Research Institute for Textile and Clothing

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

A warm welcome to you!

On the homepage of the FTB you will find information about the institute, our publications of the last years and the latest news.

An overview of our research topics as well as current and completed projects can be found on the pages of the main research areas. There you will also find contact partner for technical questions or project proposals.

You can reach the individual professors and staff members via the list of people in the institute; general telephone numbers where you can reach the institute management, the administration or the rooms of the institute can be found on the contact page.

"The FTB was founded in 2009 as an in-institute of the Hochschule Niederrhein - University of Applied Sciences in order to enrich the education with current research questions for prospective engineers on the one hand, and at the same time to support the economy and society as a problem solver. Today, numerous professors from the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology and 30 academic employees work in this institute on assignments along the entire textile chain. The experience and enormous wealth of knowledge at the FTB offer unique conditions for paving the way for goal-oriented innovations. Strong networking within the university and also with external research institutes broadens the spectrum of possible fields of work beyond the Textile and Clothing Technology, without neglecting the core competencies. Every year, around 60 students take part in the research projects, expanding their knowledge beyond academic education and often getting to know their potential employers in a straightforward way."

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maike Rabe
Head of the Research Institute for Textile and Clothing (FTB) at Hochschule Niederrhein

Head of the Institute

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maike Rabe
Head of research institute "FTB Textile finishing and ecology

Current information for you

Coming Soon


Main Areas of Research

The Research Institute for Textile and Clothing (FTB) of the Hochschule Niederrhein was founded in 2005 as an in-institute of the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology to strengthen research at the university.

Altogether, numerous professors of the faculty together with academic staff and students conduct application-oriented research and development in four fields of knowledge under the umbrella of the FTB: Textile Structures, Product Development, Functionalization and Smart Textiles/Wearables. The scientists use the comprehensive range of machinery and equipment at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences for this purpose.

Research at FTB focuses mainly on the following areas:

Research projects


"KICKup - Establishment of AI-supported closed loops for B2B textiles from cotton-polyester blends based on chemical upcycling"
> Prof. Dr. Rabe

"WasserSTOFF - Auswirkungen von Wasserstoff als Brennstoff auf die Anlagenbetriebsweise und Produktqualität in industriellen Prozessen am Beispiel der Textilveredlung - Entwicklung eines gasbetriebenen Labortrockners im Labormaßstab. Establishment of climate balances and evaluation of the contribution to climate targets."
> Prof. Dr. Meyer, Prof. Dr. Rabe

"HapTex 4.0 - Development of a roughness-guided continuous quality and surface control in the dry finishing of textiles by means of a haptic sensor that can be widely used for the textile industry. Subproject: Realization of a new evaluation scale for the grip assessment of textiles based on measurement data of a haptic sensor for implementation in virtual product development processes."
> Prof. Dr. Rabe

> Prof. Bendt

> Prof. Dr. Weber

"Model Region, Phase1, Bio4MatPro: BL5-3 - Glucanes4Tex, Holistic Development of Polysaccharide Fiber Production and Validation of Implementation Potential in the Rhineland Area, TP2"
> Prof. Dr. Rabe

> Prof. Dr. Quattelbaum

> Prof. Dr. Mahltig

> Prof. Dr. Rabe

> Prof. Dr. Weber

"AlgaTex - Green algae as fiber material of the future"
> Prof. Bendt

"SmartSeam - Sensory and Actuator Functional Seams with Hybid Yarns for the FashionTech Industry"
> Prof. Dr. Schwarz-Pfeiffer

"Smart Matter - Exploring Textile Construction of the Transport Box and Thermal Insulation."
> Prof. Dr. Breckenfelder

"Enatex Indonesia"
> Prof. Dr. Rabe, Prof. Dr. Eigenstetter

"Surface modifications with recombinant polyesterase"
> Prof. Dr. Rabe, FB01

"AnReTex - Development of an analytical method for testing the purity of recycled textiles"
> Prof. Dr. Rabe

"GranaTex - Graphene modified natural fiber textiles for lightweight construction applications. Development of graphene-based finishing agents and spinning of finished fibers"
> Prof. Dr. Grethe, Prof. Dr. Mahltig

"Thermoresponsive microgel membrane"
> Prof. Dr. Rabe

"ProSwabs - Swab systems with optimal uptake efficiency and improved preservation of bacterial viability"
> Prof. Dr. Groten

MKW - Landesweite Digitalisierungsoffensive
"Textile Electronics"
> Prof. Dr. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, Prof. Dr. Nannen

"Textile Tracker - Analytical Verification of Cotton Processing to Evaluate the Feasibility of a Textile Cotton Origin Database"
> Prof. Dr. Rabe

"Smart³D - Realization of smart textile applications with high customer acceptance by use of 3D printing technologies "
> Prof. Dr. Rabe

"DigiPrep - Development of a one-sided homogeneous minimal application process for resource-saving textile preparation in digital printing"
> Prof. Dr. Rabe

"Bianca IV - Innovative digital fitting system for fully automated acquisition and accurate visualization of body parameters to reduce the number of returned goods in the textile and apparel industry; development of an optical device and digital evaluation unit including an algorithm to generate reference sleeves as a starting point for an individualized avatar database"
> Prof. Dr. Ernst; Prof. Dr. Rabe

"Biophysical skin care"
> Prof. Dr. Mahltig, Prof. Bendt

> Prof. Dr. Rabe

"EnzyPol - Improved surface functionality by enzymatic treatments of bio-based and conventional polyesters"
> Prof. Dr. Rabe

"FunctioTex - Development of a digitally controlled functionalization process for textiles using innovative digital printing technology as well as printing inks specifically developed for this purpose and a new specifically acting fixation technology
> Prof. Dr. Muth

"DigiFellow - Fellowships for innovations in digital university lecturing NRW"
> Prof. Dr. Schwarz-Pfeiffer

> Prof. Dr. Rabe

> Prof. Dr. Weber

"STRUFA - Validation of a process for locally defined coating of yarns"
> Prof. Dr. Schwarz-Pfeiffer

> Prof. Dr. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, Prof. Dr. Muth

"Rotoröse - Entwicklung und Erprobung eines neuen Schusseintrags zur Erhöhung der Prozessgeschwindigkeit in der Wirkerei"
> Prof. Dr. Weber

> Prof. Dr. Rabe

> Prof. Dr. Weber

"KneTex - Development of a textile-integrated sensor technology for feedback-supported rehabilitation after surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament
> Prof. Dr. Schwarz-Pfeiffer

"Development of a virtual system for the modular design of the product development process in the apparel industry along the value chain; development of a virtual communication platform consisting of a virtual work preparation system, a virtual communication system and a virtual fit generator."
> Prof. Dr. Ernst

> Prof. Dr. Schwarz-Pfeiffer

"Innovative Hochschule - Leuchtturm Niederrhein: Aus der Höhe in die Breite: Von Einzelerfolgen zu einem systematischen angelegten Transfer in die Region"
> Prof. Dr. Janssen

"Development of a textile-based, location-resolving sensor technology"
> Prof. Dr. Rabe

"HoWirk - warp knitting process with wing weft insertion"
> Prof. Dr. Weber

"F3D Print - Fabrication of functional & Custom-fit textiles using 3D printing based on scanning technology"
> Prof. Dr. Rabe, Prof. Dr. Ernst

"PVB - Coating of recycled PVB from automotive glass on textile surfaces and yarns"
> Prof. Dr. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, Prof. Dr. Mahltig

"TextileMission - Microplastics of textile origin - A holistic view: optimized processes and materials, material flows and environmental behavior"
> Prof. Dr. Rabe, Prof. Bendt

"FlUni - Development of a liquid-tight universal seam for personal protective equipment (PPE), surgical and technical textiles"
> Prof. Dr. Vossebein

"GROW - Collaborative Project InoCottonGROW: Innovative Impulses to Reduce the Water Footprint of the Global Cotton Textile Industry towards UN Sustainable Development Goals, Subproject 3"
(03.2017 - 02.2020)
> Prof. Dr. Mahltig, Dr. Korger

"AddiTex"- Functional textile materials from the 3D printer
(01.2017 - 12.2019)
> Prof. Dr. Rabe, Dr. Korger

"SolTEX - Development of a technology for textile surfaces for electricity generation by organic photovoltaics"
> Prof. Dr. Schwarz-Pfeiffer

"Computer-aided modeling of technical textiles, clothing and fiber-reinforced plastics"
> Prof. Dr. Kyosev

"Color-Load-Rope - Integration of color-changing filaments for peak load detection in technical rope applications"
> Prof. Dr. Kyosev

"Human Solutions"
(03.2017 - 12.2018)
> Prof. Dr. Ernst

"AmbiTex - Textile Integrated Sensors for Monitoring of Ambient Parameters"
(01.2017 - 12.2018)
> Prof. Dr. Rabe, Prof. Dr. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, Dr. Grethe

(11.2016 - 10.2018)
> Prof. Dr. Janssen, Prof. Dr. Rabe, Prof. Dr. Weide, Dr. Klinkhammer, Dr. Rohleder

"Development of simultaneous acquisition of structural and material characteristics in the product development process and development of the continuous process chain by linking technologies considering textile surface structures."
(03.2016 - 07.2018)
> Prof. Dr. Ernst

"Development of flexibly designable and digitally printed illuminated textiles for the advertising and architecture industry"
(03.2016 - 05.2018)
> Prof. Dr. Schwarz-Pfeiffer

"Tufting structures"
(02.2016 - 09.2018)
> Prof. Dr. Büsgen

Publications 2024

G. Börner, B. Arici, C. Rohrbach, B. Mahltig
Comparative analysis of innovative socks made from special synthetic fibers
Bulletin of Vitebsk State Technological University, 2024, 4(50), 59-68.

S. Schick, J. Heindel, R. Groten, G. Seide
Overcoming Challenges in the Commercialization of Biopolymers: From Research to Applications—A Review
MDPI, Polymers 2024, 16(24), 3498
Abstract: www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/16/24/3498
PDF-Version: www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/16/24/3498/pdf

L. Hellweg, Y. Kyosev, M. Beer
Safety with comfort - The seatbelt in the changing face of fully autonomous mobility
16th International Symposium and accompanying Exhibition on Integral Car Safety Systems, Postersession, P45, 45.1-23, 25.-27. November 2024, Mannheim

B. Mahltig, A. Ehrmann
Editorial – Nanomaterials and Textiles
Nanomaterials, 2024, 14(1900), 1-4.

E. Heine, R. Gartzen, A. Herrmann, R. Lütticken, I. Hofmann, S. Kolbe, R.Groten
ProSwabs – Efficient swab system for precise laboratory diagnostics and consecutively specific antibiosis and disinfection
Proceedings of Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Session: Functionalization and Finishing, P79, S.197, 21.-22. November 2024, Stuttgart

E. Rohleder, H. Blank, I. Sigmund, M. Rabe
Sheep wool in Germany and its properties
Proceedings of Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Session: Functionalization and Finishing, P52, S.170, 21.-22. November 2024, Stuttgart

B. Rau, A. Missong, M.-C. Reuters, M. Beer
Educational project “Nachhal(l)tigkeit” – Teaching sustainability in an elective course for an environmentally friendly textile and clothing industry
Proceedings of Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Session: Functionalization and Finishing, P49, S.167, 21.-22. November 2024, Stuttgart

K. Ratovo, M. Fischer, K. Klinkhammer, B.Mahltig, E. Bendt
CELLFIL – CELLulose lyocell FILaments as a scalable solution for circular textile production
Proceedings of Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Session: Functionalization and Finishing, P48, S.166, 21.-22. November 2024, Stuttgart

T. Mutschler, M. Küperkoch, M. Beer, D. Cuylits, J. Färmann
HempLiner – Development of a rope-like hemp structure made of partially  dissolved hemp as a replacement for glass fibre rovings used as rehabilita tion textiles for pipelines in the area of house connections
Proceedings of Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Session: Functionalization and Finishing, P44, S.162, 21.-22. November 2024, Stuttgart

P. C. Bhakhar, B. Mahltig
Application of logwood extracts as sustainable dyeing technology
Proceedings of Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Session: Functionalization and Finishing, P38, S.156, 21.-22. November 2024, Stuttgart

T. Bache, E. Lempa, A. Kitzig, F. Hermanns
Sensory protective glove
Proceedings of Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Session: Functionalization and Finishing, P32, S.150, 21.-22. November 2024, Stuttgart

M. Küperkoch, P. Holderied, T. Mutschler, M. O. Weber
New innovative textile sealing systems for natural ventilation and filtration of buildings
Proceedings of Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Session: Functionalization and Finishing, P31, S.149, 21.-22. November 2024, Stuttgart

J. Kühne, A. Memisoglu, M. Eigenstetter
Social Life Cycle Assessment for the production of a 1 kg Cotton and a 1 kg viscose textile in an Indonesian textile company
Proceedings of Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Session: Functionalization and Finishing, P30, S.148, 21.-22. November 2024, Stuttgart

L.Hellweg, Y. Kyosev, M.Beer
Individuality through adaptability – An opportunity for increased safety and comfort with a new textile restraint system in fully autonomous passenger cars
Proceedings of Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Session: Functionalization and Finishing, P21, S.139, 21.-22. November 2024, Stuttgart

L.-M. Brodka, N. Radau, A. Tabakovic, L. Hellweg, M. Beer
Integration of AI competencies in higher education: A case study from textile technology
Proceedings of Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Session: Functionalization and Finishing, P20, S.138, 21.-22. November 2024, Stuttgart

C. Heil, H. Dagdeviren, K. Klinkhammer, T. Weide, D. Pattberg, E. Bendt, T. Bache, K. Amprazi, D. Strahl-Schäfer, F. Liebhold, K. Wagner
KnitCycle – circular product development for flat knit textiles
Proceedings of Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Session: Functionalization and Finishing, P4, S.121, 21.-22. November 2024, Stuttgart

N. Bullerdiek, A. Glogowsky, A. Missong, A.-M. Heidrich, M. Paschetag, S. Scholl, M. Rabe
Back-to-monomer PET recycling of dyed polyester
Proceedings of Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Session: Functionalization and Finishing, S.100, 21.-22. November 2024, Stuttgart

K. Ratovo, H. Schunk, K. Klinkhammer, E. Rohleder, C. Steinem, A. Büsgen, B. Schunk, C. Eckstein, R. Groten
Development of a textile reinforced roller shutter system to protect single- and multi-family houses in the event of flooding
Proceedings of Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Session: Functionalization and Finishing, S. 73, 21.-22. November 2024, Stuttgart

N.S. Mpofu, Y. Topuz, E. Stepula, U. Güth, T. Grothe, J.L. Storck, M. Wortmann, B. Mahltig, A. Ehrmann
Influence of PAN:PEO ratio on the morphology of needleless electrospun nanofiber mats before and after carbonization
Fibers, 2024, 12, 1-20.

