Prof. Dr. Michaela Noreik

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
Human nutrition

My motivation for teaching is rooted in my enthusiasm for the diversity and complexity of nutrition science and the desire to pass this enthusiasm on to others.

In my role as a lecturer, I enthusiastically support students by stimulating their curiosity about the subject and imparting knowledge in a way that increases interest in the exciting and diverse field of nutrition science, encouraging initiative and a long-term interest in evidence-based practice and scientific discourse.

In my courses, it is important to me that students learn about the theoretical background as well as the practical application.

Professional career

University of Oxford (04/2014-02/2022).

  • Development, set up and coordination of clinical trials in obesity research and collaborated on various scientific projects in the research group of Prof. Susan Jebb and Prof. Paul Aveyard
  • Collaboration on qualitative components of clinical studies including focus groups and semi-structured interviews including analysis using NVivo (qualitative data analysis programme)
  • Co-authorship of research proposals
  • Collaboration on systematic reviews
  • Set-up of academic and third-party funded phase 1-3 clinical trials in oncology

Oxford Brookes University Associate Lecturer (09/2013-03/2014)

London Metropolitan University Lecturer (03-04/2014)

Association of Dietitians (05-09/2013)
Conceptualised and wrote several chapters of the VDD guideline on nutrition therapy and process-guided action in dietetics. Previously published: Basics in height, body weight, body composition and hand grip strength in adults.

German Sports University Teaching position (09/2010-01/2013).

St. Marien-Hospital Cologne (10/2008-04/2013)
Establishment and management of a nutrition team and coordination of research projects.

  • Establishment of a nutrition team
  • Development and implementation of standardized processes in nutrition therapy including nutrition counselling
  • Development and coordination of various research projects in nutritional medicine

Apprenticeship and qualifications

University of Cologne 10/2009-12/2012

Doctoral thesis (in addition to full-time employment at St. Marien-Hospital), title: Evaluation of nutrition therapy in a geriatric clinic: analysis of effect, costs and benefits of nutrition therapy, degree: Dr. rer. medic.


University of Applied Sciences Münster and University of Applied Sciences Nijmegen, NL 08/2004-07/2008

Studies in nutritional science with the following degrees

Diploma Oecotrophologist (FH), Germany

Bachelor of Health (Nutrition and Dietetics), Netherlands

core research areas

  • Applied obesity research
  • Nutrition in old age
  • Dietetics

Completed research projects

Testing the short-term effectiveness of Online Weight loss programmes(OWL)

Changes in Respiratory Exchange Ratio During Dietary Interventions(CReDDI)

A behaviorally-informed smartphone app to improve the nutritional quality of grocery shopping (SwapSHOP)

Intervention to provide brief support and personalized feedback on food shopping to reduce saturated fat intake (PC-SHOP)

Dietary Approaches to the Management Of type 2 Diabetes (DIAMOND)

Deep brain stimulation of the Nucleus basalis Meynert in Alzheimer's dementia - a Phase I study (MEYND-DBS)

Resting energy expenditure in an old-old population


Peer reviewed articles

Noreik M, Madigan CD, Astbury NM, Edwards RM, Galal U, Mollison J, Ghebretinsea F, Jebb SA. Testing the short-term effectiveness of primary care referral to online weight loss programmes: A randomised controlled trial. Clin Obes. 2021 Dec;11(6):e12482.  

Koutoukidis DA, Koshiaris C, Henry, JA, Noreik M, Morris E, Manoharan I, Tudor K, Bodenham E, Dunnigan A, Jebb SA, Aveyard P. The effect of the magnitude of weight loss on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Metabolism - Clinical and Experimental 2020;115

Piernas C, Aveyard P, Lee C, Tsiountsioura M, Noreik M, et al. (2020) Evaluation of an intervention to provide brief support and personalized feedback on food shopping to reduce saturated fat intake (PC-SHOP): A randomized controlled trial. PLOS Medicine 17(11): e1003385.

