
Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

(Kopie 1)

Photo: Fremtidens Havn

urbanorama° - Liveable City, 28 x Urban Development in Denmark

Without citizens, no city. At the same time, cities must prepare for the future and become more sustainable. But how can the city be made livable for everyone? The new traveling exhibition of the Danish Embassy shows what this can look like with 28 examples from Denmark.

Time and place | from 26.06. to 21.07. at the Wohnstätte Krefeld, Petersstraße 121

Opening on 27.06. at 5 p.m. with impulses from Denmark and Krefeld

The exhibition Lebenswerte Stadt shows a number of successful examples of architecture and urban planning in Denmark and deliberately also takes a look at projects outside the largest cities. The exhibition, produced with recycled materials, is supplemented with interviews and film impressions of the projects. As a kaleidoscope of very different projects, the exhibition also aims to stimulate discussion: What actually constitutes a livable city, for whom are we building, and who is allowed and able to participate? A supporting program with workshops, salons and debates will be offered.

A city is not only its houses, but is only a city when there is life between the houses. How to plan and how to build for it? The era of modernist building sins of the 1960s - with lots of space for car traffic - did not leave Denmark unscathed. A lot has happened since then.

Today, urban planning has to deal with corrections where city centers are dying out and where ports are no longer used for industrial purposes. How this can be done can be seen in Svendborg on Funen, where a lively harbor environment is being created. It is also about encounters and space for communities.

But urban planning must also be done with respect for sustainability and with a view to climate change. Because there is a very real threat of flooding. How this can be combined is shown, for example, by the blue-green garden city of Kokkedal and also the Skt. Kjelds climate quarter in Copenhagen.

Denmark undoubtedly boasts some fantastic flagships of architecture, but the question of whether it is always necessary to build anew is also being asked by Danish architects. Maltfabrikken in Ebeltoft, Polymeren on Funen or the Roskilde Festival Højskole show how new life can be breathed into vacant older industrial buildings - often, incidentally, on the initiative of the citizens themselves.

Last but not least, the question arises whether it is always necessary to build and intervene. Not everything can be planned, and in some cases it is necessary to leave the city to the people and their appropriations. As in the case of Fjordbyen in Aalborg.


Program for the opening on 27.06. at 5 p.m.

Welcome and impulse on the exhibition creation, motivation and project selection Birgitte Tovborg Jensen, Project Manager Culture and Public Diplomacy, Danish Embassy

Impulse lecture Urban development in Denmark
Heiko Weissbach, Head of the Berlin office C. F. Møller Architects

6:00 p.m.
Panel: Learning from Denmark with
Marcus Beyer, Head of Planning Krefeld
Eckart Preen, Head of Economics Krefeld
Heiko Weissbach, C. F. Møller Architects

Moderation: Nicolas Beucker, The Hochschule Niederrhein

from 19:00 get together and visit of the exhibition



Exhibition: "Liveable City - 28 X Urban Development in Denmark" (um.dk)

Liveable city - 28 x urban development in Denmark An exhibition of the Royal Danish Embassy in cooperation with the Danish Institute for Urban Planning.

German flyer for the exhibition

With the kind support of Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danish Ministry of Culture, Dreyers Fond as well as Larry versus Harry and out-sider, Wohnstätte Krefeld, WfG Wirtschaftsförderung Krefeld

The festival for poetic urban moments urbanorama° is a contribution of the Faculty of Design of the Hochschule Niederrhein to the 650th anniversary of the city of Krefeld.