S. Schick, A. Weinberger, R. Groten, G. Seide
Effect of fiber cross-sectional and surface properties on the degradation of biobased polymers
MDPI, Polymers 2024, 16, 3096
Abstract: www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/16/21/3096
PDF-Version: www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/16/21/3096/pdf

B. Rau, I. Hofmann, S. Kolbe, E. Rohleder, C. Steinem, E. Bendt, R. Groten, M. Rabe
Kapitel H.: Kreislaufwirtschaft im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ökologie und Ökonomie in der Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche
Buchkapitel in: Handbuch Kreislaufwirtschaft - Recht, Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften, Nachhaltigkeit, Klimaschutz, Digitalisierung, S. 1113ff, Prof. Dr. jur. W. Franz (Hrsg.), Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin 2024
ISBN 978-3-503-20067-2

R. Brendgen, T. Grethe, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Textile Organic Electrochemical Transistor for Non-Invasive Glucose Sensing
MDPI Micro 2024, 4(4), 530-551

H. Lu, B. Mahltig
Functionalization of textile materials by using copper-containing coatings and pigments
Tekstilna Industrija, 2024, 72, 4-10.

H. Lichtenberg, B. Mahltig, W. Klysubun, A. Prange, J. Hormes
Synchrotron based X-ray absorption spectroscopy for structural analysis of basalt fibers
Fibres and Textiles, 2024, 31, 34-42.

N. Radau, A. Tabakovic, L. Hellweg, M. Beer
Förderung von KI-Kompetenzen in der Hochschullehre am Anwendungsbeispiel der Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik
Posterpräsentation 8. Symposium des Münchner Dozierenden-Netzwerk –„KI in der Hochschullehre“, 23.09. - 24.09.2024, München
Link: youtu.be/vmaw3Y_-0iA

M. E. Wachs
Embodies Design Experiences first - Before Designing with(in) AI.
Proceedings of Conference EPDE 2024 - International conference on engineering and product design education Aston University Birmingham, UK, September 05.-06.09.2024

M. E. Wachs, G. Balbig, Y. Chaung, A. Holmø Bojesen
Could AI be a - meaningful - Creation Tool for Future Hand to Brain Coordination within ESD?
Proceedings of Conference EPDE 2024 - International conference on engineering and product design education, Aston University Birmingham, UK, 05.-06.09.2024

M. E. Wachs, S. Fairburn, J. Powell
The Role for AI in a Coil Project involving Fast Fashion, Personal Floatation Devices, and a LMIC Community.
Proceedings of Conference EPDE 2024 - International conference on engineering and product design education, Aston University Birmingham, UK, 05.-06.09.2024
DOI: 10.35199/EPDE.2024.17

B. Mahltig
Overview on natural dyes and their IR-spectra - Part IV: Dyes originated from insects
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products – CDATP, 2024, 5, 107-119.

B. Mahltig
Overview on natural dyes and their IR-spectra - Part III: Natural dyes based on wooden materials
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products – CDATP, 2024, 5, 81-101.

R. Brendgen, T. Grethe, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Straightforward Production Methods for Diverse Porous PEDOT:PSS Structures and Their Characterization
Sensors 2024, 24, 4919.
Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/382658591_Straightforward_Production_Methods_for_Diverse_Porous_PEDOTPSS_Structures_and_Their_Characterization

L. Streitenberger, P. Holderied, J. Klausmann, T.  Mutschler, D. Pattberg, T. Weide, M. Weber
Development of Sustainable Yarns from an Innovative Combination of European Hemp and Pure Recycled Wool
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products, 5(1), 56–65.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25367/cdatp.2024.5.p56-65
Online: https://cdatp.journals.qucosa.de/cdatp/article/view/102

B. Mahltig
Overview on natural dyes and their IR-spectra - Part II: Indigo containing plant dyes
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products – CDATP, 2024, 5, 66-80.

A. Glogowsky, N. Bullerdiek, A.-M. Heidrich, A. Missong, E. Rohleder, M. Rabe
Recycling Textiles: Not Just PET.
Achema Congress. Frankfurt, 11.06.2024
Online available: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/381394908_Recycling_Textiles_Not_Just_PET

S. Schick, R. Groten, A. Weinberger, G. Seide
A Comparison of Laboratory and Industrial Processes Reveals the Effect of Dwell Time and UV Pre-Exposure on the Behavior of Two Polymers in a Disintegration Trial
MDPI, Polymers 2024, 16, 1650
Abstract: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/16/12/1650
PDF-Version: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/16/12/1650/pdf

K. Klinkhammer, L. Elze, H. Teshay, M.T. Hoque, B. Mahltig
Temperaturabhängige Applikation von viskosen Biopolymer-Lösungen auf Gewebe
Melliand Textilberichte, 2024, 29(3), 24-26.

B. Quattelbaum, L. A. Geiger, K. Stylidis, R. Söderberg
Reducing uncertainty regarding customer expectations for a sustainable car interior design integrated in a data-informed design approach
Proceedings of the Design Society. 2024;4:693-702. doi:10.1017/pds.2024.72

K. Stylidis, B. Quattelbaum, F. Konrad, J. Simpson, S. Lorin, R. Söderberg
Data-informed design in the automotive industry: customer acceptance study in Sweden and China on radical car design
Proceedings of the Design Society. 2024;4:805-814. doi:10.1017/pds.2024.83

M. E. Wachs, B. Gesa, Y. Chaung, A. Holmø Bojesen
‘How Can We Shape the Impact of Design Practices and Education in the Context of Human-AI Collaboration, Considering Issues of Control and Risk?’
DGTF Conference - Hazarding Design: Risks and consequences of design, Lucern, Switzerland, 27.04.2024

K. Klinkhammer, S. Kolbe, S. Brandt, J. Meyer, K. Ratovo, E. Bendt, M. Rabe
Release of fibrous microplastics from functional polyester garments through household washing
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 26. April 2024
DOI 10.3389/fenvs.2024.1330922

M. Jakubik, B. Mahltig
A sol-gel approach for realization of textiles with reduced transmission for NIR light
Bulletin of Vitebsk State Technological University, 2024, 1(47), 64-70.

T. H. Mai, T. Grethe, B. Mahltig
Wood extracts for dyeing of cotton fabrics – special view on mordanting procedures
Textiles, 2024, 4, 138-164.

J. Bulthaupt, A. Tabakovic, L. Hellweg, M. Beer
Development of a transdisciplinary education concept to prepare textile technology students for dealing with AI
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products (CDATP), 2024, Vol. 5, No. 1, 48-55
DOI: doi.org/10.25367/cdatp.2024.5.p48-55

B. Mahltig
Overview on natural dyes and their IR-spectra - Part I: Plant based dyes with naphthoquinone and anthraquinone structure
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products – CDATP, 2024, 5, 20-37.

L. Vossebein, M. Rausch
Neue Antibiotika-Entdeckung verspricht Erfolg gegen hochgradig Antibiotika-resistente Bakterien
Hygiene & Medizin, Volume 49, 3/2024

L. Vossebein, M. Eggers, B. Hornei, A. Hofmann
Waschnüsse und Waschbälle für die Wäsche von Bodenlappen und Küchenlappen in Kindertagesstätten
Hygiene & Medizin, Volume 49, 3/2024

R. Brendgen, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Sensitive, Filament-Based Strain and Pressure Sensors Using Silicone, Carbon and Metal Particles
Poster, LOPEC Kongress 2024, 06.03.2024, München

K. Klinkhammer, H. Hohenbild, M.T. Hoque, L. Elze, H. Teshay, B. Mahltig
Functionalization of technical textiles with chitosan
Textiles, 2024, 4, 70-90.
Website: https://www.mdpi.com/2673-7248/4/1/6
PDF Version: https://www.mdpi.com/2673-7248/4/1/6/pdf

B. Mahltig, C. Heil, S. Kaub, A. Korn, J.N. Kapadiya
The use of phosphorescence micromaterials for commercial textile products
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products – CDATP, 2024, 5, 1-10.

R. Groten, I. Heinst, A. Roppertz, M. Sladkov
Verfahren zur oberflächenkatalytischen Ausrüstung von Polymerfasern und/oder Polymerflächengebilden sowie die Verwendung solcher
Offenlegung des HSNR-Patents DE 10 2022 116 641 A1

Publications 2023

O. Kyzymchuk, Y. Kyosev, C. Richter, E. Bendt
Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Chapter: Mechanics of Knitted Fabrics
Elsevier Inc., 2023

M.T. Hoque, K. Klinkhammer, B. Mahltig
Finishing of cotton and polyester fabrics using chitosan-containing recipes
Bulletin of Vitebsk State Technological University, 2023, 3(46), 84-91.

E. Lempa, A. Memisoglu, M. Rabe, M.Eigenstetter
Innovative finishing processes and an effective chemicals management for a safe
and sustainable textile industry
Book of Abstracts, P88, S. 233, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

M. T. Hoque, M. Eigenstetter
Jute – the golden fiber with excellent opportunities
Book of Abstracts, P87, S. 232, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

C. Richter, K. Klinkhammer, E. Bendt, C. Cherif
Water pressure difference test system for investigating the porosity of textile surfaces
Book of Abstracts, P86, S. 231, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

L. Blanckart, K. Ratovo, A. Rahaman, A. Abomohra, K.von Schwartzenberg, L.-J. Liebscher, M. Ecke, S. Matthes, N. Pathil, K. Knufmann, J. Ullmann, S. Hirschmüller, B. Sebastian, B. Mahltig, E. Bendt
Aquatic natural fibers as new raw material with potential for the textile industry
Book of Abstracts, P85, S. 230, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

C. Heil, D. Pattberg, H. Dagdeviren, K. Ratovo, J. Lewin, C. Richter, K. Klinkhammer, L. Blanckart, T. Bache, S. Grobe, T. Engel, D. Strahl-Schäfer, T. Weide, B. Mahltig, E. Bendt
Tradition meets innovation - hemp fibres as an opportunity for new, sustainable
textile products with a regional value chain
Book of Abstracts, P84, S. 229, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

L. Hellweg, Y. Kyosev, M. Beer
Safety in fully autonomous passenger cars - Analysis of the current and new requirements for textile-based restraint system
Book of Abstracts, P82, S. 228, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

M. Taubert, H. Dagdeviren, T. Weide, K. Klinkhammer, D. Pattberg, C. Heil, E. Bendt
Alpax I + II - Yarn-, fabric-and product development for outdoor clothing made of alpaca fibers
Book of Abstracts, P82, S. 227, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

R. Brendgen, K. Waletzke, K. Mengler, J. Schüssler, E. Nannen, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Market growth vs. skilled labour shortage: The role of higher education in smart textiles
Book of Abstracts, P81, S. 226, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

K. Klinkhammer, M. T. Hoque, H. Hohenbild, L. Elze, H. Teshay, B. Mahltig
Functionalization of technical textiles with chitosan
Book of Abstracts, P80, S. 225, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

J. Bulthaupt, A. Tabakovic, L. Hellweg, M. Beer
Application of artificial intelligence in the field of textiles – Development of a transdisciplinary teaching concept for textile technology students
Book of Abstracts, P79, S. 224, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

I. Hofmann, A. Glogowsky, M. C. Reuters, S. Krause, J. Krayer, M. Rabe, U. Schwaneberg
Cooperation platform KlarTEXt for the dynamisation of a sustainable and transformative textile economy
Book of Abstracts, P78, S. 223, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

T. H. Mai, T. Grethe, B. Mahltig
Natural dyeing of cotton with extract from color wood
Book of Abstracts, P77, S. 222, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

I. Hofmann, I. Singer, S. Kolbe, M. Rabe
Increased surface functionality through enzymatic treatments of bio-based and conventional polyesters
Book of Abstracts, P76, S. 221, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

E. Heine, R. Gartzen, A. Herrmann, R. Lütticken, I. Hofmann, S. Kolbe, R.Groten
ProSwabs - Efficient swab system for precise laboratory diagnostics and consecutively specific antibiosis and disinfection
Book of Abstracts, P70, S. 215, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

B. Quattelbaum, M. Streit, C. Breckenfelder
5G mobile user textile AR experience - the virtual dressing room as an opportunity for stationary and online trade 5G mobile user textile AR experience
Die virtuelle Ankleidekabine als Chance für den stationären und den Online-Handel
Session: „Technology Transfer „Form Idea to Practice“
Book of Abstracts, S. 79f, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

B. Mahltig
Comparison of conventional and digital lectures and examinations with respect to the conditions after COVID 19 period– an example for a bachelor lecture on textile finishing
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products – CDATP, 2023, 4, 284-293

B. Quattelbaum, C. Steinem, M. Neumann
Data-Informed Design Process for SME: A Streamlined Validation and Prediction Approach for Customer Perception of Innovative Material Prototypes
Proceedings of the ASME 2023 - International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition®- IMECE®, Volume 2: Advanced Design and Information Technologies, V002T02A003, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA, USA, 29.10. - 02.11.2023
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: IMECE2023-112222

P. Holderied, M. O. Weber, M.-A. Bueno
New weft knitting process: Morphological, physical and mechanical characterisation of the innovative knitted fabrics.
Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics 18, Artikel 15589250231205184. DOI: 10.1177/15589250231205184.

