Structure of the studies
Product and object design

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

The standard time to degree programme in designkrefeld is 7 semesters and is divided into 4 phases (development phase, project phase, internship semester and thesis).

1st to 2nd semester | The development phase

Here we teach the artistic, technical and theoretical basic subjects, such as design theory, drawing, CAD model making and design theory.

3rd to 6th semester | The project phase

From the 3rd semester on, things get design-specific with the project study. You will get to know the fields of work in the area of product and object design in which you do design.

5th semester | The internship semester

During this period you will complete a 6-month practical phase either as an internship in a company or you will study at a partner university abroad.

7th semester | The thesis

Your last big project begins - the BA thesis. You work on a topic of your choice and the result is a finished design, accompanied by a written part, a presentation and an oral examination. If you receive an appropriate grade, you will be awarded the academic degree "Bachelor of Arts".
