Textile and Clothing Technology

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology Faculty 07

Textile innovation for over 100 years

The Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology is the oldest faculty at the Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach. It is one of Europe's leading academic institutions for the next generation of textile bachelor's and master's students and can look back on more than 100 years of tradition. As a result, it has textile expertise that is second to none. Through consistent further development, the established faculty has adapted to global challenges. The international orientation is reflected in the programmes of German and English taught Bachelor's and Master's degree progarmmes, as well as the offer of a German-Chinese double degree. This comprehensive range of programmes gives graduates great flexibility and thus numerous additional opportunities at home and abroad. This is also used by the approximately 20 percent of students from abroad. On this page you will find all the important topics, facts and figures about our faculty.


Alumni Network FB07

With our alumni network we offer you a contact point for diverse information about our university, current developments, personalia, exciting projects, successful research as well as great teaching education and of course the possibility to keep up to date and educate yourself through lectures and workshops. Become part of our network - here and also in our LinkedIn alumni group - and stay part of the HSNR family. With our newsletter, you will also receive an overview of current developments and actions twice a year. And even if you are just interested in HSNR, we look forward to welcoming you.

Welcome to the Alumni Network of the Hochschule Niederrhein!

Graduation Ceremony

Graduation ceremony 2025

Dear graduates (period 22.06.24 bis 13.06.2025)
of the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology

The Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology will honor its graduates again this year with a ceremony.

The graduation ceremony will be held on 27.06.2025.

You will receive an invitation via email from Ms. Marquardt in the Office of the Dean beginning in mid-May.



Alumni network

Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology
Webschulstraße 31
D-41065 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 (0) 2161-186-6011
Fax: +49 (0) 2161-186-6013
Mail: alumni-fb07(at)hs-niederrhein.de

The faculty council is the highest decision-making body of the faculty and is responsible for all matters concerning studies, teaching education, examinations and research. In order to carry out its tasks, the faculty council can elect, appoint or commission committees, commissions, working groups and task forces.

Schedule of Meetings

Regular meetings will be held on the following dates in SoSe 2024:


06.06.24 / 12:15 pm / G E08 & hybrid
Zoom-Meeting-ID: 966 3645 7371
Kenncode/Passwort: 991245

11.07.24 / 12:15 pm / G E08 & hybrid
Zoom-Meeting-ID: 966 3645 7371
Kenncode/Passwort: 991245



Chair: Prof. Dr. Mathias Muth
Vice Chair: Prof. Andrea Rieschel
Dean: Prof. Dr. Lutz Vossebein
Vice-dean: Prof. Dr. Ute Ständer


  • Prof. Ellen Bendt
  • Prof. Dr. Robert Groten
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katrin Freier
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Weide


Academic staff:

  • Daniel Pattberg


Technical and administrative staff:

  • Mechthild Klein


Student representatives:

  • Razib Hossain      'razib.hossain@stud.hn.de'
  • Kritwaya Natsen   'kritwaya.natsen@stud.hn.de'
  • Clarissa Zell         'clarissa.zell@stud.hn.de'


The term of office of the faculty council is two years, and the students' representatives on the faculty council are elected for one year at a time. The chair of the faculty council is elected by the members for one term.


If you have any questions or input, please feel free to contact the chair of the faculty council.

If you would like to contact the student representatives directly, the email link is available.

E-Mail stud. representative:in


Prof. Dr. Mathias Muth
Textile Printing Technology Chairman of the faculty council Head of TP/Textile

Laboratories - Technika

The Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology is proud to provide its students and project partners with a variety of excellently equipped laboratories, as well as computer rooms. This would not be possible without the close cooperation and active support of the industry. Through long-standing cooperation and partnerships with companies, practical problems from industry are discussed and analyzed in the university's own laboratories and pilot plants. The cooperation and know-how of the companies on the one hand and the profound theoretical knowledge of the university on the other hand enable a consistently application-oriented science that develops new technologies purposefully and efficiently.

The close practical relevance through an applied and practice-oriented science as well as the opportunity to conduct creative research ensure an optimal study environment and provide excellent conditions for practical apprenticeship and research. Important specialisations are applied research and the development of Textile Technologies. In this way, the theoretical knowledge acquired can be applied in a concrete and solution-oriented manner in various projects.



