list. This is presented to the dean for decision and decided by vote. In addition to planning and managing budgets, cost tracking and monitoring is also part of the budget committee's work. The committee usually meets twice a year. In one meeting at the beginning of the year, the planning for the year in progress takes place; in the second meeting in the summer or fall of the year, an interim balance sheet is drawn up and any remaining funds are spent. Special meetings may be scheduled as needed and for special situations such as major repairs/investments, etc. Special in this committee is the high number of student members. Particularly in the QVMA, special emphasis is placed on student participation. Since the sum of the QV funds is usually larger than the budget funds available to FB01, there is definitely the possibility here to bring in student procurement proposals and interests. In addition to planning and organizational skills, participation in the QVMA also promotes insight into HSNR administrative processes.

From the group of university teachers / lecturers (term of office 2 years)

From the group of the scient. Staff (term of office 2 years)

  • Dipl.-Ing. Petra Heithausen

From the group of students (term of office 1 year), elected on 30.3.2023

  • Matti Clausen (Full member)
  • Sören van Stiphoudt (Full Member)
  • Mareike Schlangen (Alternate Member)


Studies and spatial planning

elected 31.3.2022

Materials science General and inorganic chemistry
Molecular Biotechnology Member ILOC Institute

Evaluation Committee

elected 31.3.2022

The Evaluation Committee discusses the results of the evaluation of the faculty and derives measures from it. The report is presented to the FBR, the Dean and the Vice President for Teaching Education. You as students have a strong say because this committee is composed of 1 prof, 2 MA, 2 students. We meet once or twice a year depending on the assignment.

From the group of university teacher / lecturer (term 2 years)

From the group of the wiss. Staff (term of office 2 years)

  • Dipl.-Ing. Brita Gäbel

From the group of student members (term of office 1 year), elected on 30.3.2023

  • Lukas Böker (full member)
  • Sarah Fasbender (Full Member)
  • Sebastian Tiemerding (Alternate Member)



elected 31.3.2022

Organic Chemistry Member ILOC Institute


elected 31.3.2022

Paint Chemistry and New Materials ILOC Institute Director


elected 31.3.2022

Chemical Engineering ILOC Institute Council

Construction matters

elected 31.3.2022

Professorship for Biophysical Chemistry, Member ILOC-Institute
Chemical Engineering ILOC Institute Council


elected 31.3.2022

Molecular Biotechnology Member ILOC Institute
Dr. Melanie Voigt
Research Assistant Organic trace analysis

The intranet of the university

Access to the university intranet

The intranet provides all regulations, guidelines, legal bases, service directives, service agreements and forms as well as the CD design and all important information on research at the university. Note: Can only be accessed internally or via VPN.

Additional information can be found at the top of the intranet menu bar.

Organization - Research - Studies & Teaching - Service - CD-Info ABC

Further dial-in lists to the services of the Hochschule Niederrhein.

Note posting

with MACH en

This page provides you with up-to-date information about the Resource Management project.


Project costing separation calculation

ELO document management

Intranet of the HN Forms, regulations, etc.

From the university network, access is without authentication; externally, you can access the pages with your university account or via VPN.

Form to apply for additional teaching hours

in the Faculty of Chemistry.


CD Portal

To ensure a holistic appearance of The Hochschule Niederrhein (HN) as a brand, you will find information and examples of the design guidelines here, as well as the most important templates as downloads. e.g. letter, PP templates, etc..


WEB Mail

HN Employee actions

Aid Aachen

Financial management NRW

Further dial-in lists to the services of the university


Ticket system for workshop orders and repair.

Workshop orders

Further dial-in lists to the services of the Hochschule Niederrhein.

IT Support

IT- Support deals with all problems and questions that may arise in dealing with the IT services and systems of the Hochschule Niederrhein.

IT Support

HN Identity Manager



Sciebo is a non-commercial, free cloud storage for research and teaching education. It is jointly operated by 22 universities in NRW and sponsored by the state of NRW. The data is stored and processed exclusively at three locations in NRW. As a result, the data is particularly protected by Germany's strict data protection laws.



Scientific literature


Regulations of The Hochschule Niederrhein

digitaLe" project

The media scientist Pia Annas (B.Sc.) supports you in the implementation of eLearning projects in the Faculty of Chemistry.

Contact her!

Pia Annas, B.Sc.
Media didactician in the Faculty of Chemistry Team "digitaLe

Date coordination

Dial-in ZOOM web conferences

Employees of The Hochschule Niederrhein have the option of setting up web conferences via ZOOM. Any other persons can be invited to these conferences.

Web conference


The hlb-NRW represents the professional and higher education policy interests of university lecturers at the universities of applied sciences and the corresponding Degree programmes of the comprehensive universities in North Rhine-Westphalia.


Further dial-in lists to the services of the university

Business trip request

You can log in with the university account that was sent to you when you were hired. The university account can look like this: Name of employee: Max Mustermann
Username: mamus001
Password: self-assigned
If you are missing information about this account or are unable to log in,
please contact IT support(it-support(at)hs-niederrhein.de; or tel. -2222).

Business trip application

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs-FB01)

  • The support deals with all problems and questions that arise in dealing with the homepage of the Faculty of Chemistry FB 01 .


Send to this e-mail address all changes and activities from the Faculty of Chemistry:

  • All TOP news (events, prizes, distinctions, etc., not the news of the professors).
  • All job advertisements (industrial partners, bachelor's & master's theses etc. )
  • All changes of persons in the faculty (staff members, PhD students, persons with special functions like first aiders, safety officers etc.)
  • Public relations activities carried out (trade fairs, schools, student projects, etc.)
  • Information for the monitor system in the Adlerstrasse (welcoming important guests, events, etc.)
  • Faculty and event schedules (calendar to be created).


"Please forward pdf files only"

Homepage instructions

Instructions & Information Videos

Contact person for further support

Physics and Data Processing, ILOC institute council, faculty council, hlb-NRW Executive Board, Executive Board Heinrich Lange Foundation
Instructions & Instructional V

Marketing Commission

Biotechnology Member ILOC Institute
Technical Chemistry Member ILOC Institute
teacher for special purposes


< August 2025 >

Add event

If you are missing an event, please send us a short mail with all important information:

  • Place
  • Date / Time
  • Topic / Procedure
  • Participation requirements

The event must be subject-related.
