Textile and Clothing Technology

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Your contact to the faculty

Postal address

The Hochschule Niederrhein

Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology

Webschulstr. 31

D-41065 Mönchengladbach

Examinations Board

Chairman of the Examinations Board for Degree Programmes Taught in German Textile technology of spinning and physics
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Boris Mahltig
Chair of the Examinations Board for Degree Programmes Taught in English Functionalization of textiles

Department management

Dean Textile Technology, Textile Examinations and Quality Management Head of Public Testing Laboratory
Vice-dean Business Administration, especially Accounting, Controlling and Law
Vice-dean Textile Technology | Simulation

international coordinator

Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter
Industrial Psychology CSR Management Head of A.U.G.E. Institute Head of EthNa Competence Centre CSR Head of study program
Viola Konrad
international affairs
Email to the international coo

Department Management

Francesca Corradi, M.A.
Antje Christophersen, Dipl.-Ing.
Research Assistant Virtual Lab, CAD Garment Design, 3D Product Development

Library Officer

Prof. Dipl.-Des. Jutta Wiedemann
Design theory, clothing design and collection development

Secretary to the Dean

Birgit Marquardt
Secretary to the Dean


Textile technology, especially technology of "Wirkerei & Strickerei; Schwerpunktleitung TUB/Textilmanagement
Teacher for special tasks Design teaching and textile design Liaison lecturer

Department Administration

Doris Jörißen
Department Administration
Iris Meyer
Department Administration
Shirley Hast
Department Administration


Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maike Rabe
Head of research institute "FTB Textile finishing and ecology

Contact / Area of specialisation

TuB | Textile Management + Sustainability

Study focus

Textile technology, especially technology of "Wirkerei & Strickerei; Schwerpunktleitung TUB/Textilmanagement

TuB | Clothing Management

Study focus

TuB | Textile Technologies

Study focus

Technical Textiles Head of TUB/Textile Technologies Head of Textiles INNOVATORIUM

TuB | Product Development

Study focus

Prof. Dr.-Ing.Dipl.-Ing. Michael Ernst
Textile Product Development Deputy Chairman of the Examinations Board of the English Degree programmes Head of TP/Clothing Head of TuB/Product Development

DI | Fashion

Director of Studies

DI | Textile

Director of Studies

Prof. Dipl.-Des. Marion Ellwanger-Mohr
Design teaching, textile design and collection development with specialisation in textile printing and weaving. Director of studies DI/Textiles

TCM | Textile and Clothing Management

Director of Studies

Prof. Dr. - Ing. Katrin Freier
Product management, apparel development Director of Studies Textile and Clothingmanagement

TP | Textile

Director of Studies

Prof. Dr. Mathias Muth
Textile Printing Technology Chairman of the faculty council Head of TP/Textile

TP | Clothing

Director of Studies

Prof. Dr.-Ing.Dipl.-Ing. Michael Ernst
Textile Product Development Deputy Chairman of the Examinations Board of the English Degree programmes Head of TP/Clothing Head of TuB/Product Development

TP | Design

Director of Studies

Prof. Dipl.-Des. Ellen Bendt
Fashion design with specialisation in knitwear and innovative product design Head of study TP/Design

MTTT | Trade and Retail

Director of Studies

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Gerrit Heinemann
Business Administration, in particular Management and Retailing Specialization Trade and Retail Head of eWeb Research Centre Head of the MTTT/Trade and Retail study program

MTTT | Technical Textile

Director of Studies

Textile Technology, especially Fabric Technology Study Direction MTTT/Technical Textile

Contact Alumni

Site plans of the university

Map of the campus

Map of the campus with lab designations
