
Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

(Kopie 1)

Photo: Prof. Nora Gummert-Hauser, Dipl. Des. Jens Könen as well as the designkrefeld students Samuel Heinbach, Katharina Heyer and Pauline Vor.

KOMM KOMM - Archive and Exhibition with "Krefeld Projects

As part of the "Urbanorama° - Festival for Poetic City Moments" on the occasion of the city's anniversary "650 years of Krefeld", students from the Faculty of Design at the Hochschule Niederrhein conceived, designed and realized an exhibition in and on the premises of the "GALERIA Karstadt Kaufhof".

The title "KOMM KOMM" is a striking reference to the theme of the exhibition and the archive. The website presents all the projects that the Faculty of Design has carried out with the city, in the city or about the city. In other words, everything that in the broadest sense is called the "third mission" of universities - linking research and teaching education to society and the community.

"We are pleased that with the archive we have now created a place where it can be seen how the Faculty of Design has been involved in urban development over the last two decades. On the one hand, through very concrete projects with the city of Krefeld and its actors, but also through exhibitions at the faculty, in the Krefeld museums, in the Kunstverein or in the gatekeeper's lodge. There were numerous participatory actions, as well as creative and artistic interventions through projects and theses of our students. Not to be forgotten are also discussion and lecture formats in which we are always able to welcome Krefelder:innen as guests," says Prof. Nora Gummert-Hauser.

In order to make this archive well-known, locally in the shop windows of the "GALERIA Karstadt Kaufhof" (king road corner market road), at the opposite tile wall and at the connecting cover of the underpass representative some projects are presented.

The prospective communication designers Samuel Heinbach, Katharina Heyer and Pauline Vor were accompanied by Prof. Nora Gummert-Hauser and Dipl.-Des. Jens Könen in the development of the exhibition.

Exhibition address:
GALERIA Karstadt Kaufhof, Königstraße/corner of Marktstraße

Project website: https://designkrefeld.de/kommkommkomm/
Festival website: https://urbanorama-festival.de/
Faculty website: https: //www.hs-niederrhein.de/design/

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