Safety instruction on the coronavirus SARS-CoV2 situation
- It is not allowed to enter the rooms U216 to U220 for persons who belong to a risk group and therefore need special protection against an infection with the coronavirus SARS CoV2.
- The internship on analytical chemistry is carried out under the conditions of the general decree of the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of June 022020 "Implementation of teaching education and practical courses as well as examinations at universities in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia".
- This means in particular:
No more than 20 people may participate in the courses. A safety distance of 1.5 meters between each participant must be ensured. If this cannot be ensured in individual cases, in particular when entering and leaving the laboratory rooms and during brief movements between the laboratory workplaces, all participants are required to wear a textile mouth/nose covering (e.g. everyday mask, scarf, cloth). Furthermore, the relevant hygiene regulations and guidelines of the Robert Koch Institute, as amended from time to time, including contact-reducing measures, must be strictly observed during the internship. For traceability, in the sense of §2a Corona Protection Ordinance, it must be ensured that the names and student registration numbers of the participating students are recorded.
- Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly.
Before entering the laboratory, after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, before using any general work equipment (storage bottles, scales, measuring instruments), before leaving the laboratory.
To do this, hold hands under running water. Rub hands on all sides with soap for 20-30 seconds and wash under running water. Then dry the hands with a clean cloth.
- Keep your hands away from your face.
- It is best to cough and sneeze into a handkerchief or hold the crook of your arm in front of your mouth and nose. While doing this, keep your distance from others and turn away.
- The work surfaces and work equipment must be cleaned with the surface disinfectant by the respective user before leaving the laboratory. For this purpose, the surface disinfectant is sprayed on and then wiped with a cloth soaked in the disinfectant.