Detailed information about all listed laboratories of our faculty can be found in the laboratory guide. Here you can find the equipment of the laboratories, the contacts, the opening hours and room numbers.

Virtual tour of the laboratories

Research Institute for Textile and Clothing (FTB)

Organizationally, the faculty bundles its main research activities in the institute "FTB - Research Institute for Textile and Clothing".
The individual tasks of FTB are divided into the following areas:

  • publicly funded research and development projects
  • research and development projects with industry
  • the promotion of scientific work of all members of the institute and of young scientists in cooperation with the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology of the Hochschule Niederrhein


The research activities include subdivided areas such as textile structures, sensor technology, knowledge management, simulation, product development, RFID, PPE, care, hygiene, teXellence, functionalization and smart textiles. Annual research funds are available for this purpose, such as approximately €1.4 million in 2016.

On the homepage of the "FTB - Research Institute for Textile and Clothing" you will find more information about the institute, publications of the last years, as well as the current and completed research projects. Please find the contacts for technical questions or project proposals on the pages of the core research areas.



Research Institute for Textile and Clothing (FTB)
Webschulstraße 31
D-41065 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 (0)2161 186 6099
Fax: +49 (0)2161 186-6013

Head of Institute: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maike Rabe


Public Textile Testing Institute - ÖP

The Public Textile Testing Institute, which is firmly integrated in the ongoing university operations, is unique in Europe. The Hochschule Niederrhein has many years of testing experience with its range of services for industry, trade and consumers, which is highly valued in the professional world. The Public Textile Testing Institute of the Hochschule Niederrhein GmbH (ÖP) is an accredited institute of the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology of the Hochschule Niederrhein and, as a neutral institution, carries out material tests for the entire textile chain from fiber production to the surface.



Public Textile Testing Institute of the Hochschule Niederrhein GmbH (ÖP)
Richard-Wagner-Str. 97
D-41065 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 (0)2161 186 6063
Fax: +49 (0)2161 186 6199

Management and scientific direction: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Lutz Vossebein
Phone: +49 (0)2161 186-6126
Mail: lutz.vossebein(at)hs-niederrhein.de

Public testing laboratory

Textile and Fashion Institute Mönchengladbach - TFN/TFI

Textile education and continuing training. The Textile and Fashion Institute Mönchengladbach (TFI) is a further education institute for the regional and supra-regional textile and clothing industry and offers further education measures, seminars, workshops and discussion groups on relevant topics, tailored to the special needs of employees in these and neighboring industrial sectors.

The sponsor of the Textile and Fashion Institute Mönchengladbach is the association of friends and sponsors of the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology of the Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach, the Textile and Fashion Network e.V. (TFN). The lecturers are professors / lecturers of the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology.


weaving chain

Textile and Fashion Institute Mönchengladbach (TFI)
Webschultsr. 31
D-41061 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 (0)2161 4027-903
Fax: +49 (0)2161 4027-905
Mail: tfi(at)hs-niederrhein.de

Head of Institute: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Lutz Vossebein





Textile and Fashion Network e.V.
Webschulstr. 31
D-41065 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 (0)2161 4027-903
Fax : +49 (0)2161 186-6013
Mail: tfi(at)hs-niederrhein.de

1. chairman: Markus Schmitz
2. chairman: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Lutz Vossebein



EthNa Competence Centre CSR

The university bundles the growing importance of ethics and sustainability in corporate management in its EthNa Competence Centre CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). This competence centre creates offers for students, graduates and companies that want to design ethically justifiable and sustainable processes.

EthNa Competence Centre CSR


EthNa Competence Centre CSR
Reinarzstr. 49
D-47805 Krefeld
Phone: +49 (0)2151 822-6683
Mail: ethna(at)hs-niederrhein.de

Head: Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter
Phone: +49 (0)2151 822-6683
Mail: monika.eigenstetter(at)hs-niederrhein.de

Management: Prof. Dr. habil. Rudolf L. Voller
Phone: +49 (0)2161 186-6010
Mail: rudolf.voller(at)hs-niederrhein.de

Management: Prof. Dr. Martin Wenke
Phone: +49 (0)2161 186-6442
Mail: Martin.Wenke(at)hs-niederrhein.de


eWeb Research Centre

The core research areas of the eWeb Research Centre are empirical social research on the analysis of online-induced purchasing behavior.


