Lecturer - current information

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

A - D

Prof. Dr. Mathias Beer

Vice-dean Textile Technology | Simulation

Prof. Dipl.-Des. Ellen Bendt

News / current information:

Prof. Dipl.-Des. Ellen Bendt
Fashion design with specialisation in knitwear and innovative product design Head of study TP/Design

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Bertold Bongardt

News/ current information:

Angewandte Informatik und Robotik

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Breckenfelder

News / current information:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Breckenfelder
Computer-aided development and simulation of textile products

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Büsgen

News / current information:

Textile Technology, especially Fabric Technology Study Direction MTTT/Technical Textile

E - H

Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter

News / current information:

Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter
Industrial Psychology CSR Management Head of A.U.G.E. Institute Head of EthNa Competence Centre CSR Head of study program

Prof. Dipl.-Des. Marion Ellwanger-Mohr

News / current information:

Prof. Dipl.-Des. Marion Ellwanger-Mohr
Design teaching, textile design and collection development with specialisation in textile printing and weaving. Director of studies DI/Textiles

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Michael Ernst

News / current information:

Prof. Dr.-Ing.Dipl.-Ing. Michael Ernst
Textile Product Development Deputy Chairman of the Examinations Board of the English Degree programmes Head of TP/Clothing Head of TuB/Product Development

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Grethe

News / current information:

Chemistry, Colorimetry and Analytics, Functional & Medical Textiles

Prof. Dr. Robert Groten

News / current information:

Technical Textiles Head of TUB/Textile Technologies Head of Textiles INNOVATORIUM

Dorothee Güntzel, FL Dipl.-Ing., M.Sc.

News / current information:

Dorothee Güntzel, M.Sc.
Teacher for special purposes for spec. cut design

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Gerrit Heinemann

News / current information:

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Gerrit Heinemann
Business Administration, in particular Management and Retailing Specialization Trade and Retail Head of eWeb Research Centre Head of the MTTT/Trade and Retail study program

I - L

Heike Kienow, FL Dipl.-Ing.

News / current information:

Heike Kienow, Dipl.-Ing.
Teacher for special purposes for editing design

Anna Koch, Dipl. Des. Textile

Aktuelles / current information:


For a portfolio review, please contact me via email within the first 2 weeks of the upcoming semester for scheduling.

Teacher for special tasks Design teaching and textile design Liaison lecturer

M - P

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Boris Mahltig

News / current information:

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Boris Mahltig
Chair of the Examinations Board for Degree Programmes Taught in English Functionalization of textiles

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Susanne Müller

News / current information:

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Susanne Müller
Business administration, especially marketing and logistics

Prof. Dr. Markus Muschkiet

News / current information:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Muschkiet
Head of Center Textile Logistics CTL Textile Logistics

Prof. Dr. Mathias Muth

News / current information:

Prof. Dr. Mathias Muth
Textile Printing Technology Chairman of the faculty council Head of TP/Textile

Q - T

Prof. Dr. Bastian Quattelbaum

News / current information:

Quality management, textile examinations

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maike Rabe

News / current information:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maike Rabe
Head of research institute "FTB Textile finishing and ecology

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Andrea Rieschel

News / current information:

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Andrea Rieschel
Design theory in the field of design, industrial product development

Hildegard Schiffmann-Bürschgens, FL Dipl.-Ing.

News / current information:

Hildegard Schiffmann-Bürschgens, Dipl.-Ing.
Teacher for special purposes for teaching practical skills and knowledge in product development, garment construction HAKA

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Uwe Schlick

News / current information:

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Uwe Schlick
Business administration, especially accounting, controlling and law

Prof. Dr. ir. Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer

News / current information:

Prof. Dr. ir. Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Functional Textiles and Clothing Deputy Chairman of the Examinations Board of the German Degree programmes

Prof. Dr. rer. oec. Ute Ständer

Aktuelles / current information:

Information about my compulsory optional course
"Steuerrecht - nicht nur für Unternehmensgründer":

Many students have no or very little knowledge of German tax law, although everyone - private person as well as entrepreneur - has to deal with it sooner or later. Therefore, a basic knowledge of tax law is essential. In the lecture, the foundation courses of the most important tax types (income tax, sales tax, trade tax and corporate income tax) are taught. In the process, students will also practice dealing with and reading or understanding legal texts in order to be able to acquire more in-depth knowledge on their own later on.


Vice-dean Business Administration, especially Accounting, Controlling and Law

Prof. Dipl.-Modegestalterin Karin Stark

News / current information:

U - Z

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Lutz Vossebein

News / current information:

Dean Textile Technology, Textile Examinations and Quality Management Head of Public Testing Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Marina-Elena Wachs

Aktuelles / current information:

Please take all information from the digital notice here on the right.
Please take all information from the digital notice here on the right.



Design theory with specialisation in textiles and fashion

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus O. Weber

Aktuelles / current information:

Topics for final theses can be requested directly from me.
If you search for topics for final thesis please contact me.

Textile technology, especially technology of "Wirkerei & Strickerei; Schwerpunktleitung TUB/Textilmanagement

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Weide

Aktuelles / current information:

Examination reviews:

In the first weeks of each new semester, central viewing dates for my written examinations will be organized in the spinning lab. These dates will be posted on my bulletin board and announced via News07.

Chairman of the Examinations Board for Degree Programmes Taught in German Textile technology of spinning and physics

Prof. Dipl.-Des. Jutta Wiedemann

News / current information:

Prof. Dipl.-Des. Jutta Wiedemann
Design theory, clothing design and collection development

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Zöll

News / current information:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Zöll
Head of Garment Production Technology Laboratory Confection technology