
In the internship, experiments on organic synthesis and organic analysis are performed. The scope is 9 one-step preparations according to organic etc. and 2 organic analyses. The internship further includes:

  • 1 oral examination at the beginning with Prof. Lindemann, Prof. V. Strehmel or Prof. Wanninger
  • 1 oral examination in the middle of the internship


After passing the 1st oral examination, the internship can be started.

In addition, there is the possibility to do theses (bachelor's or master's theses) on current research topics in the laboratory area.

opening hours

Monday - Thursday

  • 07:30 - 16:00


  • 07:30 - 12:00


S E10 - S E13


The successful completion of the Qualitative Internship and the Quantitative Internship is required for the registration for the internship. In addition, at least 18 ECTS points from the modules Mathematics I , Physics I and General and Analytical Chemistry must have been achieved.

Registration for the internship:

Upon registration, the assignment will be made to:

  • Prof. Lindemann
  • Mrs. Prof. V. Strehmel
  • Mrs. Prof. Wanninger


Appointments for oral examinations are made with the professors.


Gabriele Jansen
Organic chemistry
Detlef König
Organic chemistry

DV Chemistry Laboratory and Design



DV exercises and internships

In the laboratory all exercises or internships for data processing I and II are carried out

and the optimization for all masters.


opening hours

Monday - Friday

  • all day (see notice occupancy schedule)


P 111 - 113


no requirements


Physics and Data Processing, ILOC institute council, faculty council, hlb-NRW Executive Board, Executive Board Heinrich Lange Foundation
Heinz Sprünken, Dipl.-Ing.

Internship content

The supervising professors are Prof. Dr. Achim Eickmeier and Prof. Dr. Ernst Cleve.

Physics is more than dry formulas and abstract thought models. Physics can be experienced and is part of everyday life: it can be seen in the color of the sky or in the rise and fall of gas bubbles in sparkling water. Without warning, it can knock you over in the "half pipe" and throw Sebastian Vettel out of the curve. Physics is in every CD player and - in teamwork with chemistry - dissolves the grease from the frying pan when you wash up. Physical phenomena are often complex - if you really want to know exactly, you can't get around mathematics. However, understanding physics goes beyond juggling mathematical formulas; a "feel for the matter" is at least as important. And the essence of many phenomena can be understood without mathematics. Here are some examples. Physics is an exact, so to say meticulous science, nevertheless one should take it with a pinch of humor ... As Niels Bohr (1885-1962) - father of the atomic model - already said: "There are things that are so serious that one can only make jokes about them."

Excerpt from:

DPG, The German Physical Society,

During the internship, experiments on mechanics, kinematics, electricity, thermodynamics and optics are performed.

opening hours


  • 14:00 till 17:00


  • 14:00 till 17:00


  • 10:00 till 14:00


P 106


Passed Physics I written examination at the end of the 1st semester. The assignment of the internship places in the summer semester is based on the grade in the written examination.

Block internship during the semester break 2022

Implementation of the block internship in the semester break 2022.

You register for the internship as a group of two, if possible. If you do not have a partner, we will assign you to a group. So that we can plan, please register by mail with Mrs. Christina Nielsen (christina.nielsen(at) Condition for participation is a passed Physics I written examination. The registration deadline is Monday, 11.07.2022. You will immediately receive the registration key for the moodle course and will be provided with the necessary information.

The block practicum during the semester break will take place Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9-12. Start is on 8/22/22, end on 9/9/22.
The safety briefing will take place on the first date, which is Monday 8/22/22 at 9:00 am sharp.
Each day there will be an experiment that you are to evaluate immediately. This is a guided internship. So there are deadlines that you must meet in order to successfully participate in this program. You will find a matrix in the Moodle course, in which the groups are listed in the left column with a group number. At the top of the first row there is a date. On this date they have to perform the respective experiment. Instead of the "oral examination" all group members have to pass the test belonging to the experiment. These are also stored in the Moodle course. You will have two chances to do this, each test is limited to 30 minutes and there is a one day break between tests. Work through the material well and also have a calculator handy. Your PC's software should be reasonably up-to-date to avoid technical difficulties. If someone does not pass twice, participation is over for that person. Exceptionally, two oral retests can be made. If that also does not work out, you can participate in the internship in the next semester.
Start preparing and taking the tests in time.
The test is only about the experiment, you will be asked about the theory, the execution and the evaluation of the respective experiment

Good luck!


Christina Schneider, B.Eng.
Laboratory Engineer

Internship content

currently no info

opening hours

For more information, contact the professors in charge.


T E50


Please check with the professors in charge.


André Lorenz, M.Sc.
PhD student / supervisor at the HN: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Hoffmann Jacobsen

Internship content

The qualitative internship takes place in the 1st or 2nd semester. During the internship, work is carried out in the field of qualitative inorganic analysis. Students are taught substance knowledge based on the classical cation and anion separation process. Students are given cation analyses from the hydrochloric acid group, the hydrogen sulfide group, the ammonium sulfide group, the ammonium carbonate group, the soluble group as well as full analyses of the groups mentioned.


Prerequisites for moving into the internship are a current safety briefing from Prof. Gröschel, Moodle test 1 and the Moodle test for safety briefing.


All further information about the internship can be found in the Moodle room Bachelor ACP. The password is posted in front of the office or can be requested by mail at

opening hours


  • 9:00 - 16:00


  • 9:00 - 16:00


  • 9:00 - 16:00


  • 9:00 - 16:00


  • 9:00 - 14:00


U E64 - U E70


Inorganic Chemistry, Member ILOC Institute
Silvia Steinwegs

Internship content


The quantitative internship takes place in the 1st or 2nd semester. In this internship, modern analytics are dealt with in order to learn a didactically sensible handling of sophisticated technology. The aim of the internship is to educate the student to work in a clean, loss-free manner and, at the same time, to acquire the ability to make judgments regarding the measurement procedures and measurement data with which the chemist is confronted in the real world of work. The didactic tool is the examination of unknown analytical samples.

