Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.


Winter semester 2024/25

Introductory week / Block courses: 23.09.-27.09.2024
First day of lectures: 23.09.2024
Last day of lectures: 24.01.2025
Exam period: 27.01.-28.02.2025

Further dates: 
21.10.-25.10.2024 Campus Week
24.+25.01.2025 Engineering Days


Summer semester 2025

First day of lectures: 24.03.2025
Last day of lectures: 11.07.2025
Examination period: 14.07.2025 - 22.08.2025

Further dates:
13.+14.06.2025 Open Days

Other downloads

Career Service HLL

Our Electrical Engineering, ComputerScience and Mechatronics degree programmes prepare you for a dynamic and attractive subject environment with excellent career prospects. We offer you a practical education with a broad range of topics that allow you to set your own specialisation – based on our experience of around 50 years.

Digital transformation is changing the world. Shape the change sustainably with us.

Course objectives B.Eng. Electrical Eng.

The degree programme aims to enable its graduates to

  • model concrete problems in electrical engineering,
  • apply the acquired concepts and principles of electrical engineering and mathematical methods,
  • design, implement, document, and test both software and hardware components,
  • analyse and interpret simulated and measured data,
  • develop technical solutions that also take into account social, ethical and legal aspects under guidance and defend them argumentatively,
  • assume responsibility in a project team
  • formulate subject-related positions and solutions to problems and defend them argumentatively,
  • exchange information, ideas, problems, and solutions with subject representatives and laypersons.

Graduates have also developed an individual subject-specific competence profile within the framework of selectable modules.

Course objectives B.Sc. Computer Science

The degree programme aims to ensure that its graduates are able to

  • classify the basic concepts and principles of computer science,
  • apply foundation courses in mathematics, logic, and computer technology and explain the structure and functioning of computers, networks and system software,
  • apply basic algorithms and use data structures and programming paradigms in a targeted manner,
  • implement software systems using established analysis, design and testing methods and apply current technologies as a basis for software development,
  • specify a computer science problem precisely and model it using appropriate tools,
  • develop technical solutions that also take into account social, ethical and legal aspects under guidance and defend them argumentatively,
  • construct, implement, document, test, and debug a networked and distributed software system of moderate complexity, alone or in a team, using modern work processes, development tools, programming languages, software components, and algorithms appropriately according to technical and economic considerations,
  • to convincingly justify the correctness, security, and appropriateness of a solution they have proposed themselves,
  • to take on larger projects on a pro rata basis in a team in order to work on subtasks independently,
  • to formulate subject-related positions and solutions to problems and to defend them argumentatively,
  • to exchange information, ideas, problems, and solutions with subject representatives and laypersons.

Graduates have also developed an individual subject-specific competence profile within the framework of selectable modules.

Course objectives B.Eng. Mechatronics

The Degree programme aims to enable its graduates to,

  • model concrete interdisciplinary problems at the interface of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science,
  • apply the acquired concepts and principles of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science as well as mathematical methods,
  • design, implement, document and test both software and hardware components according to the state of knowledge and specified requirements,
  • analyze and interpret simulated and measured data,
  • assume responsibility in a project team
  • formulate subject-related positions and solutions to problems and defend them argumentatively,
  • exchange information, ideas, problems and solutions with representatives of the subject and with laypersons.

Graduates have also developed an individual subject-specific competence profile (for example, electromobility or embedded systems) within the framework of selectable modules.

Course objectives M.Eng. Electrical Eng.

The degree programme aims to enable its graduates to

  • analyse concrete electrotechnical problems, especially in the areas of Automation Engineering and networked systems, and independently develop solution concepts and approaches,
  • analyse and model electrotechnical systems and produce a desired system behaviour,
  • to compare simulated with measured data and to use the result to optimize the targeted system behaviour,
  • independently develop, implement, test and finally document both software and hardware components,
  • develop solutions to electrical engineering problems as part of a project team and assume responsibility within the team,
  • absorb information and ideas from other project participants and jointly develop solutions.

Graduates have also developed an individual subject-specific competence profile in the field of Automation Engineering or Networked Systems within the framework of selectable modules and a project.

Course objectives M.Sc. Computer Science

Graduates of the degree programme should be able to

  • identify the algorithmic core of concrete problems in the field of computer science in order to design, verify and evaluate algorithms based on this core.
  • apply in-depth technical knowledge in the field of machine learning, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence.
  • practically use solid knowledge in the field of data mining and big data.
  • successfully apply the acquired methods of computer science to solve complex tasks in industry or research facilities, critically question them and also develop them further if necessary.
  • quickly familiarize themselves with related subject areas so that they can work together on an interdisciplinary basis.
  • professionally create larger program systems
  • work scientifically and/or in a leading position in a specific professional field.

Graduates have also developed an individual competence profile in the elective area.

Course objectives M.Eng. Mechatronics

The Degree programme aims to enable its graduates to,

  • model complex interdisciplinary problems at the interface of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science,
  • model and analyze mechatronic systems and influence their dynamic behavior,
  • design, implement, document and test both software and hardware components on their own responsibility and take into account extracurricular references,
  • compare simulated and measured data and use the results to optimize the desired system behavior,
  • develop solutions to mechatronic problems as part of a project team and assume responsibility within the team,
  • to take in information, ideas, problems and solutions of others and to pass them on jointly.