L. Blanckart, K. Ratovo, B. Mahltig, E. Bendt
Aquatische Naturfasern als neuer Rohstoff mit Potential für die Textilindustrie
Melliand Textilberichte 4/2023, Fasern & Garne, S. 20ff

L. Vossebein
Die Stärke des Verbunds: Zusammenführung der Expertise für die angewandte Hygiene
Hygiene & Medizin, Volume 48, 9/2023

M.T. Hoque, K. Klinkhammer, B. Mahltig
HT process for treatment of PET fabrics with chitosan containing recipes
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products – CDATP, 2023, 4, 222-230

T. Junge, R. Brendgen, C. Graßmann, T. Weide, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Development and Characterization of Hybrid, Temperature Sensing and Heating Yarns with Color Change
MDPI, Sensors 202323(16), 7076

K. Stylidis, B. Quattelbaum, C. Diels, A. Braun, F. Konrad, R. Söderberg
Perceived Comfort of Car Seats: A Research Methodology to Visual Cues Evaluation.
In: A. Chakrabarti, V. Singh (eds) Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3. ICORD 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 346. Springer, Singapore.
Print ISBN978-981-99-0427-3
Online ISBN978-981-99-0428-0

A. Glogowsky, M. Korger, M. Rabe
Influence of print settings on conductivity of 3D printed elastomers with carbon-based fillers
Progress in Additive Manufacturing Vol. 8, August 2023
DOI: 10.1007/s40964-023-00483-y

J. Bulthaupt, A. Tabakovic, L. Hellweg, M. Beer
Artificial intelligence in textile – transdisciplinary teaching concept for students in the field of textile technology
Digital Poster Presentation, ITMA 2023 - Textile & Garment Technology Exibition, 08. - 14.06.2023, Mailand, Italien

M.-E. Ostheller, N. K. Balakrishnan, K. Beukenberg, R. Groten, G. Seide
Pilot-Scale Melt Electrospinning of Polybutylene Succinate Fiber Mats for a Biobased and Biodegradable Face Mask
MDPI, Polymers 2023, 15, 02936
Abstract: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/15/13/2936
PDF-Version: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/15/13/2936/pdf

M.T. Hoque, T. Benrui, T. Grethe, B. Mahltig
Evaluation of chitosan based pretreatment for cotton and linen dyeing with direct dyes and reactive dyes
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products – CDATP, 2023, 4, 187-200.

E. Lempa, S. Brandt, O. Heß, B. Mahltig, M. Rabe, I. Singer, S. Wagner
ITMA 2023 – zwischen Durchatmen und Luft anhalten
ITMA 2023 – between taking a deep breath and holding your breath
Melliand 06/2023, S. 41-43

A. Memisoglu, E. Lempa, M. Eigenstetter
Innovative Finishing Processes and an Effective Chemicals Management for a Safe and Sustainable Textile Industry – Practical Insights from the German-Indonesian Project EnaTex
Poster at Textile Colourants and Chemicals Forum, ITMA 2023 - Textile & Garment Technology Exibition, 09.06.2023, Mailand, Italien

A. Glogowsky, A. Korn, B.  Rau, M. Rabe
Use of 3D printing technology for the production of thin layers. Digital coating of textiles.
Poster Presentation ITMA Innovator Xchange, ITMA 2023 - Textile & Garment Technology Exibition, 08. - 14.06.2023, Mailand, Italien
Poster available online https://virtual.oxfordabstracts.com/#/event/3214/poster-gallery/grid?sort=titles&current=176.

B. Mahltig, T. Leisegang, M. Jakubik, H. Haufe
Hybrid Sol-Gel Materials for Realization of Radiation Protective Coatings – a review with emphasis on UV protective materials
Journal of Sol-Gel Science & Technology, 2023, 107, 20-31.

E. Bendt, M. Rabe, S. Kolbe, S. Küppers, S. Brandt, J. Meyer, M. Obermann, K. Ratovo
Book chapter 19 [Toxicology/safety/ecological toxicity and environmental impact] in: Particle Technology and Textiles - Review of applications (Edt.: J. Cornier, F. Pursche)
2nd Edition, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin, 2023, S. 373ff
ISBN: 978-3-11-0670769

B. Mahltig
Finishing of textile materials
Book chapter 3 [Fillers in Fibers and textiles] in: Particle Technology and Textiles - Review of applications (Edt.: J. Cornier, F. Pursche)
2nd Edition, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin, 2023, S.45ff
ISBN: 978-3-11-0670769

E. Bendt, B. Mahltig
Textiler Sonnenschutz mit Hautpflege-Upgrade
Masche 2023, Ausgabe 1 - Wissenswertes, S. 25

K. Klinkhammer, P. Weskott, K. Ratovo, M. Krieg, E. Bendt, B. Mahltig
Transmission Reduction for UV and IR Radiation with Dyed Lyocell Knitted Textiles
Applied Sciences, 2023, 13, 5432.18 Seiten
doi.org 10.3390/app13095432

H. Lichtenberg, C. Elfenkemper, B. Mahltig, A. Prange, J. Hormes, W. Klysubun
Synchrotron radiation for the analysis of inorganic fibers – especially basalt fibers
Technical Textiles, 2023, 66, 22-24.

H. Lichtenberg, C. Elfenkemper, B. Mahltig, A. Prange, J. Hormes, W. Klysubun
Synchrotronstrahlung zur Analytik anorganischer Fasern –insbesondere Basaltfasern
Technische Textilien, 2023, 66, 22-24.

N.S.L. Dissanayake, M.A. Pathirana, N.D. Wanasekara, B. Mahltig, G.K. Nandasiri
Removal of Methylene Blue and Congo Red Using a Chitosan-Graphene Oxide Electrosprayed Functionalized Polymeric Nanofiber Membrane
Nanomaterials, 2023, 13, 1360, 22 pages.

L. Vossebein, S. Anton-Katzenbach
Wäsche aus Altenheimen differenziert betrachtet
Health & Care Management, Ausgabe 2/2023, 14 Jahrgang, S. 60-6

L. Vossebein, S. Anton-Katzenbach
Textilien aus Alten- und Pflegeheimen - Interpretative Spielräume
R+W Textilservice, Ausgabe 4, April 2023, B7011, 122 Jahrgang, S. 34-36

S. Schick, R. Groten, G. Seide
Performance Spectrum of Home-Compostable Biopolymer Fibers Compared to a Petrochemical Alternative
MDPI, Polymers 2023, 15, 01372
Abstract: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/15/6/1372
PDF-Version: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/15/6/1372/pdf

B. Mahltig, V. Ernst, L. Schröder
Exemplarily view on selected fluorescence textile products
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products – CDATP, 2023, 4, 61-69.

W. Yuan, T. Grethe, B. Mahltig
Sol-gel coatings with the fluorescence dye Rhodamine B for the optical modification of cotton
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products – CDATP, 2023, 4, 1-17.

J. Klausmann, T. Mutschler, P. Holderied, L. Streitenberger, M. O. Weber, O. Kyzymchuk
ITMA 2023: Trends und Neuheiten in der Wirkerei
Melliand Textilberichte 4/2023, S. 34-37

J. Klausmann, T. Mutschler, P. Holderied, L. Streitenberger, M. O. Weber, O. Kyzymchuk
ITMA 2023: Trends and novelties in warp-knitting
Melliand International 4/2023, pp. 24-27

P. Holderied, L. Streitenberger, T. Mutschler, J. Klausmann, M. O. Weber, O. Kyzymchuk
ITMA 2023: Innovationen und Trends der Flachstrickerei
Melliand Textilberichte 4/2023, S. 38-41

P. Holderied, L. Streitenberger, T. Mutschler, J. Klausmann, M. O. Weber, O. Kyzymchuk
ITMA 2023: Innovationen and trends in flat knitting
Melliand International 4/2023, pp. 28-31

A. Lindenbuß, J. Klausmann, P. Holderied, T. Mutschler, M. O. Weber
Untersuchung von Raschel-Verpackungsnetzen im Obst- und Gemüsesortiment
Melliand Textilberichte, 2/2023, S. 26-28

J. Klausmann, T. Mutschler, P. Holderied, D. Güther, T. Freitag, M. Hummel, M. Zeitler, O. van Neerven, M. O. Weber, C. Breckenfelder
Thermodynamic qualification of knitted spacer fabrics for use as insulation box insert in the context of refrigerated transport containers in the logistics sector
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products, p. 18-26, Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25367/cdatp.2023.4.p18-26
online: https://journals.qucosa.de/cdatp/article/view/99

P. Holderied, T.Mutschler, S. Tresp, J. Klausmann, L. Streitenberger, M.-A. Bueno, M. O. Weber
Development of a new yarn supply for weft knitting machines to produce innovative knitwear
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products, p. 51-60, Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25367/cdatp.2023.4.p51-60
online: https://journals.qucosa.de/cdatp/article/view/98

A. Dannehl, A. Buhr, A. Sanchez Leyton, L. Hellweg, M. Beer, L. Sabantina
Self-healing materials for potential use in textile and clothing applications
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products (CDATP),2023, Vol. 5, No. 1, 27-41, DOI 10.25367/cdatp.2023.4.p27-41.

M. A. Pathirana, N.S.L. Dissanayake, N.D. Wanasekara, B. Mahltig, G.K. Nandasiri
Chitosan-Graphene Oxide Dip coated Polyacrylonitrile-Ethylenediamine ElectrospunNanofiber Membrane for Removal of thedye stuffs Methylene Blue and Congo Red
Nanomaterials, 2023, 13, 498, 23 pages.

Publications 2022

M. Rabe
Textile Factory 7.0 - The We Professor
Interview in: Textilwirtschaft No. 52, "TW100 - People, ideas & projects that connect" p. 12, 29.12.2022

M. Rabe
What's really in it? Sustainability or reverberation? / What's really in it? Sustainability or reverberation?
Melliand Textilberichte / International No. 6, "Opinion", p. 197 / p. 253, December 2022, D 5862 E

M. Gorlachova, D. Luo, A. Huber, J. Bergschneider, B. Mahltig
Printing and adhesion of 3D objects on textile substrates
Tekstilec, 2022, 65(Priloga2), Sl 99-106.

B. Mahltig, G. Leuchtges, P. Holstein
T-Shirts - an overview and comments on price range, functional materials and European production
Tekstilna Industrija, 2022, 70, 4-13.

M. T. Hoque, S. Haselsberger, T. Benrui, K. Klinkhammer, B. Mahltig
Dyeing behavior of chitosan treated cotton and hemp fabrics - comparison of reactive dyes and direct dyes
Book of Abstracts, Poster 40, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 131, 01.-02.12.2022

M. Niemeyer, J. Demmer, E. Nannen, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Textiles meet Electronics - A new Interdisciplinary Educational Approach
Book of Abstracts, Poster 39, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 130, 01.-02.12.2022

B. Mahltig, H. Lichtenberg, A. Prange, W. Klysubun, J. Hormes
Synchrotron based X-ray spectroscopy for the analysis of inorganic fibers - especially basalt fibers
Book of Abstracts, Poster 38, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 129, 01.-02.12.2022

P. Holderied, T. Mutschler, J. Klausmann, L. Streitenberger, M. O. Weber, M.-A. Bueno
Comparison of an innovative knitting technique with technical weavings and conventional knitted structures
Book of Abstracts, Poster 37, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 128, 01.-02.12.2022

L. Streitenberger, P. Holderied, J. Klausmann, T. Mutschler, M. O. Weber
Investigation of the influence of material composition on sustainable yarns made from German hemp and pure recycled wool
Book of Abstracts, Poster 36, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 127, 01.-02.12.2022

R. Brendgen, C. Graßmann, T. Junge, L. Hegers, T. Weide, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Humidity sensing hybrid yarns produced on a hollow spindle spinning machine
Book of Abstracts, Poster 35, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, pp. 126, 01.-02.12.2022

M. L. Luong, T. Kusenbach, Z. Feng, M. Diall1, L. Sabantina
Fashion Technology - How Technology is Changing the Fashion Industry?
Book of Abstracts, Poster 34, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 125, 01.-02.12.2022

E. Heine, R. Gartzen, A. Herrmann, R. Lütticken, I. Hofmann, S. Kolbe, R. Groten
ProSwabs - Efficient swab system for precise laboratory diagnostics and consecutively specific antibiosis and disinfection
Book of Abstracts, Poster 27, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 118, 01.-02.12.2022

T. Bache, E. Bendt, T. Weide, B. Mahltig, D. Pattberg, K. Ratovo, H. Dagdeviren, C. Heil, J. Lewin, C. Richter, L. Blanckart, S. Grobe, T. Engel, D. Strahl-Schäfer
HanfKnit -Development of a regionally produced, sustainable and functional zero-waste jacket made from 100% hemp
Book of Abstracts, Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 65, 01.-02.12.2022

K. Ratovo, M. Krieg, K. Klinkhammer, I. Etzel, E. Bendt, T. Weide, O. Heß, T. Grethe, M. Sturm, B. Mahltig
Preparation of bi-functional textiles from Lyocell with reduced radiation transmission
Book of Abstracts, Session Technology Transfer, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 57, 01.-02.12.2022

E. Bendt, T. Bache, etc.
Exhibition "EFRE-Forschungsprojekt Hanfknit"
SUMMIT Umweltwirtschaft.NRW 2022, Umweltministerium NRW, Düsseldorf, 17.11.2022

C. M. Borlandelli, B. Mahltig
Leather Types and Fiber-Based Leather Alternatives-An Overview on Selected Materials, Properties, Microscopy, Electron Dispersive Spectroscopy EDS and Infrared Spectroscopy
Annals of Textile Engineering and Fashion Technology, 2022, 1, 1-10.

N. K. Balakrishnan, S. Siebert, C. Richter, R. Groten, G. Seide
Effect of Colorants and Process Parameters on the Properties of Dope-Dyed Polylactic Acid Multifilament Yarns
MDPI, Polymers 2022, 14, 5021
Abstract: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/14/22/5021
PDF version: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/14/22/5021/pdf

B. Mahltig
Textile study courses - evaluation of student performance over one complete decade
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products, CDATP, 2022, 3, 212-225.

R. Brendgen, C. Graßmann, S. Gellner, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Textile One-Component Organic Electrochemical Sensor for Near-Body Applications
Micromachines MDPI, 15.11.2022
DOI: doi.org/10.3390/mi13111980
Link: www.mdpi.com/2072-666X/13/11/1980

L. Hellweg, M. Beer
Efficient textile product development using artificial neural networks
Proceedings of the 17th Chemnitzer Textiltechnik-Tagung, 28.+29.09.2022, ch. 3.4, p. 149ff
ISBN 978-3-9819946-1-2

B. Mahltig, V. Ernst, L. Schröder
Overview on Commercial Fluorescence Textile Product
1st International Culture, Tourism and Economy Congress
September 10 - 11, 2022, Mardin, Turkey

E. Lempa, D. Bär
Functional coatings in combination with NIR drying
11th International Textile and Coating Congress, Unitex, Gent, Belgium, September 2022

M.-E. Wachs
CONFERENCE E&PDE 2021 - International conference on engineering and product design education September 08-09, 2022, London South Bank University.
DOI number: 10.35199/EPDE.2022.6
ISBN: 978-1-912254-16-3

M.-E. Wachs, T. Scholl, G. D'Aleo
CONFERENCE E&PDE 2021 - International conference on engineering and product design education September 08-09, 2022, London South Bank University.
DOI number: 10.35199/EPDE.2022.7
ISBN: 978-1-912254-16-3

N. Bhouri, F. Debbabi, A. Merghni, E. Rohleder, B. Mahltig, S. Ben Abdessalem
New manufacturing process to develop antibacterial dyed polyethylene terephthalate braided sutures using plasma functionalization and chitosan immobilization
Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2022, 51, 6353-6376.

