Werner-Bierwisch, T., Pinkert, Ch., Niessen, K., Metzing, S., Hellmers, C. (2018). Mothers' and fathers' sense of security in the context of pregnancy, childbirth, and postnatal period: an integrative literature review. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18:473.
Werner-Bierwisch, T., Metzing, S., Hellmers, C. (2018). Subjectively experienced safety and childbirth: preliminary findings on fathers' experiences. A qualitative study. In: abstract volume of the 4th International Symposium of the German Society for Midwifery Science e.V., Mainz, 16.02.18. German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, Volume 6, Issue: Suppl. 01. DOI: 10.3205/18dghwi45.
Niessen K., Werner-Bierwisch, T., Metzing, S., Sayn Wittgenstein, F. (2017). Motherhood from age 35: The risk of advanced maternal age as perceived by women - a literature study / Motherhood at the age of 35 and over: The risk of advanced maternal age as perceived by women - a literature study. Journal of obstetrics and neonatology, 221(3): 111-121.
Werner, T. (2010). Stress experience and stress management in midwifery education - an empirical study. Midwifery, 23(4): 252-257.
Werner-Bierwisch, T., Metzing, S., Hellmers, C. (2022). Conditions intervening the fathers' sense of security in the context of childbirth - partial results of a grounded theory study. Conditions intervening on the fathers' sense of security in the context of childbirth - partial results of a grounded theory study. (Paper accepted for the 6th International Symposium of the German Society of Midwifery on 29.07.2022 in Zurich).
Werner-Bierwisch, T., Metzing, S., Hellmers, C. (2019). Importance of caring persons for parents' perception of safety during childbirth - partial results of a qualitative study. 15th German Midwifery Congress, Bremen, May 26, 2019.
Werner-Bierwisch, T., Niessen, K., Metzing, S., Hellmers, C. (2017). Communicating safety and feeling safe - two sides of the same coin? 28th German Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Berlin, 01.12.2017.
Werner-Bierwisch, T., Metzing, S., Hellmers, C. (2016). Experiencing safety in the context of birth from the parents' perspective - insights from literature review. 3rd Symposium Kooperatives Forschungskolleg Familiengesundheit im Lebensverlauf - FamiLe - Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and Witten/Herdecke University, Witten, 21.10.16.
Poster presentations
Werner-Bierwisch, T., Metzing, S., Hellmers, C. (2018). Subjectively experienced safety in the context of childbirth: first results on mothers' experiences - a qualitative study. 4th Symposium on Family Health in the Life Course - FamiLe, Osnabrück, 25.05.2018.
Werner-Bierwisch, T., Metzing, S. Hellmers, C. (2018). Subjectively experienced safety and childbirth: first results on fathers' experiences. A qualitative study. 4th International Symposium of the German Society of Midwifery, Mainz, 16.02.2018.
Werner-Bierwisch, T., Niessen, K., Metzing, S., Hellmers, C. (2017). Becoming parents and being a couple. A literature review on the impact of pregnancy on couple relationships. 28th German Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Berlin, 30.11 - 02.12.2017.
Niessen, K., Werner-Bierwisch, T., Metzing, S., Sayn-Wittgenstein, F. (2017). Experiences in Transition to Motherhood Made by Women of Very Advanced Maternal age - A Literature Review. 31st ICM Triennial Congress, Toronto, Canada, 18-22.6.2017.
Werner-Bierwisch, T., Niessen, K., Metzing, S., Hellmers, C. (2017). The Experiences of Security during Pregnancy and Childbirth: A Literature Review. 31st ICM Triennial Congress Toronto, Canada, 18-22.6.2017.
Werner-Bierwisch, T., Metzing, S., Hellmers, C. (2016). Childbirth and experience of security: a qualitative study. Childbirth and experience of security: A qualitative study. 3rd Congress of the German Midwifery Journal, Hannover, 02.09.2016.
Bode, A., Büscher, A., Daugardt, K., Dorin, L., Falkson, S., Hellmers, C., Kapsch, K., Keßler, R., Knecht, Ch., Kuhr, C., Metzing, S., Möller, A., Niessen, K., Roling, M., Schnepp, W., Söhngen, J., Sorber, M., Stelzig, S., Strack, K., zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, F., Werner-Bierwisch, T. (2015). The research college "FamiLe" family health in the life course. 3rd International Symposium of the Network of Midwifery Research "Thinking Birth Forward" Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, 27.11.2015.