Laboratory equipment

The Laboratory for Quantitative Chemistry was completely renovated and has been in operation again since March 2004. The entire laboratory area was renovated down to the foundation walls with the most modern equipment and facilities. The laboratory now offers workplaces for the students, which guarantee a high level of safety as well as the lowest environmental impact according to the latest state of the art.

Attention! News! Good to know



There are lab spots available (for non-freshmen) in the Analytical Chemistry Lab.

If you would like to participate in the "Quanti." internship, please schedule a lab orientation with me at:



It is imperative that you bring to the lab orientation:

  • Lab coat (cotton)
  • Padlock
  • Waterproof felt pen

You are welcome to bring the rest of the lab equipment that you will need yourself and store it at the lab site.

Following the lab introduction, your internship will begin, so please come prepared.

Video introduction to Quanti.

(please note the current opening hours on the homepage and in the Moodle course "Quanti").

It is highly recommended to study the script for the intern ship. There you will find everything you need to know about the internship.

With kind regards

Jan Vanvlodorp


Contents of the safety instruction

"different but also beautiful"

Safety instruction on the coronavirus SARS-CoV2 situation

  • It is not allowed to enter the rooms U216 to U220 for persons who belong to a risk group and therefore need special protection against an infection with the coronavirus SARS CoV2.
  • The internship on analytical chemistry is carried out under the conditions of the general decree of the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of June 022020 "Implementation of teaching education and practical courses as well as examinations at universities in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia".
  • This means in particular:

No more than 20 people may participate in the courses. A safety distance of 1.5 meters between each participant must be ensured. If this cannot be ensured in individual cases, in particular when entering and leaving the laboratory rooms and during brief movements between the laboratory workplaces, all participants are required to wear a textile mouth/nose covering (e.g. everyday mask, scarf, cloth). Furthermore, the relevant hygiene regulations and guidelines of the Robert Koch Institute, as amended from time to time, including contact-reducing measures, must be strictly observed during the internship. For traceability, in the sense of §2a Corona Protection Ordinance, it must be ensured that the names and student registration numbers of the participating students are recorded.

  • Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly.

Before entering the laboratory, after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, before using any general work equipment (storage bottles, scales, measuring instruments), before leaving the laboratory.

To do this, hold hands under running water. Rub hands on all sides with soap for 20-30 seconds and wash under running water. Then dry the hands with a clean cloth.

  • Keep your hands away from your face.
  • It is best to cough and sneeze into a handkerchief or hold the crook of your arm in front of your mouth and nose. While doing this, keep your distance from others and turn away.
  • The work surfaces and work equipment must be cleaned with the surface disinfectant by the respective user before leaving the laboratory. For this purpose, the surface disinfectant is sprayed on and then wiped with a cloth soaked in the disinfectant.

opening hours

Laboratory opening hours in summer semester 2023

Opening hours

Monday 9:00 - 12: 00 13: 00 - 16: 30

Tuesday 9:00 - 12:00 13:00 - 16:30

Wednesday 9:00 - 12:00 13:00 - 16:30

Thursday 9:00 - 12:00 13:00 - 16:30

Friday 9:00 - 12:00 13:00 - 16:00

Deviations from the opening hours

The Quantitative Analytical Chemistry Laboratory will be open from:

-open for students from Monday 20/03/2023.

-closed on 07.04.23 up to and including 10.04.2023. (Easter)

-closed on Wednesday the 26.04.23 in the time from 11 am to 13:00.

-closed on Monday 01.05.23. (Public holiday)

-on Thursday the 11.05.2023 the laboratory opens only at 13:00.

-closed from 18.05.23 to 21.05.23 inclusively. (public holidays)

-closed from 27.05.23 up to and including 30.05.23. (Holidays)

-closed on Friday 02.06.2023.

-closed from 08.06.23 to incl. 13.06.23. (holidays + training)

-closed after 14.07.2023. (end of lectures SS 2023)


from 25.09.2023 the lab is open again regularly (start of lectures WS 2023/2024)


U 215 - U 221


Entry requirements

  • Participation in the safety briefing by Prof. Dr. Gröschel
  • Valid student ID.
  • Passing of an oral examination on the performed methods.

When taking over the laboratory place, each student must have the following equipment (to be provided by him/herself) at his/her disposal:

- 1 pipetting ball

- 3 porcelain crucibles 45 mm

- Universal pH paper

- 1 loose-leaf binder DIN A 4

- 3 sheets of graph paper DIN A 3

- Lab coat (cotton)

- Ruler (length: min. 30 cm)

- Padlock

- Waterproof felt pen


Materials science General and inorganic chemistry
Jan Vanvlodorp, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Inorganic Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

Internship content

Training Lab

In the SE16 laboratory, practical training as a chemical laboratory technician is carried out in the form of dual studies in accordance with the Krefeld Model. The training period is two years.

Students are taught to examine organic and inorganic substances and products and to investigate chemical processes. Mixtures of substances are prepared and synthesis processes of preparations are learned. Various chemical and state-of-the-art physical methods are used for analysis. Furthermore, correct sample preparation, statistical evaluation procedures and proper record keeping are emphasized in the work procedures. The skills taught will be applied in various research projects.

Please ask the training manager for the course contents.

opening hours

After arrangement

Training Lab

SE 16


Please inquire about prerequisites with the responsible persons.

Student Lab

Student Lab

Currently under construction.

Biotechnology Member ILOC Institute

Student Lab

SE 16