N. K. Balakrishnan, M.-E. Ostheller, N. Aldeghi, C. Schmitz, R. Groten, G. Seide
Pilot-Scale Electrospinning of PLA Using Biobased Dyes as Multifunctional Additives
MDPI, Polymers 2022, 14, 2989
Abstract: www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/14/15/2989
PDF Version: www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/14/15/2989/pdf
Please note that this is an early access version. The complete PDF, HTML, and XML versions will be available soon.

M.-E. Ostheller, N. K. Balakrishnan, R. Groten, G. Seide:
The Effect of Electrical Polarity on the Diameter of Biobased Polybutylene Succinate Fibers during Melt Electrospinning
MDPI, Polymers 2022, 14, 2865
Abstract: www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/14/14/2865
HTML Version: www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/14/14/2865/htm
PDF Version: www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/14/14/2865/pdf

M.-E. Wachs, T. Scholl, M. Fischer
Textile Design Experiment - A New Search for 'Sustainable Beauty' in Design Consumption (+interact. workshop for managers, designers, teenagers)
DGTF Conference 2022, Design X Sustainability, Materiality, Systems, Justice,
2-3 JUNE 2022, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Kiel, Germany

M.-E. Wachs, M. Fischer
Proceedings of Aic 2022 Sensing Colour - Congress, Ocad University, Toronto, Canada
Organized By Colour Research Society Of Canada (Crsc) 13-16 June 2022, Ocad University, Toronto, Canada

R. Brendgen, R. Nolden, J. Simon, T. Junge, K. Zöll, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Textile Strain Sensor Enhancement by Coating Metal Yarns with Carbon-Filled Silicone
Polymers 2022, 14(13), 2525; doi.org/10.3390/polym14132525

N. van Bentum, A. Gade
Transport logistics in the textile industry
Logistra, No. 3-4, p. 40-41. 34. Jahrgang, Huss Verlag GmbH

E. Lempa, M. Rabe, L. van Langenhove
Dispenser Printing with Electrically Conductive Microparticles
Journal Solid State Phenomena Vol. 333, p. 31-38, 2022

J. Wang, B. Mahltig
Treatment of Kynol fiber materials - Part 2: antistatic and water-repellent functionalization
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products - CDATP, 2022, 3 62-71

A. Ehrmann, T. Blachowicz, G. Ehrmann, T. Grethe
Recent developments in phase-change memory.
Appl. Res. Accepted Author Manuscript.

M. Erlemann, B. Rehrmann, M. Beer
Classification of thread tension springs for the braiding process
Poster, MG ZIEHT AN - GO TEXTILE!, 19-20.05.2022, Mönchengladbach, Germany

E. Lempa
Sustainable innovations in the Indonesian textile sector
Symposium: Indonesia focuses on green technologies! Business opportunities for German companies? IHK Bonn/ Rhein-Sieg, Bonn, June 2022

E. Lempa
Innovative Application Methods for Functional Textiles in Combination with NIR-Drying Technology
Conference proceedings: Symposium: Textile Science Meets Textile Economy Sustainability as a Chance - Sustainable Impulses for the Indonesian Textile Industry, Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta, Indonesia, May 2022

B. Quattelbaum, S. Wolter, M. Stylidis
Preliminary Study on Haptics of Textile Surfaces via Digital Visual Cues
Proceedings of the Design Society, 2, 2183-2192. doi:10.1017/pds.2022.221

K. Stylidis, B. Quattelbaum, D. Bergsjö, E. Hellberg, O. Lundström, L. Siljefalk, E. Heimersson, R. Söderberg
Perceived Quality Attributes Importance Ranking Methodology in the Automotive Industry: A Case Study on Geometry Appearance Attributes at CEVT
Procedia CIRP, Volume 107, 2022, Pages 1559-1564, ISSN 2212-8271

K. Klinkhammer, K. Ratovo, O. Heß, E. Bendt, T. Grethe, M. Krieg, M. Sturm, T. Weide, B. Mahltig
Reduction of radiation transmission through functionalization of textiles from man-made cellulosic fibers
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products - CDATP, 2022, 3, 51-61.

B. Quattelbaum, C. Breckenfelder, J. Voigt, L. Maas
Possibilities and limits of virtual and augmented reality in the purchase decision process for clothing
CDAPT 2022, Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 42-50, ISSN 2701-939X

B. Mahltig, T. Grethe
High-Performance and Functional Fiber Materials - A Review on Properties, Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM and Electron Dispersive Spectroscopy EDS
Textiles, 2022, 2, 209-251.

S. Goyal, M. Dotter, E. Diestelhorst, J. L. Storck, A. Ehrmann, B. Mahltig
Extraction of keratin from wool and its use as biopolymer in film formation and in electrospinning for composite material processing
Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics (JEFF), 2022, 17, 1-11.

E. Lempa, D. Bär
New developments in multi-layer coating for conductive textiles with drying via NIR technology
Melliand Textilberichte, MTB 3, 2022

E. Lempa, D. Bär
Multi-layer-coating for conductive textiles with drying via NIR-technology
Melliand International, MI 3, 2022

C. Meyer, B. Mahltig
Silver-plated glass microspheres as additives for coatings on textiles
Melliand Textilberichte, 2022, 103, 30-31.

C. Meyer, B. Mahltig
Silver-plated glass microspheres as additives for coatings on textiles
Melliand International, 2022, 27, 36-37.

C. Meyer, B. Mahltig
Silver-plated glass microspheres as additives for coatings on textiles
Technische Textilien, 2022, 65, 71-72.

C. Meyer, B. Mahltig
Silver-plated glass microspheres as additives for coatings on textiles
Technical Textiles, 2022, 65, E71-E72.

K. Klinkhammer, K. Ratovo, O. Heß, E. Bendt, T. Grethe, M. Krieg, M. Sturm, T. Weide, B. Mahltig
Reduction of radiation transmission through functionalization of textiles from man-made cellulosic fibres
International Conference of Cellulose Fibres, Poster, 2.-3.2.2022, Cologne

L. Hellweg, M. Beer
Digitalization of textile machines - Using AI for the efficient development of textile products
textile network, issue 01 2022, Research, p.36f

J. Wang, B. Mahltig
Treatment of Kynol fiber materials - Part 1: dyeing processes
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products - CDATP, 2022, 3, 17-27.

K. Klinkhammer, R. Nolden, R. Brendgen, M. Niemeyer, K. Zöll, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Coating of Silicone Monofilaments with Elastic Carbon Black-Silver-Silicone Layers and Their Characterization Especially with Regard to the Change of the Electrical Resistance in Dependence on Strain
Polymers 2022, 14, 806. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14040806

L. Hellweg, M. Beer
Future-oriented production with artificial neural networks
Textile Techology Trendreport, February 2022

M.-E. Wachs
Design Engineering - sustainable and holistic
post doc thesis, book: 272 pages, 150 fig. / graphics, English, Avedition publishers
ISBN: 978-3-89986-362-8

F. Saad, A. Baffoun, B. Mahltig, M. Hamdaoui
Polyester Fabric with Fluorescent Properties Using Microwave Technology for Anti-Counterfeiting Applications
Journal of Fluorescence, 2022, 32, 327-345.

E. Lempa, M. Rabe, L. van Langenhove (2022)
Dispenser printing with conductive microparticles. Materials Science Forum.
Proceedings in 20th AUTEX World Textile Conference - Unfolding the future. Vol. No. 3. www.scientific.net.

H. Barani, B. Mahltig
Microwave-assisted synthesis of silver nanoparticles: effect of reaction temperature and precursor concentration on fluorescent property
Journal of Cluster Science, 2022, 33, 101-111.

B. Mahltig, T. Borgstädt
Chemical and Physical Treatment of Resin-Based Fibers (Novolac-Fibers) for Dyeing and Functionalization
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2022, 2430, 070005

L. Streitenberger, P. Holderied, T. Mutschler, J. Klausmann, M. O. Weber
Development of Innovative Knitted Fabrics from a Novel Combination of German Hemp and Pure Recycled Wool.
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products 2022.

T. Mutschler, M. O. Weber, M.-A. Bueno
Process Analysis and Outlook for the Development of a new Weft Yarn Inlay System for Warp Knitting.
Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics 2022-01. journal article. DOI: 10.1177/15589250221101388.

M.-E. Ostheller, A. M. Abdelgawad, N. K. Balakrishnan, A. H. Hassanin, R.Groten, G. Seide
Curcumin and silver doping enhance the spinnability and antibacterial activity of melt-electrospun polybutylene succinate fibers
Nanomaterials (MDPI)
ISSN 2079-4991
Accepted on 14 January 2022

Publications 2021

M. Küçük, C. Bühs, M. O. Weber, M. Muschkiet
A comparative analysis of green logistic activities in German and Turkish textile enterprises.
Industria Textila, 2021, Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. 11-18. DOI: 10.35530/IT.072.01.1681.

E. Antaby, K. Klinkhammer, L. Sabantina
Electrospinning of Chitosan for Antibacterial. Applications-Current Trends.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11937.

S. Jiang, O. Stange, F. O. Bätcke, S. Sultanova, L. Sabantina
Applications of Smart Clothing - a Brief Overview
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products, 2(2), 123-140 (2021). https://doi.org/10.25367/cdatp.2021.2.p123-140

B. Mahltig
Conversion of a conventional to a digital lecture under the conditions of Covid19 - an example from a bachelor lecture on finishing, dyeing & printing
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products - CDATP, 2021, 2, 170-179.

B. Quattelbaum, K. Stylidis, A. Braun, R. Söderberg
Preliminary study on perceived comfort of car seats: A quantitative approach to visual cues,
Procedia CIRP, Volume 104, 2021, Pages 116-121,
ISSN 2212-8271, doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2021.11.020

L. Hellweg, M. Beer
Efficient textile product development and production with the help of artificial neural networks
Melliand International, Volume 27, 4/2021

L. Hellweg, M. Beer
AI based, efficient development of textile products - Improving the config ura-tion process of textile production machinery via artificial neural networks
Book of Abstracts, Poster 3, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 144, digital, 09.-10.11.2021

T. Belthle, A. Glogowsky, H. Blasius, S. Buschmann, R. Kaufmann, M. Rabe, A. Pich
Microgel-elastomer composites for 3D printable thermoresponsive membranes in highly elastic functional textiles
Book of Abstracts, Poster 14, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 155, digital, 09.-10.11.2021

E. Heine, R. Gartzen, A. Herrmann, R. Lütticken, I. Hofmann, S. Kolbe, R. Groten
ProSwabs - Efficient swab system for precise laboratory diagnostics and consecutively specific antibiosis and disinfection
Book of Abstracts, Poster 52, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 201, digital, 09.-10.11.2021

M.-E. Ostheller, N. K. Balakrishnan, R. Groten
Biobased Polybutylene Succinate Microfibers produced by Laboratory-Scale Melt Electrospinning
Book of Abstracts, Poster 58, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 208, digital, 09.-10.11.2021

K. Ratovo, O. Heß, K. Alaskalany, E. Bendt, T. Grethe, M. Krieg, K. Klinkhammer, M. Sturm, T. Weide, B. Mahltig
Biophysical concept for textile skin protection - a systematic approach with functionalized man-made cellulosic fibres
Book of Abstracts, Poster 60, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 211, digital, 09.-10.11.2021

A. Glogowsky, J. Meyer, M. Korger, S. Huysman, M. Rabe
New conductive and protective solutions for comfortable and individually fitted smart textile components with high practicality by use of 3D printing technologies
Book of Abstracts, Poster 66, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 217, digital, 09.-10.11.2021

E. Lempa, M. Rabe, L. van Langenhove
Diverted food printer for conductive patterns on textiles
Book of Abstracts, Poster 72, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 223, digital, 09.-10.11.2021

L. M. Bahr, K. Ratovo, A. Schmieder, M. Freude, T. Meyer, J. Thomasius, T. Mutschler, F. Heimlich, M. Neumann, M. O. Weber
Development and manufacturing technology of bio-degradable film tape packaging
Book of Abstracts, Poster 84, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 235, digital, 09.-10.11.2021

K. Klinkhammer, K. Ratovo, S. Kolbe, S. Brandt, M. Obermann, S. Küppers, J. Meyer, E. Bendt, M. Rabe
Investigation on emission of fibrous microplastic from textiles through household laundry and its reduction by optimizing of texile parameter
Book of Abstracts, Poster 88, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 239, digital, 09.-10.11.2021

K. Ratovo, M. Boner, S. Ziegler, M. Korger, M. Rabe
Identifying the provenance of cotton fibers of processed textile materials by analyzing traceable signatures of cotton using isotope analysis
Book of Abstracts, Poster 102, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, p. 256, digital, 09.-10.11.2021

D. Bär, E. Lempa, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, H. Rooms, R. Moll, M. van Parys, R. Vanmaele, W. Deferme, D. Reenaers
New developments in multi-layer coating for conductive textiles with interim drying via NIR-technology
New developments in multi-layer coating for conductive textiles with interim drying via NIR-technology
Book of Abstracts, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, pp. 84ff, digital, 09.-10.11.2021

M. Ernst, A. Christophersen, S. Sanduloff
Online Shopping Featuring "My Customized Avatar" - Generating Customized Avatars for a Sustainable Shopping Experience in Ecommerce; 12th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning and Processing Technologies
Proceedings of the 3DBody Tech 2021; 12th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning and Processing Technologies, 19-20 October 2021, Lugano
ISBN 978-3-033-08853-5, doi:10.15221/21

Y. Biermann, B. Quattelbaum, R. Groten
Sustainability Analysis of Decentralized Fibre-to-Fibre Scenarios - Reflecting the Amended EU-Waste Framework Directive - A Review
In: iLetters, 2021, 1 (1), An Open Access Journal of Innovations

L. C. Greiler, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, B. Mahltig
Pearlescent Effect Pigments for Coatings on Textiles - Part II: Angle Dependent Coloration
World Journal of Textile Engineering and Technology, 2021, 7, 112-121
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31437/2415-5489.2021.07.14

M. Gorlachova, B. Mahltig
3D-Printing on Textiles - an investigation on adhesion properties of the produced composite materials
Journal of Polymer Research, 2021, 28, 207-217.

