Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Double Bachelor (B.Sc.)

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Shaping Digital Transformation

Our degree programmes in ComputerScience, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics and Digital Forensics will prepare you for a dynamic and attractive subject environment with excellent career prospects. We offer you a practical education with a broad range of topics that allow you to set your own specialisation – based on our experience of around 50 years.

Digital transformation is changing the world. Shape the change together with us.

What are my prospects afterwards?

With a completed double bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and ComputerScience (B.Sc.) you have excellent career prospects. As a graduate, you will find yourself in a very exclusive circle with many doors open to you. Due to the broad competencies, not only the professional fields of electrical engineering and computer science are open to you, but also higher-level tasks where an overview of hardware and software of a system is important. Due to the professional breadth and practical orientation of the studies, numerous opportunities are open to you. Employers of our graduates are for example:

  • Software houses (development, maintenance, sales, and support of software systems)
  • Industrial companies with extensive information technology, where customized software is developed
  • Companies where large amounts of data are managed (such as Health Care, banks, insurance companies, government agencies)
  • Companies with their own communication networks (such as industrial companies, insurance companies, banks, public authorities)
  • as an independent computer scientist in consulting and support for networking as well as software deployment
  • large industrial groups, which use automation in their production
  • companies offering automation components or solutions
  • Companies working on the networking of the Internet of Things
  • Start-ups that want to conquer the Internet of Things with creative applications

Afterwards, you can opt for a consecutive master's degreeprogrammes in Electrical Engineering (M. Eng.) or Computer Science (M.Sc.).

Course objectives B.Eng. Electrical Eng.

The degree programme aims to enable its graduates to

  • model concrete problems in electrical engineering,
  • apply the acquired concepts and principles of electrical engineering and mathematical methods,
  • design, implement, document, and test both software and hardware components,
  • analyse and interpret simulated and measured data,
  • develop technical solutions that also take into account social, ethical and legal aspects under guidance and defend them argumentatively,
  • assume responsibility in a project team
  • formulate subject-related positions and solutions to problems and defend them argumentatively,
  • exchange information, ideas, problems, and solutions with subject representatives and laypersons.

Graduates have also developed an individual subject-specific competence profile within the framework of selectable modules.

Course objectives B.Sc. Computer Science

The degree programme aims to ensure that its graduates are able to

  • classify the basic concepts and principles of computer science,
  • apply foundation courses in mathematics, logic, and computer technology and explain the structure and functioning of computers, networks and system software,
  • apply basic algorithms and use data structures and programming paradigms in a targeted manner,
  • implement software systems using established analysis, design and testing methods and apply current technologies as a basis for software development,
  • specify a computer science problem precisely and model it using appropriate tools,
  • develop technical solutions that also take into account social, ethical and legal aspects under guidance and defend them argumentatively,
  • construct, implement, document, test, and debug a networked and distributed software system of moderate complexity, alone or in a team, using modern work processes, development tools, programming languages, software components, and algorithms appropriately according to technical and economic considerations,
  • to convincingly justify the correctness, security, and appropriateness of a solution they have proposed themselves,
  • to take on larger projects on a pro rata basis in a team in order to work on subtasks independently,
  • to formulate subject-related positions and solutions to problems and to defend them argumentatively,
  • to exchange information, ideas, problems, and solutions with subject representatives and laypersons.

Graduates have also developed an individual subject-specific competence profile within the framework of selectable modules.

Double Bachelor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

To fully understand digitization, you need the combined know-how of electrical engineering and computer science in equal measure. That's why we've aligned our faculty's Bachelor's degree programmes, enabling our talented students to earn a degree in both disciplines at the same time – with just one extra year compared to a single degree.

For the double degree, you first register for the degree programme you wish to begin in your first academic year. You can choose between electrical engineering and computer science. Later in your studies, you will take courses in the other subject area and finish with a bachelor's thesis on a topic at the intersection of computer science and electrical engineering. More details can be found in our study plans and module manuals in the download area.

Through this model, we give all excellent students the opportunity to obtain a double degree while their studies are still in progress.

Where can I find more information?

Of course, this website does not answer all questions. Please contact us for more information about our Degree programmes. Or you can drop by our Engineering Day and get a first-hand impression of us and our Degree programmes.


Practical computer science

Master Electrical Engineering (M.Eng.)

The master's program expands and deepens your technical skills based on a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. The technical content is rounded off by the promotion of soft skills that will enable you to work independently in scientific fields. To set your specialisation, the Electrical Engineering Master's Degree programme offers you numerous courses in a broad range of topics, whereby you can form a specialisation in the areas of automation (Smart Factory), networked systems (Smart Living) or textile electronics (Smart Textiles) in particular.

Master Computer Science (M.Sc.)

The master's programme expands and deepens your professional competencies on the basis of a bachelor's degree in computer science. Today, applications of “artificial intelligence” are indispensable. In our master's degree programme, you will learn how they work and apply them to the analysis of images and language or to the implementation of Internet search algorithms.

The studies have a high practical part, e.g. you implement your own neural networks. Further contents include efficient and parallel algorithms or Big Data technologies.

The studies are available on a part-time or full-time basis and can be started in the summer or winter semester.

Still unsure? How about...

... more orientation!

During the orientation semester, students should find out whether they feel comfortable in their chosen Degree programme. Particularly for those who have first taken a different path after leaving school and have spent a year working and travelling abroad or doing a voluntary social year, the start of the summer semester should be a welcome plus.

... more electrical engineering!

Electronic devices are the basis for many of today's innovations: The Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 or Augmented Reality would be mere visions without electrical engineering, which turns these ideas into reality. The well-founded studies in theBachelor's and Master's degree programmesin Electrical Engineering are supplemented by computer science content in such a way that you can meet the challenges of digitalization.


... more know-how!

To fully understand digital transformation, you need the combined know-how of electrical engineering and computer science in equal measure. That's why we've aligned two of our faculty's bachelor's degree programmes to allow our talented students to earn a dual Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and ComputerScience in both disciplines – with just one additional year.

... more management!

In order to minimize risks, increase IT security and prevent attacks as much as possible, more and more professionals who have studied cyber security are needed. Cyber security experts are in high demand in companies and institutions, and IT security is a career field of the future. If you are passionate about computers and technology, enjoy logic and think ahead, then IT security studies in the field of bachelor's and master's degree programme Cyber Security Management is just right for you.


... more alternatives!

The Hochschule Niederrhein offers a variety of other degree programmes in different faculties. Find the right studies for you!
