The Faculty of Chemistry has two support associations
The support association Chemie HN e.V. is an association of interested individuals, institutions and companies who are committed to the Faculty of Chemistry. The support association Chemie HN e. V. pursues exclusively and directly non-profit purposes. In particular, it supports the activities of the faculty.
Goals of the support association
- To promote and support the design and further development of the practice-oriented Faculty of Chemistry at the Hochschule Niederrhein.
- Promotion of contacts between the professional world and the faculty.
- Continuing training in cooperation with relevant professional associations, e.g. in the form of public events.
- Anchoring of the professional image in the public.
- Support of teaching education.
- Maintaining contacts between graduates and the faculty.
- Ideational and material support of the faculty in fulfilling its mission.
Support association Chemie HN e.V.
Hochschule Niederrhein Krefeld
Prof. Dr. Michaela Wagner
Adlerstr. 32
47798 Krefeld
Bank details
Sparkasse Krefeld
IBAN DE76 320 500 00 0001741479
Contact persons (Chairman, Management)
Technical Chemistry Member ILOC Institute
- Room: TE 51
- Phone: +49 (0)2151 822-4088
- Fax: +49 (0)2151 822-4013
- andreas.roppertz(at)
- Consultation:
by arrangement
Biotechnology Member ILOC Institute
- Room: R 104
- Phone: +49 (0)2151 822-4073 +49 (0)2151 822-4073 (Fax)
- michaela.wagner(at)
- Consultation:
by arrangement