M.-E. Wachs
Self-confidence & self-expression through sketching - the significance of drawing in 'primary education' & the next generation of engineering
Proceedings of the EPDE 2021 - International conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 09.09.2021, Section: Industrial Involvement in Design and Engineering Education
DOI number: 10.35199/EPDE.2021.3
ISBN: 978-1-912254-14-9

R. Brendgen, C. Graßmann, K. Mengler, T. Grethe, B. Mahltig, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Recycled polyvinyl butyral for uv-protecting yarn coatings
Book of Abstracts - AUTEX2021 20th World Textile Conference - Unfolding the Future, Online, 05.-09.09.2021, ISBN 978-989-54808-6-9

C. Graßmann, M. Mann, Y. Lin, L. van Langenhove, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Electrochromic matrix display device on textile substrate
Book of Abstracts - AUTEX2021 20th World Textile Conference - Unfolding the Future, Online, 05.-09.09.2021, ISBN 978-989-54808-6-9

A. Glogowsky, J. Meyer, M. Korger, M. Rabe
Influence of print conditions on conductivity of filled elastomeric materials during 3D printing for use in smart textile applications
Book of Abstracts - AUTEX2021 20th World Textile Conference - Unfolding the Future, Online, 05.-09.09.2021, ISBN 978-989-54808-6-9

E. Lempa, M. Rabe, L. van Langenhove
Poster: Dispenser printing with electrically conductive microparticles
AUTEX2021 20th World Textile Conference - Unfolding the Future, Online, 05.-09.09.2021

C. Richter, E. Bendt, E. Häntzsche, C. Cherif
Poster: Innovative weft knitting structures with functional surface properties and their interaction in terms of air and light permeability
AUTEX2021 20th World Textile Conference - Unfolding the Future, Online, 05.-09.09.2021

L.C. Greiler, B. Mahltig
Pearlescent Effect Pigments for Coatings on Textiles - Part I: Protective Materials Against UV Light and IR Light
World Journal of Textile Engineering and Technology, 2021, 7, 73-83.

B. Pourdeyhimi, S. Schick, R. Groten
COVID-19 - Lessons Learned? Manufacturing innovations will provide more reliable, affordable and adaptable protection in the face of the next pandemic.
Textile World, July 25, 2021

Y.-Q. Zhang, M. Lykaki, M. T. Alrajoula, M. Markiewicz, C. Kraas, S. Kolbe, K. Klinkhammer, M. Rabe, R. Klauer, E. Bendt, S. Stolte
Microplastics from textile origin - emission and reduction measures
Green Chemistry 2021
DOI: 10.1039/d1gc01589c

B. Mahltig, E. Bendt, T. Grethe, O. Hess, T. Weide, M. Krieg
Biophysical concept for textile skin protection
Technical Textiles, 2021, 64, 68-70.

B. Mahltig, E. Bendt, T. Grethe, O. Hess, T. Weide, M. Krieg
Biophysical concept for textile skin protection
Technical Textiles, 2021, 64, 154-156.

M.-E. Wachs, T.-M. Scholl, G. Balbig, K. Grobheiser
Textile Engineering SurFace: Surface Design from Tactile to Graphic to Tactile Experience in Design Engineering of the Future
Within the category: Lecture Session 2.2: Mixed Reality in Product Development
Print from EEE Conference Dresden (EEE = Entwerfen, Entwicklen, Erleben) Product Development and Design, TU Dresden, 17.06.2021
ISBN is 978-3-95908-450-5
Open source: nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa2-749084
Doi: https://doi.org/10.25368/2021.6 - Article No 201

M.-E. Wachs
ZEICHNEN ALS WELTENTWURF: analog + digital - Die Bedeutung des Zeichnens in der Primarausbildung mit Blick auf Design Engineering in Europe
Print of EEE Konferenz Dresden (EEE = Entwerfen, Entwicklen, Erleben) Produktentwicklung und Design, TU Dresden, 17.06.2021
ISBN is 978-3-95908-450-5,
Open source: nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa2-749084
Doi: https://doi.org/10.25368/2021.6 - Article No 665

B. Pourdeyhimi, S. Schick, R. Groten
The Filtration Efficiency of Single-Layer Textiles for Respiratory protection
The Journal of Science and Medicine, Vol 3 No 2 (2021), 14.06.2021

E. Bendt, R. Klauser, K. Zöll, M. Rabe, S. Kolbe, K. Klinkhammer, S. Brandt, S. Küppers, M. Breuer, M. Berns, R. Rössel, C. Wieners
Product development - alternative cutting and joining technology
Final brochure: TextileMission - Reducing textile microplastics - Findings from an interdisciplinary research project, p. 40-42, 1st edition, June 2021

E. Bendt, M. Rabe, K. Klinkhammer, S. Kolbe, K. Ratovo, S. Brandt, M. Obermann, S. Küppers, M. Berns
Material development - New surface constructions: Yarn and machine parameters
Final brochure: TextileMission - Reducing textile microplastics - Findings from an interdisciplinary research project, pp. 35-39, 1st edition, June 2021

M. Rabe, E. Bendt, S. Kolbe, K. Klinkhammer, S. Brandt, J. Meyer
Washing and drying tests - Microplastic loss during household washing - influencing factors
Final brochure: TextileMission - Reducing Textile Microplastics - Findings from an Interdisciplinary Research Project, pp.13-18, 1st edition, June 2021

R. Nolden, K. Zöll, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Development of Flexible and Functional Sequins Using Subtractive Technology and 3D Printing for Embroidered Wearable Textile Applications
MDPI Materials 2021, 14(10), 2633, Special Issue Textile-Integrated Electronics, Published: 18 May 2021

B. Hilgenberg, L. Vossebein
Regulation of Textiles
Chapter In: Reichl FX., Schwenk M. (eds) Regulatory Toxicology.
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 06 May 2021
ISBN 978-3-642-36206-4

E. Strunevich, U. Detering-Koll
Virtual Dressing Room for Digital Convergence with the Individual Customers in the Implementation of Student Project.
In: Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific-Practical Conference "Innovations and Technology in the Development of Theory of Modern Fashion "Fashion. Clothing. Design.
Accessories" named after F.M. Parmon". Moscow, Russia, April 05 - 07, 2021. Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art), Part 1, pp. 221-225.

M.-E. Ostheller, N. K. Balakrishnan, R. Groten, G. Seide
Detailed Process Analysis of Biobased Polybutylene Succinate Microfibers Produced by Laboratory-Scale Melt Electrospinning
Polymers 2021, 13, 1024.

B. Mahltig, T. Textor
Nanocoatings by sol-gel processes for functionalization of polymer surfaces and textiles
Book chapter in: Handbook of Modern Coating Technologies - Fabrication Methods and Functional Properties / Volume 1, edited by: M. Aliofkhazraei, A. Nasar, M. Chipara, N. B. Laidani, J. Th. M. De Hosson, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2021, pages: 1-23, ISBN 978-0-444-63240-1

E. Lempa, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, H. Rooms, J. Koc-Richter
Electroluminescent textiles for home interior decoration
OPE Journal, 34, pp. 18-19, 2021

E. Lempa, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, H. Rooms, J. Koc-Richter, D. Bär, R. Moll, W. Deferme, D. Reenars, R. Vanmaele
Electroluminescent textiles for home interior decoration "EL-FIB"
Unitex Journal, No. 2, 2021

E. Lempa, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, H. Rooms, J. Koc-Richter
Electroluminescent textiles for home interior decoration
C2 Coating and Converting Magazine, 15/ 86, dfv, pp. 15-16, 2021

R. Brendgen, C. Graßmann, T. Grethe, B. Mahltig, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Coatings with recycled polyvinyl butyral on polyester and polyamide mono- and multifilament yarns
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 2021, 18, 819-829

B. Pourdeyhimi, S. Schick, R. Groten, H. V. Tafreshi
Respiratory Effectiveness of Cloth Masks
Journal of Science and Medicine, Vol2 No4,02.02.2021
DOI: 10.37714/josam.v2i4.60

C. Ruffen, B. Mahltig
Basalt fibers as functional additives in coating of textiles
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, 18 (1) 271-281, 2021

B. Mahltig,
High Performance Fibers - A Review of Properties and IR-Spectra
Tekstilec, 2021, 64(2), 96-118.

T. Grethe
Biodegradable Synthetic Polymers in Textiles- What Lies Beyond PLA and Medical Applications? A Review.
Tekstilec, 2021, Vol. 64(1), 33-47, DOI: 10.14502/Tekstilec2021.64.33-47

R. Nolden, K. Zöll, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Smart Glove with an Arduino-Controlled Textile Bending Sensor, Textile Data Conductors and Feedback Using LED-FSDsTM and Embroidery Technology
MDPI Proceedings 2021, 68, 4; Published: 05.01.2021

M.-E. Wachs
Status of German Fashion 2021
Advisory board member of the FCG (Fashion Council Germany)
Fashion Counsil Germany e.V., Oxford Economics, + Association of Textile and Fashion Agencies, Jan. 2021


Publications 2020

M. Rabe
Alternatives for sports and outdoor clothing - microplastics from textiles pollute the environment
Interview in: CSR Magazin Nr. 35 - Das Buch zum Online-Fachmagazin "Globalisierung (mit-) verantworten", p. 161f, UVG Verlag
ISSN: 2192-1520

E. Strunevich, U. Detering-Koll, B. Quattelbaum
Investigation of usability and measurement accuracy of 3D body scanning mobile applications
2020, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 130-140
DOI 10.25367/cdatp.2020.1.p130-140

M.Ernst, A. Christophersen, M.Böhm, U. Botzenhardt
Efficient Virtual Garment Fit Evaluation Infrastructure based on Synthetic Avatar Target Customer Groups for MtM Application
CDATP Vol. 1 No. 2 p. 160 - 169 Published: 22.11.20

E. Bendt (Interview U. Wirtz)
Mission microplastics, environmental protection - How a circular knitting machine from Mayer & Cie. is contributing to a research project on harmless fleece fabrics
Article in aktiv, No. 10, 12.12.2020

T. Borgstädt, B. Mahltig,
Laser treatment of high-performance Kynol fibers - an example as alternative tool for coloration and imaging on surfaces of high-performance fibers
Tekstilna Industrija, 2020, 68(3), 4-9.

H. Barani, B. Mahltig
Using microwave irradiation to catalyse the in-situ manufacturing of silver nanoparticle on cotton fabric for antibacterial and UV-protective application
Cellulose, 2020, 27, 9105-9121

C. Graßmann, M. Mann, L. van Langenhove, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Textile Based Electrochromic Cells Prepared with PEDOT:PSS and Gelled Electrolyte
Sensors 2020, 20, 5691; doi:10.3390/s20195691

M.E. Wachs
The "Flow" in Design: AI needs EQ in Creating -Super Power Extreme Conditions in Designing or wishful Thinking for Working Conditions
within the research project: - Artificial Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence in Design and the Change in Cultural Identity, 04/2020
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27051.59683

O. Heß, M. Korger, B. Mahltig
Recource water: reduction of water consumption during reactiv dyeing of cotton
Melliand Textilberichte - Textile Finishing 3/2020, p. 134ff, October 2020

O. Heß, M. Korger, B. Mahltig
Water as a valuable resource: Reducing water consumption during reactive dyeing of cotton
Melliand Textilberichte - Textilveredlung 2-3/2020, p. 84ff, September 2020

T. Grethe, B. Mahltig
Alternative forms of examination in the summer semester 2020
Die Neue Hochschule, DNH, Zeitschrift des Hochschullehrerverbundes, hlb, 2020, issue 06-2020, 42-45.

M. T. Hoque, B. Mahltig
Realization of polyester fabrics with low transmission for ultraviolet light
Coloration Technology, 2020, 136, 346-355.

E. Bendt
Linen meets tribal tech - Sustainable linen project at The Hochschule Niederrhein
Publication accompanying the exhibition "Gut betucht - Textilerzeugung bei den Alamannen"
Schriften des Alamannenmuseums Ellwangen, Vol. 4, p. 49f, ISBN 978-3-00-065529-6

J. Krolzik, R. Werner, E. Bendt
Textile applications for Heidschnucken wool
Publication accompanying the exhibition "Gut betucht - Textilerzeugung bei den Alamannen"
Schriften des Alamannenmuseums Ellwangen, Vol. 4, p. 48, ISBN 978-3-00-065529-6

M. Korger, A. Glogowsky, S. Sanduloff, C. Steinem, S. Huysman, B. Horn, M. Ernst, M. Rabe
Testing thermoplastic elastomers selected as flexible three-dimensional printing materials for functional garment and technical textile applications
Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, Volume 15:1-10, June 2020

G. Seide, R. Groten
Biodegradability - A closer look is worthwhile!
Branchenheft Kunststoffland NRW (www.kunststofflend-nrw.de), April 2020

B. Mahltig
Fibers for radiation protection
book chapter in: Handbook of Fibrous Materials Vol 2, edited by: J. Hu, B. Kumar, J. Lu, Wiley-VCH Books, 2020, pages: 889-926, ISBN: 978-3-527-34256-3

H. Kuhnen, B. Mahltig
Fiber-based alternative products for leather
Melliand Textilberichte, 2020, 101, 43-45

W. Hanbing, H. Haase, B. Mahltig,
Cationic Pretreatment for Reactive Dyeing of Cotton and its Simultaneous Antibacterial Functionalization
Tekstilec, 2020, 63, 27-37.