Graduates have also developed an individual subject-specific competence profile (for example in electromobility or mobile robotics) within the framework of selectable modules.

Together with our cooperation partners at the Cyber Campus (the Faculty of Economics of the HSNR and the Faculty of Informatics of the H-BRS), we offer the Cyber Security Management and Digital Forensics degree programmes, which are geared towards the challenges in the field of IT security.

Programme objectives B.Sc. Digital Forensics

The Degree programme aims to enable its graduates to,

  • Understand the foundation courses, structure, and operation of components that play a role in digital forensics, such as computers, networks, system software, and applications, and explain their importance to forensic processes,
  • Understand and apply concepts and principles of cybersecurity and digital forensics, and differentiate between different types of cybercrime such as hacker attacks, malware infections, or data leaks,
  • Evaluate IT crime in terms of evidence and fraud and know relevant process flows, especially from the field of cybercrime,
  • identify IT security threats and plan appropriate responses to cyber attacks (incident response), convincingly justifying the correctness, security, and appropriateness of a solution they propose,
  • identify attacks on IT systems, analyze them, and develop and apply appropriate forensic procedures,
  • secure, capture, examine, analyze, document, and present digital evidence using scientific methods and technologies while adhering to legal and ethical principles and making professional use of forensic tools,
  • to plan complex forensic projects, to work on them together in a team and to take on partial tasks independently,
  • to formulate subject-related positions and solutions to problems, to defend them argumentatively and to exchange information, ideas, problems and solutions with subject representatives and persons in the professional and scientific environment.

Graduates have also developed an individual subject-specific competence profile within the framework of selectable modules.

Cyber Security Management

Examination board


The Examination board

  • advises on questions concerning the course of studies and the change of study place,
  • ensures compliance with the examination regulations,
  • is responsible for the organisation and proper conduct of examinations,
  • mediates in case of conflicts in examination procedures or decides in case of objections against the course or result of examination procedures,
  • gives suggestions for the reform of examination regulations, study regulations and curricula on the basis of information and hints from the contact with lecturers and students.

You can find the current members in our boards and committees section. If you have any questions for the examination board, please contact the chair.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Waldhorst
Electrical Engineering Chairman of the Examinations Board

Exam organisation

Registration and withdrawal

You must register for examinations within the specified deadlines via the university's online service. After that, registration is no longer possible!

You should also find out whether you are admitted to the registered examinations without reservation. You can also use the online service for this purpose. If in doubt, please contact the examination office in good time. If it is determined on the examination date that you are not admitted or that there is a reservation, you will not be allowed to take part in this examination.

Up to one week before the examination date, you can withdraw your registration for the examination without giving reasons via online service.

If you wish to withdraw from a registered examination for reasons of illness, you must provide evidence of your withdrawal by means of a separate medical certificate. It must be in accordance with the form provided by the Student Services Department, certifying that you are unable to take the examination. Otherwise, in accordance with the examination regulations, your non-attendance will be counted as a failed attempt.

Please also note the important information on the examinations in the section "Examination dates".

Exam dates

Summer semester 2023:


from 03.07. - 11.08.2023

Examinations of the FB04 for mechtronics may lie outside this time window.

Attention: The dates are generally binding only after the announcement of the examination schedules!

Examination regulations

You can find all examination regulations of the degree programmes of the faculty under the following link on the general university pages.

Examination regulations

Study start in the winter semester

Information of the faculty

All information regarding the start of studies can be found in the Welcome@FB03 Moodle course linked below. Please note that to access Moodle, you will need the login data of the HN-Identity Manager, which you will receive with your enrolment. After logging in, you will automatically be taken to our Welcome@FB03 course.


Information of the university

In addition to the information from the faculty, there is some general information from the university regarding the start of studies.

First-year information

Study start in the summer semester

Orientation Semester

You can find all information about starting your studies with an orientation semester in the Moodle room linked below. Please note that you will need your HN Identity Manager login details, which you will receive when you enrol, to access this page. After enrolment, you will automatically be taken to our orientation semester area.

Moodle Orientation Semester


You can find all the information about your degree programme in the Moodle room linked below. Please note that you will need your HN Identity Manager login details, which you will receive upon enrolment, to access this page. After enrolment, you will automatically be taken to our FB03 study area.

The first dates can be found in the timetable:

  • Master Computer Science (full-time, part-time): Tuesday, 02.04.2024 at 08:00 in B308 "Information Retrieval"
  • Master of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics (full-time, part-time):  Tuesday, 02.04.2024 at 08:00 in F104 "Modern methods of control engineering"
FB03 Moodle-Raum

Information of the university

In addition to the information from the faculty, there is some general information from the university about starting your studies.


Counselling on the course of studies

Current information

We offer support for your personal study success!

Special offer at the faculty:

  • Advice and help with:
    • “My studies in progress – What should I pay attention to?!”
    • Time and self-management
    • Scientific writing
    • Learning strategies
    • Pregnancy and becoming a father during studies/studying with a child
  • Coordination of revision courses and tutorials

Feel free to contact us via email to schedule an appointment.




International students

Information on current news, funding opportunities, the buddy programme and other services for international students can be found on the International Office website.

International Office