Morris E, Aveyard P, Dyson P, Noreik M, Bailey C, Fox R, Jerome D, Tan GD, Jebb SA. A food‐based, low‐energy, low‐carbohydrate diet for people with type 2 diabetes in primary care: A randomized controlled feasibility trial. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2019;1–9.

Morris E, Aveyard P, Dyson P, Noreik M, Bailey C, Fox R, Hoffman K, Tan GD, Jebb SA. Dietary Approaches to the Management Of type 2 Diabetes (DIAMOND): protocol for a randomised feasibility trial. BMJ Open. 2019;9:e026460.

Koutoukidis DA, PhD, Astbury NM, Tudor KE, Morris E, Henry JA, Noreik M, Jebb SA, Aveyard P. Association of weight loss interventions with changes in biomarkers of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Intern Med. 2019 Sep; 179(9): 1262–1271.

Koutoukidis DA, Jebb SA, Ordóñez-Mena JM, Noreik M, Tsiountsioura M, Kennedy S, Payne-Riches S, Aveyard P, Piernas C. Prominent positioning and food swaps are effective interventions to reduce the saturated fat content of the shopping basket in an experimental online supermarket: a randomized controlled trial. Int J Behav Nutr Phys. Act 16, 50 (2019).

Noreik M, Kuhn J, Hardenacke K, Lenartz D, Bartsch C, Bauer A, Bührle CP, Maintz D, Häussermann P, Hellmich M, Klosterkötter J, Wiltfang J, Maarouf  M, Freund HJ, Visser-Vandewalle V, Sturm V, Schulz RJ. Changes in nutritional status after deep brain stimulation of the Nucleus basalis Meynert in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging. 2015;19(8)-812-8.

Röhrig G, Becker I, Schulz RJ, Noreik M. Low serum albumin is a risk factor for anämia in the elderly. Annals of Hematology. 2015;48(7):619-624.                                                                                      

Kuhn J, Hardenacke K, Lenartz D, Gründler TOJ, Ullsperger M, Bartsch C, Mai JK, Zilles K, Bauer A, Matusch A, Schulz RJ, Noreik M, Maintz D, Woopen C, Häussermann P, Hellmich M., Klosterkötter J, Wiltfang J, Maarouf M, Freund HJ, Sturm V. Deep brain stimulation of the Nucleus basalis Meynert in Alzheimer’s dementia – Results of a Phase I study MEYND-DBS. Mol Psychiatry. 2015 Mar;20(3):353-60.

Noreik M, Maurmann M, Meier V, Polidori MC, Schulz RJ. Resting energy expenditure (REE) in an old-old population: implications for metabolic stress. Experimental Gerontology. 2014;59:47-50.


Books and book chapters

Beyer-Reiners E, Blumenschein B, Hühmer UP, Kling C, Lukas U, Meteling-Eeken M, Noreik M, Paul C. VDD-Leitlinie für die Ernährungstherapie und das prozessgeleitete Handeln in der Diätetik. Grundlagen zu Körpergröße, Körpergewicht, Körperzusammensetzung und Handkraft beim Erwachsenen. 1. Auflage, Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich, 2017. ISBN 978-3-958353-278-6                                                                                                                                                                                  

Noreik M, Schulz RJ. Ernährungsmedizin im Alter. In: Schäfer C, Liekweg A, Eisert A. Geriatrische Pharmazie (Stuttgart 2015). ISBN 978-3769252729

More publications

Noreik M. Ernährungstherapie bei Kachexie und Sarkopenie. Invited review. Aktuel Ernaehrungsmed. 2014;39:117-126.     

Schulz RJ. Maurmann M, Noreik M. Perioperative Ernährungstherapie. Z Gerontol Geriat 2014;47:131–135.

Noreik M. Ernährungstherapie bei Schluckstörungen. Ernährung im Fokus 2013;13-01-02:60-68.                                       

Noreik M. Evaluation der Ernährungstherapie in einer geriatrischen Klinik – Analyse von Effekt, Kosten und Nutzen der Ernährungstherapie in einer Jahresbilanz. Doktorarbeit, Universität zu Köln, 2012. Onlineveröffentlichung:

2019 Award of Excellence for consistently outstanding performance, Oxford University.