T.Grethe, K. Plenkmann, C. Steinem, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Integration of a halochromic pH Sensor in a Wound Dressing for Continuous pH Observation
(to be published)

T. Grethe, K. Lux, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Catalytic Textile Surfaces by Deposition of Gold on Titanium Oxide Coatings
(to be published)

T. Grethe, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, A. Klose
Arrangement of at least one sensor on a wound dressing, wound dressing, sensor holder and method for monitoring the condition of a wound of a living being
Patent-Offenlegungsschrift DE102018107046A1

M. Korger, A. Glogowsky, S. Sanduloff, C. Steinem, S. Huysman, B. Horn, M. Ernst, M. Rabe
Testing thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) selected as flexible 3D printing materials for functional garment and technical textile applications
Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 2020

Publications 2019

A. Glogowsky, M. Korger, S. Sanduloff, C. Steinem, J. Meyer, S. Huysman, M. Ernst, M. Rabe
Fits like a glove. Additive manufacturing for more comfort in protective solutions for clothing
Kettenwirk-Praxis,Technical Textiles, 03/2019, 26-27

B. Mahltig, M. Rabe, M. Muth
Textiles, Dyeing, and Finishing
Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 2019, (35 pages)

M. Böhm, S. Rose, M. Schlütter, B. Mussmann, S. Jug, C. Oskamp, M. Ernst, D. Güntzel, S. Sanduloff, S. Bayer, A. Christophersen, J. Lehmann
Product development in the digital transformation - building blocks of a fully virtual development process
Session "Best Practices: Transfer - From Idea to Practice"
Book of Abstracts - Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2019, Dresden

R. Groten, G. Seide
Integration of Sustainability Aspects of Polymers in the Development of Textile Products
Session "Polymer Materials & Functionalization"
Book of Abstracts - Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2019, Dresden

R. Klauer, M. Rabe, E. Bendt, S. Stolte
Microplastics of textile origin - approaches to avoidance in the textile supply chain of an outdoor clothing manufacturer
Session "Polymer Materials & Functionalization"
Book of Abstracts - Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden

T. Grethe, K. Lux, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Achieving textile based supported noble metal catalysts by physical vapor deposition
Poster - Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2019, Dresden

T. Grethe, K. Plankmann, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Sensory wound dressing and data acquisition assembly for continuous monitoring of wound healing and hound pH
Poster - Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2019, Dresden

O. Heß, M. Korger, B. Mahltig, F.-A. Weber, H. Freericks a.f.
Sustainable water use in reactive cotton dyeing processes derived from advanced dyeing chemicals and technologies
Poster -Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2019, Dresden

S. Kolbe, S. Brandt, M. Obermann, J. Meyer, S. Küppers, R. Rössel, M. Rabe, E. Bendt, M. Lykaki, Y. Chang, S. Stolte
Development of functional textiles with reduced output of synthetic microparticles
Poster -Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2019, Dresden

M. Cont, E. Rohleder, R. Werner, M. Rabe, T. Weide
Influence of the cross section of viscose fibers on the thermal insulation of nonwovens
Poster -Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2019, Dresden

C. Graßmann, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, L. van Langenhove
Microwave assisted electroless deposition of zinc oxide on fabrics
Poster -Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2019, Dresden

K. Mengler, R. Brendgen, C. Graßmann, T. Grethe, M. Mahltig, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Investigation of recycled polyvinyl butyral for yarn based textile coatings,
Poster - Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2019, Dresden

M. Normann, K. Mengler, Y. Kyosev, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Investigation of color-changing filaments based on an interference filter principle Through multilayer deposition of silver particles and polymer coatings
Poster - Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2019, Dresden

E. Lempa, M. Rabe, L. Van Langenhove
Coating and digital printing electrically conductive paths on textiles under consideration of percolation threshold
20-22 November 2019, 3rd International The Recent progress symposium on textile technology and chemistry. Bursa, Turkey

E. Y. Strunevich, U. Detering-Koll, M. Ernst
Investigation of New Technologies for Retail Returns Solutions in Apparel E-commerce
Proceedings of International Scientific and Technical Symposium "Modern Engineering Problems in the Production of Consumer Goods", KOSYGIN INTERNATIONAL FORUM "MODERN CHALLENGES OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES", October 29-30, 2019, Moscow, Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art), 2019. Part 3, pp. 172 - 175.

E. Calhan, B. Mahltig,
Microwave assisted process for silver/silica sol application onto cotton fabrics
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2019, 92, 607-617.

X. Song, U. Cvelbar, P. Strazar, L. Vossebein and A. Zille
Chemical, thermo-mechanical and antimicrobial properties of DBD plasma treated disinfectant impregnated wipes during storage
Polymers 2019, 11, 1769; doi:10.3390/polym11111769

M. Wachs, A. Hall
"Fashion Furniture Future" European Driving Range - Innovative Landscapes For A Tangible, Non-Hierarchical Learning Space Within A Material And Immaterial Togetherness
13.09.2019, Lecture Abstract for International Conference On Engineering And Product Design EducationDepartment Of Design, Manufacture And Engineering Management, University Of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

M. Wachs
The entrepreneurial power of design schools - like Bauhaus - as driver for business models for industry yesterday and tomorrow - case studies: profitable partnerships in architecture and textile
September 6, 2019, Lecture Abstract for Annual Design History Society Conference 2019, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK

T. Brunke, S. Cetin, S. Gelderblom, B. Aslan, A. Glogowsky, K. Ratovo, A. Büsgen
Functional and thermally highly resilient tufting for technical textiles
Technische Textilien Nr4 , September 2019, pp. 263-265

J. Pallmann, Y.-L. Ren, B. Mahltig, T.-G. Huo,
Phosphorylated sodium alginate/APP/DPER intumescent flame retardant used for polypropylene
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2019, 136, 47794 (10 pages)

pp. Gemein, J. Gebel, B. Christiansen, H. Martiny, L. Vossebein, F.H.H. Brill, M. Decius, M. Eggers, T. Koburger-Janssen, M. Meckel, S. Werner, B. Hunsinger, T. Selhorst, G. Kampf, M. Exner
Interlaboratory reproducibility of a test method following 4-field test methodology to evaluate the susceptibility of Clostridium difficile spores
Journal of Hospital Infection 103 (2019) 78-84

A. Wollenberg, J. Srour, Triple Smolik, E. Berg, B. Mahltig
Silver, Silk, Atopic Eczema and the CLOTHES trial - Reply to a Letter (JEADV- 2018-2487)
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatoloy and Venereology, 2019, 33, e169.

G. Chen, H. Haase, B. Mahltig
Chitosan-modified silica sol applications for the treatment of textile fabrics: a view on hydrophilic, antistatic and antimicrobial properties
Journal Sol-Gel Science & Technology, 2019, 91, 461-470.

O. Hess, M. Korger, B. Mahltig, F.-A. Weber
Reactive dyeing of cotton: optimization of water requirements
Textilplus, 2019, 7, issue 9/10, 18-21.

B. Mahltig
Nanosols for Smart Textiles
book chapter 3 in:
Smart Textiles - Wearable Nanotechnology
edited by: N.D. Yilmaz
Scrivener Publishing, Hoboken New Jersey, 2019, pages 91-110
ISBN 978-1-119-46022-0

J. Srour, E. Berg, B. Mahltig, T. Smolik, A. Wollenberg
Evaluation of Antimicrobial Textiles for Atopic Dermatitis
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatoloy and Venereology, 2019, 33, 384-390

F. Saad, A. Baffoun, B. Mahltig, M. Hamdaoui
Dyeing of polyester woven fabric using a fluorescent organic dye with conventional and irradiation microwave technique
International Journal of Applied Research on Textile, 2019, 8, 23-30

M. M. Rashid, B. Mahltig, K. Mamun
Surface Modification of Cotton Fabric with Effect Pigment - A Review of Improved Textile Optical Functionalization
International Journal of Textile Science, 2019, 8, 10-15

M. M. Rashid, B. Mahltig
Inorganic Effect Pigment-Binder System following Sol-Gel Process - Application for Optical Textile Functionalization
Journal of Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering, 2019, 7/3, 1-6

M. M. Rashid, B. Mahltig
Electric Conductivity of Inorganic Effect Pigment Coated Cotton Textile Using Sol-Gel Process
Journal of Textile Science & Engineering, 2019, 9/2, 1-2

M. M. Rashid, B. Mahltig
Light Absorption of the Aluminum Effect Pigment Coated Textile
Journal of Materials Science and Nanomaterials, 2019, 3/1, 1-7

K. Baatout, F. Saad, A. Baffoun, B. Mahltig, D. Kreher, N. Jaballah, M. Majdoub
Luminescent cotton fibers coated with fluorescein dye for anti-counterfeiting applications
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 234, 304-310

M. M. Rashid, B. Mahltig
Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticles on Aluminum Effect Pigment Coated Fabric-Application of Reflection and Transmission of Light through Fabric
Journal of Textile Science & Engineering, 2019, 9/2, 1-5

M. Muth
ITMA review: Textile printing
TextilPlus Focus, issue 07/08-2019, pp. 23-28

C. Graßmann, T. Grethe, L. van Langenhove, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Digital printing of electroluminescent devices on textile substrates
Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics 2019, 14, 1-10
DOI: 10.1177/1558925019861624

T. Grethe, S. Borczyk, K. Plenkmann, M. Normann, M. Rabe, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Textile humidity sensors
2018 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS (DTIP), Roma, 2018, pp. 1-3.
doi: 10.1109/DTIP.2018.8394188
URL: ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp

C. Graßmann, T. Grethe, A. Krause, C. Großerhode, J. Storck, A. Ehrmann, L. van Langenhove, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, Anne
Textile Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Natural Dyes
AUTEX 2019, 19th World Textile Conference, Gent, Belgium
URL: biblio.ugent.be/publication/8620443

K. Steinhauer, H.-J. Rödger, K. Teckemeyer, B. Christiansen, J. Gebel, H. Martiny, B. Meyer, C. Ostermeyer, L. Vossebein
Why volume matters - implications of applied volume of alcohol-based disinfectants for infection prevention
Journal of Hospital Infection, Volume 101, Issue 4, April 2019, Pages 423-425

S. Kohn, C. Großerhode, J. L. Storck, G. Grötsch, C. Cornelißen, A. Streitenberger, C. Grassmann, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, A. Ehrmann
Commercially available teas as possible dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells
Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, online first (2019)

Nanosols for Smart Textiles
book chapter 3 in:
N.D. Yilmaz (Ed.)
Smart Textiles - Wearable Nanotechnology
Scrivener Publishing, Hoboken New Jersey, 2019, pages 91-110
ISBN 978-1-119-46022-0

J. Srour, E. Berg, B. Mahltig, T. Smolik, A. Wollenberg
Evaluation of Antimicrobial Textiles for Atopic Dermatitis
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatoloy and Venereology, 2019, 33, 384-390.

F. Saad, A. Baffoun, B. Mahltig, M. Hamdaoui
Dyeing of polyester woven fabric using a fluorescent organic dye with conventional and irradiation microwave technique
International Journal of Applied Research on Textile, 2019, 8, 23-30.

M. M. Rashid, B. Mahltig, K. Mamun
2Surface Modification of Cotton Fabric with Effect Pigment - A Review of Improved Textile Optical Functionalization
International Journal of Textile Science, 2019, 8, 10-15.

L. Sabantina, M. Klöcker, M. Wortmann, J. Rodríguez-Mirasol, T. Cordero, E. Moritzer, K. Finsterbusch, A. Ehrmann
Stabilization of PAN nanofiber mats obtained by needleless electrospinning using DMSO as solvent
Journal of Industrial Textiles, online first

Lectures 2024

L. Hellweg, Y. Kyosev, M. Beer
Safety with comfort - The seatbelt in the changing face of fully autonomous mobility
16th International Symposium and accompanying Exhibition on Integral Car Safety Systems, Postersession, P45, 45.1-23, 25.-27. November 2024, Mannheim

M. Beer
Insights about the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology of HSNR
51st International Federation of Knitting Technologists (IFKT) Congress, 21.-22. August 2024, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

N. Bullerdiek, A. Glogowsky, A. Missong, A.-M. Heidrich, M. Paschetag, S. Scholl, M. Rabe
Back-to-monomer PET recycling of dyed polyester
Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Session: Functionalization and Finishing, 22. November 2024, Stuttgart

K. Ratovo, H. Schunk, K. Klinkhammer, E. Rohleder, C. Steinem, A. Büsgen, B. Schunk, C. Eckstein, R. Groten
Development of a textile reinforced roller shutter system to protect single- and multi-family houses in the event of flooding
Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC) 2024, Transfer Session: From Idea to Practice, 21. November 2024, Stuttgart

R. Brendgen, T. Grethe, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Non-Invasive Glucose Measurement with Smart Textiles
E-Textiles Konferenz 2024, Berlin, 19.11.2024

N. Radau, A. Tabakovic, L. Hellweg, M. Beer
Förderung von KI-Kompetenzen in der Hochschullehre am Anwendungsbeispiel der Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik
Posterpräsentation 8. Symposium des Münchner Dozierenden-Netzwerk –„KI in der Hochschullehre“, 23.09. - 24.09.2024, München
Link: https://youtu.be/vmaw3Y_-0iA

M. E. Wachs
Embodies Design Experiences first - Before Designing with(in) AI.
EPDE 2024 - International conference on engineering and product design education Aston University Birmingham, UK, September 05.-06.09.2024

M. E. Wachs, G. Balbig, Y. Chaung, A. Holmø Bojesen
Could AI be a - meaningful - Creation Tool for Future Hand to Brain Coordination within ESD?
EPDE 2024 - International conference on engineering and product design education, Aston University Birmingham, UK, 05.-06.09.2024

M. E. Wachs, S. Fairburn, J. Powell
The Role for AI in a Coil Project involving Fast Fashion, Personal Floatation Devices, and a LMIC Community.
EPDE 2024 - International conference on engineering and product design education, Aston University Birmingham, UK, 05.-06.09.2024
DOI: 10.35199/EPDE.2024.17

L. Blanckart
Natural aquatic Fiber: Exploiting algae as new raw material for textile
AUTEX 2024 World Conference, Liberec, Tschechische Republik, 17.06.-19.06.2024

H. Dagdeviren
Soft Hemp - Sustainable hemp yarns and design applications
AUTEX 2024 World Conference, Liberec, Tschechische Republik, 17.06.-19.06.2024

I. Singer, M. Rabe
Enzymatic treatment of polyester for improving recyclability and hydrophilicity
AUTEX 2024 World Conference, Liberec, Tschechische Republik, 17.06.-19.06.2024

H. Lichtenberg, B. Mahltig, W. Klysubun, A. Prange, D. Doronkin, J. Hormes,
Synchrotron based X-Ray absorption spectroscopy for structural analysis of basalt fibers
AUTEX 2024 World Conference, Liberec, Tschechische Republik, 17.06.-19.06.2024