eWeb Research Centre


eWeb Research Centre
Webschulstraße 31
D-41065 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 (0)2151 822-6667
Mail: eWeb Research Centre

Head: Prof. Dr. Michael Schleusener
Phone: +49 (0)2151 822-6610
Mail: Michael Schleusener

Management: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Gerrit Heinemann
Phone: +49 (0)2161 186-6125
Mail: Gerrit Heinemann

Management: Prof. Dr. Silvia Zaharia
Phone: +49 (0)2151 822-6667
Mail: Silvia Zaharia

Websites eWeb Research Centre

Information Technology

Information technology also plays a significant role at our faculty. In addition to supervising the computer labs, we also offer active support to our students.



Software offer

Information about software packages, in particular the options for using MS Office 365, can be found on the relevant KIS website.

Software offer KIS website



The Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology, together with The Hochschule Niederrhein, has acquired a campus license to provide its students with access to the world's leading trend and news portal from the world of fashion with WGSN - the global leader in creative trend analysis.

WGSN (Worth Global Style Network) is an online subscription service that provides information, analysis and inspiration for the apparel, design and retail industries.
WGSN's predictive trend analysis, real-time information updated hourly, and an archive that includes ten years of reports and images provide information and inspiration to
industries worldwide. Our global team of 200 experts design, analyze, photograph and write about style, buying, distribution,
customer insights and the fashion business. www.wgsn.com

Clients include Adidas, BBC, Burberry, Bulgari, C&A, Coca Cola, Dolce & Gabbana, Esprit, Gap, General Motors, Ford, Harrods, H&M, L'Oreal, Leo Burnett, LG
Electronics, Marks & Spencer, Puma, Sainsbury's, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Volkswagen,Wal Mart, Zara.

Access to WGSN - World Global Style Network - is only possible from the university's network.




KIS the IT- Support of the Hochschule Niederrhein deals with all problems and questions that may arise in dealing with the IT services and systems of the Hochschule Niederrhein. This includes the following points:

  • All enrolled students and employees receive a personal identification ("university account"), which is a prerequisite for various IT services of the Hochschule Niederrhein.
  • Every student at the Hochschule Niederrhein automatically receives a personally assigned e-mail address under the domain "stud.hn.de".
  • At The Hochschule Niederrhein, you can go online wherever you want with your laptop or smartphone. Access is possible with the data of the university account.
  • Register for examinations, view examination results, change your address - all this is easily possible online.

Further detailed information on these and many other points can be found directly at the KIS.

IT-Servicecenter Mönchengladbach
41065 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 (0)2161 186-2222
Fax: +49 (0)2161 186-85-2222
Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Room: N E25 (in the foyer on the right)
Mail: it-support(at)hs-niederrhein.de

The story

The Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology at the Hochschule Niederrhein is the largest academic educational institution for the textile and clothing industry in Europe. With a tradition of over 100 years, this educational institution has a textile competence that is second to none. The high-profile faculty has consistently developed and adapted to global markets in recent years.

A brief chronology

Fairs and symposia

Recruting, knowledge transfer, fairs/exhibitions, competitions/excursions/projects - All these are important topics in the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology. Find out about all the fairs and events in our faculty here.

Fairs and exhibitions worldwide

Many textile and apparel companies are active worldwide. Almost everywhere, people from different countries and cultures work together. Those who want to understand global markets and promote togetherness must also have a global presence. The Hochschule Niederrhein is internationally positioned and has adapted to the needs of a globalized world. At various trade fairs and symposia around the world, the faculty is available as a competent contact directly on site.

Academic meetings

The Hochschule Niederrhein regularly participates in academic conferences in Germany and abroad. They provide an innovation platform for linking research and application, as well as products and innovations. Participants network research and practice, for the development of new impulses in numerous presentations, lectures and discussions with experts and representatives of all industries in the textile and apparel sector. The following are some of them:

Competitions - Excursions - Projects - Prizes

Every year, students from the faculty present their work to an international audience of experts in numerous clothing and design competitions. It is not uncommon for them to take the top places with renowned jury members. In excursions, which are offered to the students again and again, the young talents can get in touch with the textile and clothing industry. You can get an impression of our activities in the following articles.
You can also find up-to-date information on our social media profiles:







The Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology successfully completed a re-accreditation of all its Degree programmes in Spring 2017. Following assessment and approval, all certificates have been issued by the Council.


