Prof. Dr. Andreas Roppertz

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.



Math I for Sciencer

Reaction Engineering I

Reaction Engineering II


Surface Analysis

Sustainability in industrial chemistry

Physical Chemistry I



Physical Chemistry

Reaction Engineering I

Advanced practical course

Theses and project assignments

Topics for degree or project assignments will be assigned at any time for the following specialisations:

- Heterogeneous Catalysis

- Reaction Engineering

- Sustainability in industrial chemistry


selected examples:

1. development of precious metal-minimized catalysts for emission reduction

2. development of exhaust gas catalysts based on renewable raw materials

3. development of catalytic evaporators

4. development and design of dual-layer catalysts for selective oxidation reactions

5. technical evaluation of microreactors and micromixers for use in synthesis and process design

6. development of a photoreactor for gas phase oxidation

7. development of an IR transmission cell for measurements at T > 350 °C


Professional career

since 09/2020 Professor for Technical Chemistry at The Hochschule Niederrhein

08/2019 - 07/2020 Development engineer at Altenburger Maschinen Jäckering GmbH

06/2017 - 07/2019 Head of R&D at Emission Partner GmbH & Co. KG

04/2013 - 03/2017 Research group leader exhaust gas aftertreatment at TU Freiberg

Research - Catalyst development

  • Catalyst development for many applications from the field of emission reduction (air pollutants such as carbon monoxide, unburned and partially burned hydrocarbons, and odorous substances).
  • Material development takes place directly on the ceramic or metallic substrate (e.g. 1inch honeycomb). A later camouflage sfer on catalysts with larger cross sections can be realized without problems. The work thus also includes the development of suitable catalyst slurries.
  • Development of coating specifications and catalyst slurries as well as service possible.


Research - Design optimization

  • Targeted development of dual layer catalysts or catalysts with defined zones for demanding applications. Possible for catalysts from 1" to 12 " diameter and 6" length.
  • Design development is accompanied by theoretical studies, for which effective difussion coefficients are measured by means of a difussion measuring cell.
  • Optical analysis is performed using cross-sectional images of catalysts embedded in resin via electron microscopy (including EDX) or laser microscopy.
  • Analysis of catalysts even after chemical or mechanical poisoning is possible!

Research - coating technologies

  • Within the scope of research and service contracts, catalysts can be coated in metallic or ceramic form with many geometries.
  • The coating is made from catalyst lurys via classical impregnation processes or wetting processes.
  • Another innovative process is the coating of catalyst shaped bodies by means of flame spray pyrolysis. Here, not only water-soluble catalyst components are suitable for coating. Conventional catalyst slurries can be uniformly deposited on the molded bodies via the flame passage. In the current configurations, catalysts with a diameter of 3" and a length of 2" can be coated.

Research - Non-Classical Catalysts

  • Thanks to the development of our own coating processes, it is possible to coat inexpensive textiles such as PET with catalytically active materials that are permanently immobilized on the textiles.
  • The development of catalytically active coatings is also possible. These materials are tested for their properties as catalysts and as coatings, as can be seen from the scratch test.
Technical Chemistry Member ILOC Institute