Faculty of Health Care
Bachelor Applied Midwifery

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
Application procedure

1. first apply for the upcoming winter semester at the cooperating hospitals of your choice (until about mid-February, individual application deadlines are to be inquired).

2. the application modalities regarding application letter, curriculum vitae, interviews, etc. of the individual practice partners can be found on their homepage or are available from the hospitals. A list of the cooperating hospitals can be found here under "Cooperating educational institutions".

3. if you have received a contract for academic midwifery training at a cooperating practice partner, you can apply and register for studies at the Hochschule Niederrhein during the respective application period.


Information from our consultants

If you have further questions about the studies, please contact the Central Student Advice at The Hochschule Niederrhein: studienberatung(at)hs-niederrhein.de.

Or for questions regarding the content of the Degree programme: hebammenwissenschaft-10(at)hs-niederrhein.de

Professor of midwifery science Head of study program
Professor of midwifery science
Linda Luhmann, M. Sc.
Applied midwifery
Angela Brellos, B. Sc.
Applied Midwifery Public relations & development of the Skills Lab
Friederike Makowski, B. Sc.
Applied midwifery science Establishment of cooperation & contact person for the practice facilities
Miriam Baumeister, B. Sc.
Applied midwifery science Establishment of cooperation & contact person for the practice facilities