Students can also choose between the areas of specialisation Textile Management and Sustainability and Textile Technologies or Clothing Technology and Product Development in the dual degree programme (KIA - Kooperative Ingenieur- Apprenticeship).
With a specialisation in Textile Management and Sustainability, the Textile Technology course covers a range of subjects from the entire field of textile and finishing technology to quality management and quality assessment and management theory. Other subjects such as organization, marketing and human resources management are also taught intensively. In the area of specialisation Textile Technologies students can concentrate on the technologies of spinning, weaving, knitting, narrow textiles, finishing and technical textiles.
On the one hand, the Clothing Technology major includes a specialisation in Clothing Management. Here, engineers are prepared as junior and senior managers for the versatile technical and business management tasks of the apparel industry. The focus of the studies is on the subject areas of manufacturing techniques and processes for apparel production. This is supplemented by advanced courses in business administration and occupational science. In the area of specialisation in product development, on the other hand, students acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills in all areas of design, such as initial cutting, stencilling, model construction and fit control.
Under the menu item "Dual Studies" on the right side you will find the curriculum, information flyers and offered apprenticeships, for which you would have to take care of the contracts yourself. Please note the reference there to possible training places or employers who are subject to the collective agreement of the federal states (TVL) (change in law since 01.08.2020).
Under the menu item "Cooperations", these are not regular training companies for the "dual studies" model of our faculty, but a special offer of these companies: a combination of full-time studies at the Hochschule Niederrhein and practical modules in the company.