Prof. Dr. Jens Wetterau

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
Catering management and labor science

Professional career

Since 03/08
Holder of the professorship for catering management and work science, Hochschule Niederrhein

Academic staff at the professorship for management of personnel supply companies (Prof. Dr. Dietmar Bräunig), Justus-Liebig-University Gießen

Project assistant in the field of economics, Clinical Center of the Philipps-University Marburg

Contract lecturer in the Faculty of Food, Nutrition and Hospitality Sciences, Fulda University of Applied Sciences

since 05/01
Consulting activities, esp. in the areas of catering and quality management

Apprenticeship and qualifications

Doctorate at the Faculty of Ecotrophology, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen (Topic: Design of central connecting points of a quality management system in communal catering operations)

Studies of Ecotrophology, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
(degree: Diplom-Ökotrophologe / specialization nutrition economics)

Current and planned practice and research projects

  • Development of target group-specific service offerings for customers in hospitality companies, e.g. using cluster analyses
  • Improvement of work processes with customer contact via work-scientific as well as occupational and work-pedagogical measures
  • Measurement of employee and customer satisfaction (quantitative and qualitative) in companies of the accommodation, catering, nursing and health care sector
  • Forecasting of trends in demand behavior (quantitative and qualitative) for the purpose- and target-oriented orientation of the range of services offered by hospitality companies
  • Analysis of the importance of out-of-home care in changing times and the possibility to react by means of customized care concepts
  • Time management as a necessity and opportunity for success in the service sector
  • Management of hotel services to optimize operational functions, such as reception, housekeeping and room service, etc.
  • Patient hotels as a future model for the care sector
  • Design of health-oriented leisure services, especially depending on demographic factors (age, educational and professional background, health status, etc.)
  • Identification and analysis of additional benefits (e.g. communication, regeneration) of hospitality services by means of customer surveys
  • (Professional) planning and implementation of kitchen and catering systems
  • Apprenticeship as occupational health and safety representative in the hotel and catering industry'.
  • Importance of occupational health and safety management for hospitality companies

Completed practice and research projects

  • Introduction to quality management and quality management systems in service and industrial companies
  • Optimization of services in care facilities and mass catering operations
  • Preparation of operational analyses and expert reports for mass catering operations
  • Modern catering management (esp. production and supply management) for out-of-home catering operations
  • Chances and limits of the production systems Cook and Serve, Cook and Hold, Cook and Chill and Cook and Freeze in catering enterprises
  • Identify the ins and outs of quality demands and cost-cutting efforts on utilities in the care, business and education sectors
  • Conduct hazard analysis in utilities using the HACCP system approach.



Peinelt, Volker; Wetterau, Jens; Hochschule Niederrhein (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Gemeinschaftsgastronomie – Anforderungen, Umsetzungsprobleme, Lösungskonzepte. Gesamtausgabe, 2. erweiterte, überarbeitete Auflage, Rhombos-Verlag, Berlin 2016

Wetterau, Jens: Gestaltung zentraler Anknüpfungspunkte eines Qualitätsmanagementsystems im Gemeinschaftsverpflegungsbetrieb, Dissertation, Baltmannsweiler 2007

Wetterau, Jens; Marcus Seidl und Ulrich Fladung (Hrsg.): Modernes Verpflegungsmanagement – Best Practices für Individual-, Gemeinschafts- und Systemgastronomie, Frankfurt am Main 2007

Wetterau, Jens; Margit Schade und Ulrich Fladung: Erfolgsfaktor Qualitätsmanagement in Küchen – Ein praktischer Leitfaden zur DIN EN ISO 9001:2000, Frankfurt am Main 2005

Trade journals

Wetterau, Jens: Qualität als Erfolgsfaktor, in: gv-praxis, 34. Jahrgang, Ausgabe 3/2006, S. 22-24

Wetterau, Jens: Qualität in die Tat umsetzen, in Catering Management, 14. Jahrgang, Ausgabe 10/2005, S. 30 ff.

Wetterau, Jens: Qualität nachhaltig sichern, in Catering Management, 14. Jahrgang, Ausgabe 9/2005, S. 25 ff.

Klink, Tanja und Jens Wetterau: Küche, Kunden, Qualitätslogbuch, in: Krankenhaus Technik und Management, 32. Jahrgang, Ausgabe 9/2005, S. 47-50

Schade, Margit, Jens Wetterau und Ulrich Fladung: Küchenhygiene - Gesetzliche und behördliche Anforderungen, in Verpflegungsmanagement, 6. Jahrgang, Ausgabe 6/2005, S. 42

Wetterau, Jens: Küchen im Spannungsfeld von Qualitätsanspruch und Kostendruck, in: GV-Manager, 56. Jahrgang, Ausgabe 4/2005, S. 46-48

Loose-leaf collections and collective works

Wetterau, Jens: Systematisches Qualitätsmanagement nach DIN EN ISO 9001 als Erfolgsfaktor in Gemeinschaftsverpflegungsbetrieben, in: Der Großhaushalt im Versorgungsverbund - Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Jörg Bottler zur Vollendung des 70. Lebensjahres, hrsg. von Dietmar Bräunig, Baltmannsweiler 2007, S. 165 ff.

Wetterau, Jens: Kosteneinsparung durch Qualitätsmanagement, in: Wirkungsvolle Kostensenkung in der Küche, hrsg. von Dr. Josef Raabe Verlags-GmbH, Stuttgart 2003


TV contributions

"School Food: Catering from the commercial kitchen - Appetizing?"
(Contribution in the program "markt", WDR; on 06.05.2013)

