
Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

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Photo: Prof. Richard Jung

designkrefeld successful at the ADC Talent Awards

The Faculty of Design was once again very successful in Germany's largest and most important competition for young talent in the creative industries, the ADC Talent Award.

The ADC Talent Award encompasses the entire spectrum of individual creative achievements that go into complex communication design projects. The designkrefeld students received 4 x gold, 2 x silver, 4 x bronze and 3 distinctions from the top-class juries.

The Faculty of Design is very proud of these achievements and congratulates the students as well as the supervising lecturers.

The distinctions in detail:

2 x gold + 1 x silver + 1 x bronze + 1 x distinction for the BA final project "The Art of Empathy"
Students: Rabea Marquardt, Helena von der Frost
Lecturers: Prof. Richard Jung | Prof. Thorsten Kraus

Jury comment: "People affected by invisible diseases often suffer not only from the disease itself. They are neither understood nor taken seriously by their environment. The work allows "healthy" people to dive deep into the abysses of this disease and makes the invisible not only visible, but emotionally comprehensible. Technology for more humanity. More of it, please!"

Gold in the jury/category "Theses > Concept > Brand Communication > Integrated"
Gold in the jury/category "Theses > Craft > Creative/Innoivative Digital Technology"
Silver in the jury/category "Theses > Concept > Spatial Experience"
Bronze in the jury/category "Theses > Concept > User Experience"
Distinction in the jury/category "Theses > Concept > Brand Communication > Brand Identity/Design"

2 x gold + 1 x silver + 1 x distinction for the BA final project "The Project - Inclusive Brand Experience"
Students: Dominik Krüger, Etienne Wagner
Lecturers: Prof. Richard Jung | Prof. Thorsten Kraus

Jury comment: "It is not the "handicapped" who are handicapped, but society and its infrastructure that handicaps handicapped people. The student project "Communication inclusion using the example of Hornbach" consistently, imaginatively and radically takes the path of accessibility for the visually impaired. This applies not only to the communication design, but also to the entire store as a space. So this excellent work demands consistent inclusion not just from a DIY group, but from all brands - and shows how it's possible."

Gold in the jury/category "Theses > Concept > Spatial Experience"
Gold in the jury/category "Theses > Concept > User Experience"
Silver in the jury/category "Theses > Concept > Brand Communication > Brand Identity/Design"
Distinction in the jury/category "Theses > Experiment / Communication Arts"

1 x Bronze for the BA final project "BADMOODDAY"
Students: Fenja Schepker
Lecturer: Prof. Thorsten Kraus | Prof. Dr. Kerstin Plüm

Bronze in the jury/category "Theses > Concept > Brand Communication > Advertising

2 x Bronze for the semester project "Bit'n'Bite"
Students: Julia Frolov, Sirin Ezgin
Teaching education: Prof. Richard Jung

Bronze in the jury/category "Semesterarbeiten > Concept > Brand Communication > Brand Identity/Brand Design"
Bronze in the jury/category "Semesterarbeiten > Craft > Graphic Design, Motion Design, Interface Design".

1 x distinction for the semester project "Duck that!"
Students: Amadeus Sachs, Jannis Gluth, Miriam Geßner, Julia Frolov, Marcel Eilert
Lecturer: Prof. Richard Jung

Distinction in the jury/category "Semester projects > Concept > Brand Communication > Advertising
