FAQ aptitude test

On this page you will find a summary of frequently asked questions that relate to the aptitude test in the Degree programme "Design Engineer" of the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology.

These questions do not replace the legally binding specifications of the aptitude test.

In case of doubt, please contact the Examinations Board.


Where do I register for the aptitude test and until when is it possible?

The examination takes place digitally and is offered once a year.

To take part, you need to register via the EFP online form . Here you will find the current exam dates and registration deadlines.

Before the examination date, you will receive an invitation to the examination with all details by e-mail.


I have already passed an aptitude test at another design university. Will this be recognized?

In general, recognition is possible. However, the decision on this is made in each individual case by the examination committee for the aptitude test. Please contact the chairperson of the examination board, Prof. Bendt, with a corresponding request and the documents.
Email : design-07(at)hs-niederrhein.de

Failed to pass

I failed the aptitude test - what can I do now?

In addition to the fact that, as with all examinations, you can appeal against the assessment (in writing, with reasons), the following applies: the aptitude test can be taken a total of three times, each time for the directions "Fashion" and "Textiles". Re-registration for the next examination is required.

Repeating the examination

If I have failed the aptitude test, how will I know when the next possible date is for me? How many dates are offered per year?

In principle, the aptitude test is only held once a year. You can find the date of the next examination on our department website.


What if I cannot take the examination due to illness? Do I then get a "re-examination date" or can I possibly compensate for the examination by submitting portfolios?

To put it directly: then you are very unlucky.
There is no "make-up date" for such cases and no "compensation" of any kind is possible.

What if I get sick during the examination?
If you go to a doctor and bring a certificate, the participation will not be counted as an attempt. Otherwise, the participation counts as a failed attempt!
In both cases, you will not have the opportunity to take part in the next aptitude test for another year.


Identical examination

Is the examination for the "Textile" field of study identical to the examination for the "Fashion" field of study?

Parts of the tasks can be identical, but in any case the examination results are evaluated separately.


How and when will I find out the result of my aptitude test?

The Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology will automatically inform you by mail about the result of your aptitude test. Please refrain from making inquiries by telephone! We make every effort to complete the evaluation of the examination results within a few weeks.


Can I access the results of the aptitude test on the Internet?

No! You will be notified of the results by mail.

Multiple application

Can I register for the aptitude test and apply for another Degree programme (e.g. Textile and Clothing Technology) at the same time?

In principle, this is possible. An application for another Degree programme is made via the online portal of the Hochschule Niederrhein and cannot be made at the same time as the application for the aptitude test at the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology.

Validity period

How long does a passed aptitude test remain valid?

The examination regulations clearly state in §9 that a passed aptitude test generally remains valid for three subsequent enrollment dates.

Only in justified exceptional cases can this be deviated from.


I have registered for the Degree programme Design Engineering in Krefeld and have now passed the aptitude test - do I now have to register again?

Basically, you cannot be enroled without presenting the certificate of having passed the aptitude test! Therefore, if you have already applied for a place on the "Design Engineering" Degree programme in Krefeld at the Student Office, this will be suspended until you submit the aforementioned certificate. Therefore, the results will not be forwarded from the faculty to the student office in Krefeld, but only directly to you personally.

You will automatically receive written notification of the results of your aptitude test from the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology. Please refrain from making inquiries by telephone!


Is the registration for the aptitude test sufficient or do I also have to register/register for the studies?

Registration with the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology is sufficient for participation in the aptitude test.
In order to begin studies if you have successfully passed the aptitude test, you must also register and enroll at the student office in Krefeld.

The application documents for this registration can be found on the Internet at

Inquiries regarding application/registration etc. should be directed to the student office: phone: 02151 822 2288 or e-mail: studierendenbuero@hs-niederrhein.de.

Change of study program

If I have failed the aptitude test, can I still change Degree programmes later?

Yes, but if there are any restrictions on admission to other Degree programmes (e.g. Numerus Clausus), these must be observed.
