Dr. Dirk G. Ebling

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.


Lectures in chemistry and electrical engineering:

  • Technical Chemistry II (Ch)
  • Air pollution control (Ch)
  • Control Engineering (Ch)
  • Laboratory and Project Management (Ch)
  • EUT: Efficient energy use - foundation courses, effects, materials and examples (ET)

Chemistry and Ecotrophology internships:

  • PC internship (FB Chemistry)
  • Physics practical course (FB Ecotrophology)
  • Practical course in chemistry (FB Ökotrophologie)
  • Laboratory safety (FB Ökotrophologie)

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Thermoelectrics and their industrial application

The fields of application range from energy-autonomous sensor technology to energy recovery on a KW scale. In addition to the construction of modules with the associated assembly and connection technology, as well as the design and development of application-oriented systems, the focus is on development work for material optimization. Particularly in the area of energy-autonomous sensor technology, the linking of chemical sensor technology and thermoelectrics promises to open up completely new fields of application and thus increasing interest from industrial partners.

Other important fields of application are cooling for air conditioning, e.g. in the context of e-mobility, or micro-cooling of electrical and optical components.



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