The objective of the evaluation is:

  • Quality assurance and quality development in teaching education, studies and continuing training
  • Promotion of quality-related, internal communication within the university
  • Further development of the faculties and the university through the implementation of study reform processes
  • Presentation of the university's performance and accountability to members of the university, the state and society.

The results of the internal evaluation are incorporated into the faculty's activities to improve the quality of studies and teaching education and form the basis for the development of further measures. If you have suggestions, please feel free to submit them to the Dean of the Faculty at any time.



The aspect of sustainability flows into many events in our Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes and plays a major role in teaching education. We use sustainable material or think about the timelessness of designs. Sustainability is part of the whole. Sustainability accompanies us in everything we do, design and how we want to live in the future.

The topic of sustainability also occupies us in research. The Research Institute for Textile and Clothing (FTB) at the Hochschule Niederrhein carries out complex projects to improve sustainability in the textile processing chain.

The A.U.G.E. affiliated institute as well as the EthNa Competence Centre CSR carry out research and development tasks in the field of CSR, ethics and sustainability by means of publicly funded programs, but can also be commissioned directly by companies.


On a separate page, we have compiled an excerpt of events dealing with the topic of sustainability:

The Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology has many years of experience in the field of smart textiles. Smart Textiles prototypes and technologies, particularly for medical technology and protective clothing systems, are developed in various laboratories, such as the Textile INNOVATORIUM.

In close cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, electronic components are realised on and from textiles, e.g. textile batteries, solar cells and sensors.


Click on the person selection box to display a different group of people.

Dipl.-Des., MBA Helga Ahrens-Wels
2D-3D Schnittkonstruktion
Nils M. Barner, Dipl.-Des.
Adobe Certified Expert & Instructor for Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat university teacher / lecturer compulsory optional course Indesign
Monika Barwinski, Dipl.-Ing.
Processing Technology I; Internship CAD Garment Construction
Vice-dean Textile Technology | Simulation
Marcel Beiß, M.Sc.
IT-Administrator im Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik
Prof. Dipl.-Des. Ellen Bendt
Fashion design with specialisation in knitwear and innovative product design Head of study TP/Design
Ratri Atmoko Benedictus, M.Psych.
PhD student A.U.G.E. Institute
  • Room: U 119 (Rheydter Str. 188)
  • Webschulstr. 31