B. Mahltig, E. Bendt, T. Weide, K. Klinkhammer, K. Ratovo, M. Krieg
Textile based biophysical concept for the protection of human skin
AUTEX 2024 World Conference, Liberec, Tschechische Republik, 17.06.-19.06.2024

A. Glogowsky, N. Bullerdiek, A.-M. Heidrich, A. Missong, E. Rohleder, M. Rabe
Recycling Textiles: Not Just PET.
Presentation of Achema Congress. Frankfurt, 11.06.2024
Online available: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/381394908_Recycling_Textiles_Not_Just_PET

M. O. Weber
Knitting at Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences. Equipment. Teaching. Research.
The 10th World Congress of Advanced Materials 2024, Osaka, Japan May 20-22, 2024

R. Brendgen, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, T. Grethe
Non-Invasive Glucose Measurement with Smart Textiles
Masterkongress “Forschung die anzieht: 15 Jahre FTB”, HSNR, Mönchengladbach, 16.05.2024

B. Quattelbaum, L. A. Geiger, K. Stylidis, R. Söderberg
Reducing uncertainty regarding customer expectations for a sustainable car interior design integrated in a data-informed design approach
The Design Society. 2024, Cavtat, Kroatien

K. Stylidis, B. Quattelbaum, F. Konrad, J. Simpson, S. Lorin, R. Söderberg
Data-informed design in the automotive industry: customer acceptance study in Sweden and China on radical car design
The Design Society. 2024, Cavtat, Kroatien

M. E. Wachs, B. Gesa, Y. Chaung, A. Holmø Bojesen
‘Shaping the Impact of Design Practice and Education Within Human & AI Collaboration - A Question of Control and Risk?’
DGTF Conference - Hazarding Design: Risks and consequences of design, Lucern, Switzerland, 27.04.2024

E. Rohleder, M. Korger, M. Witteveen, R. Hellmann, M. Rabe
Possibilities and Limitations of Polycotton Recycling
37th International Cotton Conference 2024, Bremen, 22.03.2024

L. Hellweg, M. Beer, Y. Kyosev
Occupant protection by textile-based restraint systems - analysis of the requirements for fully autonomous passenger cars
International Week of Narrow and Smart Textiles, March 18-21, 2024, Dresden, Germany

M. Beer
Braiding in the high education
International Week of Narrow and Smart Textiles, 18-21. March 2024, Dresden, Germany

L. Vossebein
Everything you need to know about microfiber cloths
Berufsverband Hauswirtschaft 12.03.2024, Webinar

R. Brendgen, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Sensitive, Filament-Based Strain and Pressure Sensors Using Silicone, Carbon and Metal Particles
LOPEC Congress 2024, 06.03.2024, Munich

E. Lempa
ITMA 2023 - Highlights for textile finishers
VDTF Regional Group Emsland 2024, 15.02.2024, Schüttorf, Germany

L. Vossebein
Hygiene requirements for textile service providers
DTV master craftsman preparation course, Groß-Gerau, 12.02.2024

M. Rabe
Paths to a sustainable textile and clothing industry through intensive research transfer
Lecture series "Gemeinsam Nachhaltig", Mönchengladbach, 10.01.2024

Lectures 2023

B. Quattelbaum, M. Streit, C. Breckenfelder
5G mobile user textile AR experience - the virtual dressing room as an opportunity for stationary and online trade 5G mobile user textile AR experience
Die virtuelle Ankleidekabine als Chance für den stationary und den Online-Handel
Session: "Technology Transfer "Form Idea to Practice""
Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, ADDITC 2023, 30.11. - 01.12.2023, Dresden

B. Mahltig
Finishing and coatings for UV and IR protective properties
2023 Philippine Textile Congress - Future Thinking for Phillipine Textiles, online event, Online, 21.11.2023

M. Rabe
Importance of start-ups for the sustainability transformation of the textile and clothing industry
TexTech Start-up Night #2, Textile Academy NRW, Mönchengladbach, 14.11.2023

M. Jakubik, B. Mahltig
A sol-gel approach for realization of textiles with reduced transmission for NIR light
International Conference on Textile and Apparel Innovations ICTAI, Vitebsk, Belarus, Online, 09./10.11.2023

M.T. Hoque, K. Klinkhammer, B. Mahltig
Finishing of cotton and polyester fabrics using chitosan-containing recipes
International Conference on Textile and Apparel Innovations ICTAI, Vitebsk, Belarus, Online, 09./10.11.2023

B. Quattelbaum, C. Steinem, M. Neumann
Data-Informed Design Process for SME: A Streamlined Validation and Prediction Approach for Customer Perception of Innovative Material Prototypes
ASME 2023 - International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition®- IMECE®, Technical Session: Product and Process Design, 29.10.. - 02.11.2023, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA, USA

M. Rabe
EnaTex Findings for the Indonesian Textile Industy from the Sustainability and Energy Perspectives - Introduction to goals of Team Textile and presentations
EnaTex Midterm-Conference Politeknik STTT, Bandung, Indonesia, 27.10.2023

E. Lempa, M. Rabe,
Minimum application reducing energy consumption for sustainable textile finishing
EnaTex MidTerm Conference Politeknik STTT, Bandung, Indonesia, 27.10.2023

B. Mahltig
Materials for realization of radiation protective coatings - A broad view from electrosmog, infrared protection, UV-protection to X-ray protection
European Coating Conference, Berlin, 18./19.10.2023

E. Lempa, A. Memisoglu, M. Rabe, M. Eigenstetter
Innovative finishing processes(es) and effective chemical management for a safe and sustainable textile industry
IFATCC 2023, 13.10.2023, Augsburg, Germany

M. Rabe
Making sustainability measures comparable - an index against sustainability burnout
BTE Congress "Fashion-Emotion 4.0", Mediapark Cologne, 28. 09.2023

S. Schick, R. Groten, et al
Does the Spinning Scale affect the Degradability of home-compostable Polymers?
Global Fiber Congress in Dornbirn, 14.09.2023

A. Glogowsky, M. Korger, S. Huysman, M. Rabe
Conductive, 3D printed structures for use in smart textiles
International Textile Supply Chain Digitalization Conference - ITSCDC, 06 Sept. 2023, Mönchengladbach

J. Klausmann, M.-J. Büker, C. Breckenfelder
Smart transport box in electro-mobile, temperature-related logistics
International Textile Supply Chain Digital Conference (ITSCDC), 06.-08.09.2023, Mönchengladbach

A. Tabakovic, J. Bulthaupt, L. Hellweg, M. Beer
Development of a transdisciplinary education concept to prepare textile technology students for dealing with AI
International Textile Supply Chain Digitalization Conference - ITSCDC, 06. - 08.09.2023, Mönchengladbach, Germany

A. Memisoglu, E. Lempa
Sustainability Measures in the Indonesian Textile Industry
UNU Textile Symposium 2023, 06.09.2023, Dresden, Germany

J. Bulthaupt, A. Tabakovic, L. Hellweg, M. Beer
Artificial intelligence in textile - transdisciplinary teaching concept for students in the field of textile technology
Digital Poster Presentation, ITMA 2023 - Textile & Garment Technology Exibition, 08. - 14.06.2023, Milan, Italy

A. Memisoglu, E. Lempa, M. Eigenstetter
Innovative Finishing Processes and an Effective Chemicals Management for a Safe and Sustainable Textile Industry - Practical Insights from the German-Indonesian Project EnaTex
Textile Colorants and Chemicals Forum, ITMA 2023 - Textile & Garment Technology Exibition, 09.06.2023, Milan, Italy

A. Glogowsky, A. Korn, B. Rau, M. Rabe
Use of 3D printing technology for the production of thin layers. Digital coating of textiles.
Poster Presentation ITMA Innovator Xchange, ITMA 2023 - Textile & Garment Technology Exibition, 08. - 14.06.2023, Milan, Italy
Poster available online https://virtual.oxfordabstracts.com/#/event/3214/poster-gallery/grid?sort=titles¤t=176.

E. Bendt, K. Ratovo, H. Dagdeviren, L. Blanckart, B. Mahltig, T. Weide, J. Lewin, C. Heil
Regional value chain: Multifunctional knitwear made of 100% hemp
Technical Committee of Gesamtmasche e. V., digital, 26.04.2023

L. Vossebein
Everything you need to know about microfiber cloths
Kompetenzzentrum Hauswirtschaft 2023, Webinar, 21.03.23

B. Mahltig
Comparison of digital to conventional teaching: Back to reality
4th T-Crepe Workshop - online contribution, 15-16.03.2023, Euramaterials, Tourcoing, France

E. Bendt
Nature Meets Functionality _ Development of a Sustainable Knitted Jacket in 100% Hemp
Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023 - hybrid, 08.-09.03.2023, Cologne

E. Lempa
ITMA 2023 - Highlights for Textile Finishers
VDTF Regional Group Niederrhein-Aachen 2023, 14.09.2023, Krefeld, Germany

L. Vossebein
Hygiene requirements for textile service providers
DTV Master Craftsman Preparation Course
06.02.2023, Groß-Gerau

M. Eigenstetter, A. Memisoglu, E. Lempa, O. Hess, M. Korger
Sustainable finishing in the context of the EU textile strategy
PSI Forum, Düsseldorf, 11.01.2023

Lectures 2022

T. Bache, E. Bendt, T. Weide, B. Mahltig, D. Pattberg, K. Ratovo, H. Dagdeviren, C. Heil, J. Lewin, C. Richter, L. Blanckart, S. Grobe, T. Engel, D. Strahl-Schäfer
HanfKnit -Development of a regionally produced, sustainable and functional zero-waste jacket made from 100% hemp
Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Aachen, 01.-02.12.2022

K. Ratovo, M. Krieg, K. Klinkhammer, I. Etzel, E. Bendt, T. Weide, O. Heß, T. Grethe, M. Sturm, B. Mahltig
Preparation of bi-functional textiles from Lyocell with reduced radiation transmission
Aachen Dresden Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Aachen, 01.-02.12.2022

L. Hellweg, M. Beer
Increasing product lifetime through self-healing textiles
Smartec conference, digital, Tiangong University, China, 25.11.2022

R. Brendgen
SmartSeam - Seams for integration of functional yarns
Smartec conference, digital, Tiangong University, China, 25.11.2022

E. Bendt, T. Weide, B. Mahltig, D. Pattberg, K. Ratovo, H. Dagdeviren, C. Heil, J. Lewin, C. Richter, L. Blanckart, S. Grobe, T. Engel, D. Strahl-Schäfer
Natural - local - circular: A sustainable design strategy using the example of a functional cardigan made of hemp
Global Fashion Conference 2022, 18.11.2022(Global Fashion Conference Home - Global Fashion Conference (gfc-conference.eu))

M.-E. Wachs, Ch. Weber, R. Möllers, O. Haddar, G. Lopes, B. Germiyanoglu
A question about cross cultural co-designing in textile industry 5.0 and SDGs No. 9 +17 - not a question of cultural appropriation - Case Studies: Tunisia, Brazil and Turkey
Sustainability Days of Hochschule Niederrhein, online, 10.11.2022

N. van Bentum, U. Clausen, M. Muschkiet
Success factors for last mile fashion e-commerce deliveries
Dornbirn GFC, 09 /2022

K. Ratovo, M. Boner, M. Korger, M. Rabe, S. Ziegler
Textile-Tracker: Where is my T-shirt from? Testing the influence of textile processing on stable isotope signatures in cotton
36th International Cotton Conference Bremen, 29.-30.09.2022

L. Hellweg, M. Beer
Efficient textile product development using artificial neural networks
17th Chemnitzer Textiltechnik-Tagung, 28.+29.09.2022, Chemnitz

E. Lempa, D. Bär
Functional coatings in combination with NIR drying
11th International Textile and Coating Congress, 22./ 23.09.2022, Unitex, Gent, Belgium

M. Suriyathasan, H. Brodermanns, M. Neumann, L. Sabantina
Preliminary sewing studies and determination of the optimal needle size for 3D printing/textile composites prepared using FFF printing technology
5th National Scientific Conference Rapid Prototyping 3D&4D printing in engineering applications, 19.09-20.09.2022, Kielce, Poland

M. Muth
Sustainability in the textile industry: where do you go with un goals, circular economy, reach and eco labels?
Textile Printing & Sustainability Conference, Neuss, Germany, 09.09.2022

P. Jödicke, J. Vu, J. Czayka, E. Suvalova, L. Sabantina
Mycelium textiles - sustainable alternative for leather goods?
14th Joined International Conference Clotech2022 on Innovative Materials, Technologies and Testing Techniques for Clothing Improvement, Hybrid Event, 5.09-08.09.2022, Lodz, Poland

M.-E. Wachs
24th E&PDE 2022 - International conference on engineering and product design education September 08-09, 2022, London South Bank University.
DOI number: 10.35199/EPDE.2022.6
ISBN: 978-1-912254-16-3

M.-E. Wachs, T. Scholl, G. D'Aleo
24th E&PDE 2022 - International conference on engineering and product design education 08-09 September 2022, London South Bank University.
DOI number: 10.35199/EPDE.2022.7
ISBN: 978-1-912254-16-3

A. Glogowsky, M. Rabe
More than Industry 4.0: The C&A jeans from Germany
Swiss Textiles Innovation Day, 01.09.2022, Dübendorf, Switzerland

T. Mutschler, P. Holderied, J. Klausmann, L. Streitenberger, M.-A. Bueno, M. O. Weber
Challenges and possibilities for alternative weft insertion methods in warp knitting - new possibilities for new products.
50th IFKT International Congress Belfast/Ireland 31.08.-2.09.2022

J. Klausmann, P. Holderied, T. Mutschler, L. Streitenberger, D. Güther, T. Freitag, M. Hummel, M. Zeitler, O. van Neerven, M. O. Weber, C. Breckenfelder
Knitted textiles in logistics - Thermodynamic qualification of knitted spacer fabrics for use as an insulation box insert in the context of refrigerated transport containers.
50th IFKT International Congress Belfast/Ireland 31.08.-2.09.2022

P. Holderied, T. Mutschler, J. Klausmann, L. Streitenberger, M.-A. Bueno, M. O. Weber
Development of a new thread supply for weft knitting machines to produce innovative knitwear.
50th IFKT International Congress Belfast/Ireland 31.08.-2.09.2022

