Mechanical and Process Engineering

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
Introduction weeks 11.-29.09.2023


The introduction weeks for the WS 2023/24 of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering will start for all freshmen and transfer students in the bachelor programs on September 11, 2023. For dual students, the mandatory dates are on the respective Mondays and Tuesdays. 

Once you have been successfully enrolled and have a university account, the Moodle course  "Einführung04!" (enrollment key: endlichStudieren!), where you will find all information about the I-weeks. For this, please register with your university e-mail address.

We wish you a good and successful start into your studies!

Start of the introduction weeks: 11.09.2023, 9:00 a.m., lecture hall F307

Meet the student
Students online every Wednesday

Study - yes or no...? Since the summer of 2020, students from the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering have been answering questions every Wednesday from high school students interested in technology who would like to orient themselves in their choice of study and who were unable to attend a face-to-face information event, student fair or taster lecture this year. Our students continue to be online every Wednesday: MEET THE STUDENT - Wednesdays, 17:00-18:00 without registration!

"Career Start Technology":August 11,2023

Career start in technology - speed dating and information fair for training and dual studies

What awaits you? 

  • Information about apprenticeships and (dual) studies
  • Job interviews at speed dating with employers
  • Field reports and tips from experts

What do you need?

  • Yourself, diploma, resume

Come by and find your dream job!

Hochschule Niederrhein
Obergath 79 (Building J)
47805 Krefeld

Sustainable university development

With the University Development Plan 2022 - 2026, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences has set itself the strategic goal of sustainable university development. We are committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and work towards their implementation in teaching, research and organization.

Engineering Day

The engineering departments cordially invite you to Engineering Day 2023!

Open Day of the Krefeld Engineering Departments

Friday, 13.01.2023 (9:00-18:00)
J-Building at Campus Krefeld-Süd, Obergath 79, 47805 Krefeld, Germany

Welcome to the Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering!

For over 60 years, we have been training engineers and cooperating with companies in the region. In this way, we ensure a strong practical relevance.

We attach great importance to application-oriented studies that prepare you for your professional life - in accordance with our motto "From engineers for engineers".

Students, staff and professors see themselves as a community that studies, teaches and researches together in a respectful atmosphere.

90 percent of our graduates would study with us again and are successful in their careers.

Our study program at a glance

Graphic Degree programmes

The following link will take you to the "Prospective Students" page and provide information about our Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes:

Our Degree programmes

What our alumni appreciate about us

  • Proximity to local industry and potential employers,
  • application-related internships to deepen the theoretical knowledge gained,
  • Excursions to local companies, for example from the automotive and steel producing industries,
  • practical orientation project assignments from industry,
  • alternative study formats with an industrial partner at your side,
  • practical phase and theses as an opportunity to work in the company for six months.

What else awaits you

  • a good introduction to the studies,
  • extended introductory weeks including an introductory project,
  • a wide range of support services such as practice exams, study rooms, math adjustment courses and tutorials,
  • a wide range of advising services as well as feedback from experienced students on the course of study,
  • good transport connections to the campus.

Apprenticeships are offered in full-time, part-time or dual degree programmes. Those wishing to continue their academic training can choose one of the two Master 's degree programmes, which prepare students for challenging jobs in industry and the public sector.

"Become an engineer:in, but how?!" You will find answers to this question in this brochure

That's why.

Our graduates prove it: after completing a bachelor's degree at our faculty, one third go straight into employment without having written an application.

You can find some testimonials here...

"As a long-time employee of a local service company involved in maintenance work in the raw materials processing heavy industry, studying mechanical engineering was the next logical step for me. I decided to study at The Hochschule Niederrhein after attending the "Day of the Engineer". I particularly liked the authenticity and the close contact and exchange with the university teachers / lecturers, which is very important to me. Thanks to this closeness and some of the contacts of the university teachers / lecturers, I was able to apply my newly acquired knowledge directly to real tasks in a company during the practical phase. The content of the IWA modules and previous project assignments helped me to work on the tasks in a structured manner and with the necessary care. In addition, the modules taught me not only how to gather information more efficiently, but also how to evaluate it critically. As a result, I am starting the bachelor phase with the necessary self-confidence and am optimistic about my subsequent career entry."

Thomas B. (Bachelor student in mechanical engineering)

"I associate my time at The Hochschule Niederrhein with very fond memories. It is a place of hard work, but also of personal development and cohesion. I was allowed to learn as a student and teach as a tutor, a taking and giving and learning from each other. Later, a partnership with Bob-Dioulasso University in Burkina Faso also came about. That was a great success! In studies, as I'm sure many students have experienced, you first learn to work independently, efficiently and effectively. The university teachers / lecturers were a great help in this.

I still remember Professor Schüffler, in whose lecture I solved a differential equation and suddenly everyone started applauding... I'll never forget that. I guess being a math tutor was worth it then! If I had to choose again, it would be mechanical engineering at HSNR again!"

Mathias B., M. Sc. (Engineer at SMS Group, Mönchengladbach)

"It has always been clear to me that I would like to work on exciting and trend-setting projects in a future-oriented industry one day. For this reason, I decided to do a dual apprenticeship with the INEOS Group. In addition to my apprenticeship as a chemical technician, I started studying process engineering at the Hochschule Niederrhein in 2015 and successfully completed my studies in the fall of 2019. Thanks to the good organization and competent advice from the university, it has been possible for me to gain practical experience in addition to the academic apprenticeship in the company. The combination of both has helped me to improve my understanding and skills in the field of process engineering. In the meantime, as an operations assistant, I am responsible for looking after our plants (e.g. wastewater treatment plant, cooling towers and demineralization plant) and for project coordination in our area. I look forward to continuing to gain more exciting experience and expand my knowledge base in the future."

Clara B., B. Eng. (Part-time master's student in Process Engineering (B.Eng.), engineer at INEOS, Cologne)

What the presidents would study

And what would the presidents study?

Both the former and the current president of the Hochschule Niederrhein would study at our faculty! Both revealed this in different interviews with the Rheinische Post:

"If you were a student again and wanted to study at the Hochschule Niederrhein, which Degree programme would you choose?".
Prof. von Grünberg (president of the university from 2010-2020):
"That's a nice question. I think I would study mechanical engineering. The Bachelor 's degree programme is very well supervised." (RP, February 7, 2020).

"If you had to register for a Degree programme now, what would it be?"
Dr. Grünewald (president of the university since 2020):
"Mechanical engineering, probably. I studied history and politics, but always had at least an equal interest in engineering and technology. Yes, I could well imagine mechanical engineering " (RP, April 7, 2020).

"Become an engineer, but how...?!" Studying at our faculty

Here is a YouTube video. Click on it to watch. The data protection regulations of google apply!