since 1.1.2004 Professorship at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Faculty of Oecotroph Sciences, Field of teaching: Chemistry and Biochemistry of Nutrition
1993 - 2003 Technical Director of Umweltlabor Köln Gesellschaft für Boden-, Wasser- und Luftuntersuchungen mbH & Co. KG
1990 - 1993 Scientific Assistant at the Institute of Physiological Chemistry of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Chemistry and biochemistry of nutrition
- Room: Q 108 (office) / O E35 (laboratory)
- Phone: +49 2161 186-5388
- kerstin.williger(at)
Postal adress: Rheydter Str. 277 Office adress: Rheydter Str. 232 (Gebäude Q)
- 41065 Mönchengladbach
- Consultation: