Company, Cooperation Partner & Network
Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Dear interested parties, dear cooperation and network partners,

In the following we would like to introduce the Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences as a cooperation partner.

We are already working successfully with partners from research (e.g. institutes and ministries), industry and business and are looking forward to other cooperations in the areas of:

  • Research
  • Studies and research projects Master
  • Interdisciplinary study projects in Bachelor
  • theses
  • internships
  • Excursions

Are you interested in a cooperation and would you like to know more about the possibilities? Please feel free to contact our contact persons or our Office of the Dean.

Are you looking for expertise on ...?

Occupational science and safety

Catering management and labor science


Food science, especially food chemistry, analysis and law

Out-of-home catering

Teacher for special purposes in the Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences, field of teaching "Technology and processes of out-of-home catering".

Workplace health promotion

Catering management and labor science

Nutrition Communication

  • Nutrition in the first 1,000 days
  • Daycare and child nutrition
Applied nutrition science

Building services engineering

Physics and Technical Facility Management

Community catering

Catering management and labor science

Room design

"Spatial design in hospitality settings".

  • Analysis & consulting of target group oriented spatial design in hospitality and social institutions
  • Specialisation in acoustics, light, architectural psychology
  • All target groups


Link to research work of Prof. Dr. Sennlaub

Link to publications by Prof. Dr. Sennlaub

Commercial kitchen organisation

Teacher for special purposes in the Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences, field of teaching "Technology and processes of out-of-home catering".

Commercial kitchen technology

Teacher for special purposes in the Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences, field of teaching "Technology and processes of out-of-home catering".

Clinical nutrition and nutritional status

Human nutrition

Food safety systems/HACCP

Food science, especially food chemistry, analysis and law

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Preparation of life cycle assessments, climate gas balances etc. with the UMBERTO software.

Physics and Technical Facility Management
Mathematics/Statistics and applied IT

Molecular Nutritional Sciences

Prof. Dr. Olga Renner
Nutritional Sciences

Production planning and control (PPS)

Process management

Food science, especially food chemistry, analysis and law

Quality management systems and standards

Food science, especially food chemistry, analysis and law


Food technology and sensory science

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

We offer companies...

...various opportunities for cooperation

  • Internship semester/phase
    Form: in house
    Period: February - August
  • Thesis (often in combination with internship semester)
    Form: in house or R&D
    Period: June - November
  • Semester project
    Form: R&D or partially in house
    Period: October - January
  • Long-term project:
    Form: R&D
    Period: all year round (planning lead time)
  • Master's research project:
    Form: R&D or partially in house
    Period: all year round (planning deadlines: September and February)
  • Public third-party funded research
  • Consulting services
  • Laboratories and teaching rooms

Looking for contact or detailed information on university teachers / lecturers and staff in the Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences? The following categories will direct you to the respective contacts on the "About the Faculty" page.

  • Are you looking for interns for a company internship lasting several weeks or an internship semester of up to 20 weeks?
  • You are looking for Bachelor or Master students to work on thesis topics in your company?
  • Are you looking for graduates with expertise in
    - Labor Sciences
    - Catering and Communal Catering
    - Nutrition Sciences
    - Hospitality
    - Food Sciences or
    - Oecotrophology/Ecotrophology?


Please send your job description to our contact person Cornelia Rohde. Contact person Cornelia Rohde.
Your job advertisement will be published online in the section Job offers & Internships & Theses as well as on the corresponding bulletin board in the Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences for four weeks.

