Bachelor (B.Eng.) and Master (M.Eng.)

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Shaping digitital transformation

Our degree programmes prepare you for a dynamic and attractive subject environment with excellent career prospects. We offer you a practical education with a broad range of topics that allow you to set your own specialisations – based on our experience of around 50 years.

Digital transformation is changing the world. Shape the change sustainably with us.

Mechatronics is an interdisciplinary field of engineering that builds on and combines the classic disciplines of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science. All modern technical systems consist of a drive unit that executes a movement, sensor technology that provides information about the system, and an intelligent unit that controls and monitors everything.

What are my prospects afterwards?

With your knowledge from the completed B.Eng. or M.Eng. Mechatronics, you will be of great interest to many companies, as you will be working at the interface between mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science. Interdisciplinary work is a matter of course for you through your studies. This is required by almost all employers these days. You can develop complex mechatronic systems and implement the latest control strategies in software to contribute to innovative solutions. With their knowledge, our graduates start their professional careers, for example, at

  • large automotive companies or suppliers that are driving forward electromobility and autonomous driving,
  • companies that develop intelligent components and systems, and
  • small companies or startups that require interdisciplinary knowledge.

With the internationally recognized M.Eng. Mechatronics, you can solve challenges in research and development. Doors are also open to you in project management or technical sales. With your knowledge, you can advance current topics such as electromobility or autonomous driving. Since three projects were part of your studies, you are suited for tasks in project management with initial leadership responsibility. In addition, the master's degree opens up further career options, such as access to a doctorate and higher service.

Course objectives B.Eng. Mechatronics

The Degree programme aims to enable its graduates to,

  • model concrete interdisciplinary problems at the interface of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science,
  • apply the acquired concepts and principles of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science as well as mathematical methods,
  • design, implement, document and test both software and hardware components according to the state of knowledge and specified requirements,
  • analyze and interpret simulated and measured data,
  • assume responsibility in a project team
  • formulate subject-related positions and solutions to problems and defend them argumentatively,
  • exchange information, ideas, problems and solutions with representatives of the subject and with laypersons.

Graduates have also developed an individual subject-specific competence profile (for example, electromobility or embedded systems) within the framework of selectable modules.

Course objectives M.Eng. Mechatronics

The Degree programme aims to enable its graduates to,

  • model complex interdisciplinary problems at the interface of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science,
  • model and analyze mechatronic systems and influence their dynamic behavior,
  • design, implement, document and test both software and hardware components on their own responsibility and take into account extracurricular references,
  • compare simulated and measured data and use the results to optimize the desired system behavior,
  • develop solutions to mechatronic problems as part of a project team and assume responsibility within the team,
  • to take in information, ideas, problems and solutions of others and to pass them on jointly.

Graduates have also developed an individual subject-specific competence profile (for example in electromobility or mobile robotics) within the framework of selectable modules.

Bachelor Mechatronics (B.Eng.)

In the interdisciplinary Mechatronics Mechatronics Degree programme you will learn how to develop intelligent components and systems and create innovative solutions.
You start the first two semesters together with the students of electrical engineering to learn the foundation courses of electrical engineering and computer science. From the third semester onwards, you will expand your acquired knowledge with subjects from mechanical engineering. You will also learn technical English and project management. You will apply your skills in a project of your own choice.

Interesting detail: Within the first year, you can easily switch between the Bachelor's degree programmes in mechatronics and electrical engineering without any losses.

German-Chinese double degree

In our Mechatronics Degree programme, we make it possible to enhance your studies with a double degree. Together with our partner, Tongji University in Shanghai, we are organized in the Chinese-German University of Applied Sciences (CDHAW).

The study abroad program consists of a study semester with subjects in English and a semester in which you complete the practical phase and typically write your Bachelor's thesis in a German company. In addition to the degree from the Hochschule Niederrhein, you thus also acquire a Bachelor's degree from our Chinese partner university.

Master Mechatronics (M.Eng.)

The master's program expands and deepens your professional skills on the basis of a bachelor's degree in Mechatronics.
With optional courses from two faculties, you can design your individual studies with a specialisation according to your wishes. You will expand your ability to work independently in three projects, which you will work on in small groups. The topics come from the fields of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science or at the interface of these disciplines. Your ability to work in a goal-oriented manner in projects will be further developed.

Still unsure? How about...

... more orientation!

During the orientation semester, students should find out whether they feel comfortable in their chosen Degree programme. Particularly for those who have first taken a different path after leaving school and have spent a year working and travelling abroad or doing a voluntary social year, the start of the summer semester should be a welcome plus.

... more electrical engineering!

Electronic devices are the basis for many of today's innovations: The Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 or Augmented Reality would be mere visions without electrical engineering, which turns these ideas into reality. The well-founded studies in theBachelor's and Master's degree programmesin Electrical Engineering are supplemented by computer science content in such a way that you can meet the challenges of digitalization.


... more know-how!

To fully understand digital transformation, you need the combined know-how of electrical engineering and computer science in equal measure. That's why we've aligned two of our faculty's bachelor's degree programmes to allow our talented students to earn a dual Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and ComputerScience in both disciplines – with just one additional year.

... more management!

In order to minimize risks, increase IT security and prevent attacks as much as possible, more and more professionals who have studied cyber security are needed. Cyber security experts are in high demand in companies and institutions, and IT security is a career field of the future. If you are passionate about computers and technology, enjoy logic and think ahead, then IT security studies in the field of bachelor's and master's degree programme Cyber Security Management is just right for you.


... more alternatives!

The Hochschule Niederrhein offers a variety of other degree programmes in different faculties. Find the right studies for you!