  • D-41065 Mönchengladbach
Thomas Berger
Weaving technical center
Anette Berns, Dipl.-Des.
Fashion photography, experimental fashion photography
Leon Blanckart, M.Sc.
Angewandte Informatik und Robotik
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Brandt
FTB" Institute
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Breckenfelder
Computer-aided development and simulation of textile products
Rike Brendgen, M.Sc.
Textile sensor technology in the KneTex project
Felix Brünker, M.Sc.
Digitales Marketing
Prof. Dipl.-Kfm. Claus Bühs
Honorary Professor Brand and Product Management Procurement and Sourcing
Textile Technology, especially Fabric Technology Study Direction MTTT/Technical Textile
Antje Christophersen, Dipl.-Ing.
Research Assistant Virtual Lab, CAD Garment Design, 3D Product Development
Sigrid Coesfeld
Technika for making up textile products - clothing, home textiles, technical textiles
Francesca Corradi, M.A.
Department Manager
Uwe Cremers, Dipl.-Ing.
Hazal Dagdeviren, M.Sc.
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Projekt KnitCycle
Annette Diekmann
Technika for the manufacture of textile products - clothing, household and home textiles, technical textiles Member of the faculty council
Anke Doerenkamp
Labor Konfektionstechnik
Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter
Industrial Psychology CSR Management Head of A.U.G.E. Institute Head of EthNa Competence Centre CSR Head of study program
Ikram El Moussaoui
Projekt Smint, A.U.G.E
Prof. Dipl.-Des. Marion Ellwanger-Mohr
Design teaching, textile design and collection development with specialisation in textile printing and weaving. Director of studies DI/Textiles
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Dipl.-Ing. Michael Ernst
Textile Product Development Deputy Chairman of the Examinations Board of the English Degree programmes Head of TP/Clothing Head of TuB/Product Development
Vanessa Ernst, B.Sc.
CAD clothing design
Saraa Feiter, Dipl.-Ing.
Media Didactician in the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology Team digitaLe Research assistant eLearning team
Dipl.-Ing. Gabi Feltgen
Processing technology, joining method, embroidery machine, cutter
Madita Fischer, M.Sc.
Projekt CellFil
Prof. Dr. - Ing. Katrin Freier
Product management, apparel development Director of Studies Textile and Clothingmanagement
Petra Glinde
Internship Textile Materials Practical Training in Textile Materials Applied Quality Management
Alexandra Glogowsky, M.Sc.
Research Assistant Textiles Innovatorium
Chemistry, Colorimetry and Analytics, Functional & Medical Textiles
Technical Textiles Head of TUB/Textile Technologies Head of Textiles INNOVATORIUM
Lisa Gudehus, M. Sc.
Center Textile Logistics CTL
Dorothee Güntzel, M.Sc.
Teacher for special purposes for spec. cut design
Shirley Hast
Department Administration
Clara Heil, B.Sc.
Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB) - Kreislauffähige Produktentwicklung mit Schwerpunkt Strick
Frank Heimlich
Weaving and Knitting Laboratory; Tape Weaving, Braiding Laboratory Member of the Senate
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Gerrit Heinemann
Business Administration, in particular Management and Retailing Specialization Trade and Retail Head of eWeb Research Centre Head of the MTTT/Trade and Retail study program
Lennart Hellweg, M.Sc.
Textile Technology | Simulation Project AItransdisciplinary
Heiko Hendrix
Weaving Technical Center; Responsible for faculty data processing; Member of the Equal Opportunity Commission.
Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Heß, M.Sc.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB)
Britta Hilgenberg, Dipl.-Biol.
Prisca Holderied, Master of Science
Research Institute Textile and Clothing Technology (Knitwear)
Wiebke Hüskes, B.Sc.
Digital Textile Design, Digital Representation Technology
Kim Irgang, B.Sc.
Employee in the Garment Production Technology Laboratory
Maike Jansen, Master of Fine Arts, M.F.A.
dobby weaving, jacquard weaving, CAD courses
Doris Jörißen
Department Administration
Heike Kienow, Dipl.-Ing.
Teacher for special purposes for editing design
Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Paul Kitzel
Nude and model drawing Multidimensional Design Color theory Visual Thinking
Mechthild Klein
Internship Textile Materials Practical Training in Textile Materials Supervision Laboratory Technical Textiles Applied Quality Management
Dr. rer. nat. Kristina Klinkhammer
Surface modification of textiles, soil repellency, adhesion promotion, plasma technologies
Prof. Andrea Klüsener
Clothing construction
Dipl.-Ing. Nadine Knapstein
Digital fashion design
Teacher for special tasks Design teaching and textile design Liaison lecturer
Dr. Sabrina Kolbe
Viola Konrad
international affairs
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Korger
Surface modification of textiles, digital and 3D printing technologies
Study progress advisor FB07
Mirja Kreuziger, M.Sc.
Digital Textile Design Foundation Courses Digital and 3D Printing
Maria Kriger
Assistant Textiles INNOVATORY
Julia Kühne, B.Sc.
A.U.G.E. Institute, EnaTex Project, CSR Management
Evelyn Lempa, Dipl.-Ing., M.Sc.
Smart Textiles, Conductive Coatings
Gudrun Lieutenant-Bister, Dipl.-Ing.
Internships: Foundation course chemistry; Macromolecular and colloid chemistry; Surfactants, auxiliaries, surfaces, Applied colorimetry.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Boris Mahltig
Chair of the Examinations Board for Degree Programmes Taught in English Functionalization of textiles
Birgit Marquardt
Secretary to the Dean
Sabrina Mauter, M. Sc.
Aslihan Memisoglu, M.Sc.
research associate, A.U.G.E Project EnaTex
Katalin Mengler, M.Sc.
Braiding technology
Regina Metzen
Technika for making up textile products
Iris Meyer
Department Administration
  • Room: G E18
  • Phone: +49 2161 186-6023
  • iris.meyer(at)hs-niederrhein.de
  • Webschulstr. 31

  • D-41065 Mönchengladbach
  • Consultation:

    Mon - Thu

    08:00 - 12:15

    13:45 - 16:00



    08:00 - 12:15

    13:45 - 14:00


    during the lecture-free time the office hours can deviate

Dr. Jens Meyer
Projects AirVlies, F³D-Print, Textilemission
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Marija Meyerhoff
Center Textile Logistics CTL
Dipl.-Ges.- Ök Paskalia Mpairaktari
A.U.G.E. Projekt Competentia
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Muschkiet
Head of Center Textile Logistics CTL Textile Logistics
Prof. Dr. Mathias Muth
Textile Printing Technology Chairman of the faculty council Head of TP/Textile
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Mutschler
Development Textile Technology FTB - Research Institute for Textile and Clothing PhD student (Cooperation - HSNR and ENSISA France)
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Susanne Müller
Business administration, especially marketing and logistics
Lukas Naumann
Employees technical center weaving
Marc Neumann, M.Sc.
Quality inspection, microscopy, Examination-planning
Sarah Neumann, M.Sc.
Project Octo Yarn
Manuela Niemeyer, Dipl.-Ing.
Initial study phase, website, block seminars, EDP
Stephanie Pakulat, Master tailor
Technika for making up textile products
Daniel Pattberg
Spinning laboratory management
Heike Pienkoß, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) M.Sc.
Instructor IHK, technical teacher apprenticeship of trainers
Alexandra Plewnia, M.Sc.
Project Octo Yarn
Bianca Pruß, Dipl.-Ing., M.Sc.
Internship Textile Materials; Practical Training in Textile Materials; Applied Quality Management; Quality Control Oberseminar; Group Planning Member of the Senate
Quality management, textile examinations
Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Quednau
Development and Manufacturing of functional and protective Garments
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maike Rabe
Head of research institute "FTB Textile finishing and ecology
Karin Ratovo, Dipl.-Ing
Research assistant
Benita Rau, M.Sc.
Dr. Priscilla Reiners
Teacher for special purposes for quality management, textile testing and textile materials Organization of examinations and member of the Examinations Board of the faculty
Marie Christine Reuters, M. Sc.
FTB Research associate
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Andrea Rieschel
Design theory in the field of design, industrial product development
Dipl.-Ing. Marion Rieß-Glehn
Special model development ladies coat Special model development cleanroom clothing Special model development outdoor clothing
Dr. rer. nat. Esther Rohleder
Surface modification of textiles, plasma technologies, enzymes
Kerstin Schaum, Diploma designer
Product realization "Go Catwalk" Conceptual planning of a fashion show
Hildegard Schiffmann-Bürschgens, Dipl.-Ing.
Teacher for special purposes for teaching practical skills and knowledge in product development, garment construction HAKA
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Uwe Schlick
Business administration, especially accounting, controlling and law
Jörg Schrick
Technical center for finishing Textile Printing Pilot Plant Composites laboratory
Prof. Dr. ir. Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Functional Textiles and Clothing Deputy Chairman of the Examinations Board of the German Degree programmes
Janika Schüßler, M.Sc.
Center Textile Logistics CTL
Irina Singer, M. Sc.
FTB Research associate
Christine Steinem, Dipl.-Ing.
Surface modification of textiles, digital and 3D printing technologies
Vice-dean Business Administration, especially Accounting, Controlling and Law
Maike Vierkötter, M.Sc.
Octogarn project (spinning and sustainability)
Dean Textile Technology, Textile Examinations and Quality Management Head of Public Testing Laboratory
Design theory with specialisation in textiles and fashion
Simone Wagner, Dipl.-Ing.
Finishing Laboratory: Textile Printing Laboratory
Dr. Katrin Waletzke
Project Edu4SmartTex
Textile technology, especially technology of "Wirkerei & Strickerei; Schwerpunktleitung TUB/Textilmanagement
Chairman of the Examinations Board for Degree Programmes Taught in German Textile technology of spinning and physics
Ulrike Wenzel-Daugsch, Attorney at Law
Projects for Bachelor and Master students
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Werminghaus
Praktische Anwendung Projektmanagement
Hartmut Werner
Laboratory worker for textile printing
Prof. Dipl.-Des. Jutta Wiedemann
Design theory, clothing design and collection development
Romy Winter, Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Wirtschaftsing., Supervisor DGScv
Personnel and Leadership, Career Planning - Goals-Competencies-Strategies, Product Development Leather Clothing
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Zöll
Head of Garment Production Technology Laboratory Confection technology