Degree programme Textile and Clothing Technology
Field of study Textile Technology

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Textile Technology

The field of study Textile Technology represents the areas of specialisation Textile Management and Sustainability as well as Textile Technologies.

The area of specialisation Textile Management and Sustainability covers a broad, future-oriented range of subjects from the entire field of textile technology and management theory. In textile technology, fundamental knowledge is taught from design theory to thread, surface and finishing technologies to quality management and quality assessment of textile materials. A major focus is on management subjects such as organization, marketing and human resources management. Sustainability also covers topics such as process-integrated environmental protection through resource-saving and low-emission production to life cycle assessment, circular economy or sustainable design and teaches the foundation courses of essential eco-labels.

In the area of specialisation Textile Technologies, the textile production stages of spinning, weaving, knitting, braiding, finishing and finishing as well as the production of narrow textiles, nonwovens and composites are taught. Innovative materials are presented, especially in the field of technical textiles. Complex requirements for the raw materials used (origin, ecological footprint, mechanical, thermal and chemical resistances), as well as the production processes, manufacturing technologies and closed-loop technologies are components of this area of specialisation. However, the studies also provide essential knowledge for sustainable textile processing: use of chemicals such as dyes, novel water-saving finishing process(es) for fashionable jeans, or manufacturing methods that minimize the discharge of fibrous microplastics into the environment. Valuable basic skills in technology enable engineers to develop new, environmentally friendly products and sustainable processes. Finally, it is important how sustainability can be made visible with the help of eco-labels such as GOTS, green button or Ökotex. That, too, has to be learned.

Double degree

As part of the Bachelor's degree programme, students have the opportunity to obtain the exclusive German-Chinese double degree "International Textile and Clothing Management" in cooperation with Tiangong University/VR China.

Textile technology as dual studies

The Textile and Clothing Technology Degree programme with a specialisation in Textile Technology can also be completed as a dual degree programme. The dual studies combine practice and theoretical knowledge in a unique way. Parallel to the basic studies, the students undergo an apprenticeship in an industrial company specifically geared to the studies.

Area of specialisation in Textile Technology