P. Holderied, L. Streitenberger, T. Mutschler, J. Klausmann, M. O. Weber
Development of innovative knitted fabrics from a novel combination of German hemp and pure recycled wool.
50th IFKT International Congress Belfast/Ireland 31.08.-2.09.2022

T. Mutschler, P. Holderied, J. Klausmann, L. Streitenberger, T. Beer, M. Freude, M. O. Weber
Development of a flexible flat knitting machine with a device for continuous feeding of core components
50th IFKT International Congress Belfast/Ireland 31.08.-2.09.2022

I. M. Brieger, N. van Bentum
RE³Tex - a project to enhance circular economies in the textile and clothing industry, exemplifying a modular implementation
2nd Sustainable Textile and Fashion Congress (STFC), 07/2022

E. Lempa
Sustainable innovations in the Indonesian textile sector
Symposium: Indonesia focuses on green technologies! Business opportunities for German companies? 24.06.2022, IHK Bonn/ Rhein-Sieg, Bonn

A. Glogowsky, L. Hellweg, M. Beer
Simplification of the setting process of textile production machines
Techtextil, Techtextil Forum, 22.06.2022, Frankfurt

A. Glogowsky, S. Huysman, J. Meyer, M. Korger, M. Rabe
Cost-effective production steps of one-off, personalized smart textiles by use of 3D printing
Techtextil, Techtextil Forum, 22.06.2022, Frankfurt

M.-E. Wachs, M. Fischer
Aic 2022 Sensing Colour - Congress, Ocad University, Toronto, Canada
Organized By Colour Research Society Of Canada (Crsc) 13-16 June 2022, Ocad University, Toronto, Canada

E. Lempa
Innovative Application Methods for Functional Textiles in Combination with NIR-Drying
Technology Symposium: Textile Science Meets Textile Economy Sustainability as a Chance - Sustainable Impulses for the Indonesian Textile Industry, 24.05.2022, Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta, Indonesia

B. Mahltig, J. Bergschneider, M. Gorlachova, A. Huber, D. Luo
3D-printing onto textile substrates as method to realize new functional materials - a study related to adhesion properties
3rd Symposium Materials and Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing, Dresden, 11.05.-13.05.2022

A.-M. Schmidt, Y. Kyosev, B. Mahltig
3D printing on prestressed textiles - Microscopic and analytical analysis of the influence of prestressing on the form fit of the textile-polymer composite
3rd Symposium Materials and Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing, Dresden, 11.05.-13.05.2022

M. Beer, L. Hellweg
Efficient Development of Textile Products using AI-based Machine Configuration
International Fibre Application Conference (IFAC) 9th Edition, 26 - 27.04.2022, Antwerp, Belgium

A. Abel, M. Muschkiet
Use of EMS for the prevention of occupational diseases
2nd Textile and Fashion Innovation Congress (TFIC) - digital-, 22.04.2022

A. Abel
Intelligent safety clothing for cyclists
2nd Textile and Fashion Innovation Congress (TFIC) -digital-, 21.04.2022

L. Hellweg, L. Sabantina, A. Dannehl, A. Buhr, A. Sanchez Leyton, M. Beer
Increasing product lifetime through self-healing textiles
6th EUTT European Industry and Research Exchange - Technical Textiles for Transport, Energy and Environmental Protection, Digital Conference, April 07, 2022

M. Rabe
Textile fragments as a source of microplastic in the environment
Limnoplast Congress, Berlin, 06.04.2022

B. Rau, M. Rabe, E. Bendt
Sustainable Fashion - How can innovations revolutionize the fashion industry?
Initiative seminar Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, online, 18. 02. 2022

L. Vossebein
Hygiene requirements for textile service providers
DTV master craftsman preparation course, Groß-Gerau, 26.01.2022

Lectures 2021

A. Dannehl, A. Buhr, A. Sanchez Leyton, L. Hellweg, L. Sabantina, M. Beer
Applications of Self-Healing Textiles
SmartTecStyle conference 2021, FH Bielefeld, Germany, 15-16.12.2021

A.Markard, J.Schmer, L. Lüpsen, L. Pavlic, L. Sabantina
3D printing of textiles with focus on underwear
SmartTecStyle conference 2021, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany, 15.-16.12.2021

S. Jiang, O. Stange, F. Bätcke, L. Sabantina
Smart clothing
SmartTecStyle conference 2021, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany, 15.-16.12.2021

L. Hinz, N. Ucke, S. Mauter, V. Kern, L. Sabantina
Artificial DNA markers on textile materials - the possibility of evidence led manufacturing chain and possible uses in the context of textile recycling
SmartTecStyle conference 2021, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany, 15.-16.12.2021

A. Glogowsky, J. Meyer, M. Korger, M. Rabe
Personalized products, smart functionality, digitized production. Make it YOURS. Future Workwear.
ZENIT GmbH. online, 28.11.2021

D. Bär, E. Lempa, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer, H. Rooms, R. Moll, M. van Parys, R. Vanmaele, W. Deferme, D. Reenaers
New developments in multi-layer coating for conductive textiles with interim drying via NIR-technology
New developments in multi-layer coating for conductive textiles with interim drying via NIR-technology
Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, digital, 09.-10.11.2021

M. Ernst, A. Christophersen, S. Sanduloff
Online Shopping Featuring "My Customized Avatar" - Generating Customized Avatars for a Sustainable Shopping Experience in Ecommerce; 12th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning and Processing Technologies
3DBody Tech 2021; 12th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning and Processing Technologies, 19-20 October 2021, Lugano

K. Ratovo, E. Bendt, M. Rabe, S. Brandt, S. Kolbe, J. Meyer, M. Obermann, S. Küppers
Cellulosic regenerated fibres in functional textiles: Problem solver microplastics in the environment?
60th Dornbirn GFC Webinar Week, Online, 15.-17.10.2021

E. Bendt, M. Rabe, S. Brandt, S. Kolbe, J. Meyer, M. Breuer, K. Zöll, M. Obermann, R. Klauer, M. Berns, K. Ratovo, S. Küppers
TextileMission: Strategies for the reduction of textile based microplastic and their implementation in production processes in industry
60th Dornbirn GFC Webinar Week, Online, 15.-17.10.2021

L. Hellweg, A. Glogowsky, M. Beer
AI-supported textile manufacture and development - Speeding up the textile chain
5th European Industry and Research Exchange on Technical Textiles (EUTT), 30.09.2021

B. Quattelbaum, K. Stylidis, A. Braun, R. Söderberg
Preliminary study on perceived comfort of car seats: A quantitative approach to visual cues.
54th Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2021, Virtual conference, September 22-24, 2021, Athens, Greece

E. Bendt
Dress Code Talk: MEGATREND "NEO-ÖKOLOGIE" - Nachhaltigkeit zwischen Innovation, Greenwashing und Sinnfluencern
DRESS CODE FINISSAGE, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, 12.09.2021

M.-E. Wachs
Self-confidence & self-expression through sketching - the significance of drawing in 'primary education' & the next generation of engineering
CONFERENCE EPDE 2021 - International conference on engineering and product design education, Via Design, Via University College, Herning, Denmark, 09.09.2021
see presentation as movie: youtu.be/iz0JwXz8Odo

R. Brendgen, C. Graßmann, K. Mengler, T. Grethe, B. Mahltig, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Recycled polyvinyl butyral for uv-protecting yarn coatings
AUTEX2021 20th World Textile Conference - Unfolding the Future, Online, 05.-09.09.2021

C. Graßmann, M. Mann, Y. Lin, L. van Langenhove, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Electrochromic matrix display device on textile substrate
AUTEX2021 20th World Textile Conference - Unfolding the Future, Online, 05.-09.09.2021

A. Glogowsky, J. Meyer, M. Korger, M. Rabe
Influence of print conditions on conductivity of filled elastomeric materials during 3D printing for use in smart textile applications
AUTEX2021 20th World Textile Conference - Unfolding the Future, Online, 05.-09.09.2021

E. Bendt, M. Rabe, S. Brandt, S. Kolbe, J. Meyer, M. Breuer, K. Zöll, M. Obermann, R. Klauer, M. Berns, K. Ratovo
TextileMission: New research results on textile microplastics
Kick-off meeting of the EFRA Eco-Design & Textile Circular Economy Circle, Gesamtmasche, online, 31.08.2021

M. Rabe, E. Rohleder, S. Kolbe, J. Bürger, B. Hilgenberg, M. Sari, U. Bergstedt, M. Wagner
Biotechnology opening up new paths in the textile industry
CIC Düsseldorf, 29.6.2021

M. Rabe
Aspekte der Erderwärmung - Wirtschaft neu denken
Lecture series University of Bonn, Bonn, 23.6.2021

M.-E. Wachs, T.-M. Scholl, G. Balbig, K. Grobheiser
Textile Engineering SurFace: Surface Design from Tactile to Graphic to Tactile Experience in Design Engineering of the Future
Within the category: Lecture Session 2.2: Mixed Reality in Product Development
EEE Conference Dresden (EEE = Entwerfen, Entwicklen, Erleben) Product Development and Design, TU Dresden, 17.06.2021

M.-E. Wachs
ZEICHNEN ALS WELTENTWURF: analog + digital - Die Bedeutung des Zeichnens in der Primarausbildung mit Blick auf Design Engineering in Europe
EEE Konferenz Dresden (EEE = Entwerfen, Entwicklen, Erleben) Produktentwicklung und Design, TU Dresden, 17.06.2021

B. Mahltig
Effect pigments for textile coating & functionalization,
International Conference on Textile and Apparel Innovation - ICTAI, online contribution, Vitebsk, Belarus, 09.06./10.06.2021

B. Mahltig, T. Borgstädt
Chemical and physical treatment of resin-based fibers (novolac-fibers) for dyeing and functionalization,
International Conference on Textile and Apparel Innovation - ICTAI, online contribution, Vitebsk, Belarus, 09.06./10.06.2021

V. V. Getmantseva, E. Y. Strunevich, E. G. Andreeva, V. S. Belgorodsky
Intellectualization of the Clothing Design Process.
Joint International Conference Clothing-Body Interaction 2021, June 2 - 3, 2021

M. Rabe
Rethinking the Economy - Shaping the Future
Sustainable Fashion Summit, DVF Conference Group, Frankfurt, 26.5.2021

M. Rabe
Rethinking the Industry - Shaping the Future
Euregional Innovation Leadership in the Textile Circular Economy, 11.5.2021

M.-E. Wachs
Green materials in product / fashion / automotive / interior design
Keynote, Interzum Fair - Materials Cologne, 4-7. 5. 2021

L. Hellweg, M. Beer
With artificial intelligence to the textile product - A presentation of the application potential of artificial intelligence in textile technology
23.04.2021 at the Masterkongress 2021 "Now and Then - MG creates Careers"

R. Brendgen, C. Graßmann, K. Mengler, T. Grethe, B. Mahltig, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Recycled PVB - An alternative coating for textiles
23.04.2021 at the Master Congress 2021 "Now and Then - MG creates Careers"

M. Rabe
Rethinking industry - shaping the future
VDTF Regional Conference, 22.4.2021

M. Rabe
TextileMission: Microplastics of textile origin - A holistic view: Optimized processes and materials, material flows and environmental behaviour
Final conference: "Plastic in the environment - Sources Sinks Solutions" - Online (bmbf-plastik.de), 20-21.04.2021

B. Quattelbaum, R. Groten, Y. Biermann
Sustainability Analysis of Decentralised Fibre-to-Fibre Scenarios - Reflecting the Amended EU-Waste Framework Directive
Textile and Fashion Innovation Congress (TFIC) 16.04.2021

B. Quattelbaum (co-organizer + presentation)
Materials: Sustainability and Digitalization.
Workshop: Data Informed Design: Challenges and Perspectives
Textile and Fashion Innovation Congress (TFIC) 16.04.2021

E. Strunevich, U. Detering-Koll
Virtual Dressing Room for Digital Convergence with the Individual Customers in the Implementation of Student Project
International Scientific-Practical Conference "Innovations and Technology in the Development of Theory of Modern Fashion. 07.04.2021

O. Heß
Reactive Dyeing of Cotton: Reducing the Water Use by Implementation and Application of Efficient and Advanced Dyeing Chemicals and Technologies
Poster Talk 07, 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen - THE HYBRID EDITION 2021, 17. + 18.03.2021

O. Heß, M. Korger, B. Mahltig, F.-A. Weber, H. Freericks, N. Mikosch, M. Berger
Sustainability aspects in cotton and textile production
35th International Cotton Conference Bremen - THE HYBRID EDITION 2021, 17. + 18.03.2021

E. Bendt, M. Rabe, S. Brandt, S. Kolbe, J. Meyer, K. Ratovo, M. Breuer, K. Zöll, M. Obermann, R. Klauer, M. Berns, R. Rössel, S. Küppers, C. Wieners
Approaches in the development of textiles with reduced emission of fibrous microplastic
TextileMission Closing-Conference - Online, 17.03.2021

R. Brendgen, R. Nolden, K. Zöll, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Kneetex - an intelligent knee bandage
Textiles for medical applications, online, 05.03.2021

R. Brendgen, C. Graßmann, T. Grethe, B. Mahltig, K. Mengler, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Recycled PVB - an alternative coating for textiles
EUTT2021 (4th European Industry and Research Exchange Biobased fibres and recycling materials, processes and applications for Technical Textiles), online, 12.03.2021

L. Bahr, K. Ratovo, M.O. Weber, T. Mutschler, P. Holderied
Machine parameters for packaging nets made of biodegradable film tapes
4th European industry and research exchange on "Bio-based fibres and recycling materials for Technical Textile processes and applications.", online, 11.-12.03.2021

E. Bendt, M. Rabe, S. Brandt, S. Kolbe, K. Klinkhammer, K. Ratovo
TextileMission - Textile-based microplastics - problems, research results and solutions
AMD - Akademie Mode Design, Hamburg - Online, 15.02.2021

E. Bendt
Knitwear design - The interface between fashion and textile design
Woche der Studienorientierung - Online, 04.02.2021

E. Bendt, M. Rabe, S. Brandt, S. Kolbe, K. Klinkhammer, K. Ratovo
Textile microplastics - causes, research results and solutions
ISPO Munich Online 2021, 04.02.2021

L. Vossebein
Hygiene requirements for textile service providers
DTV master craftsman preparation course
25.01.2021, Groß-Gerau

Lectures 2020

A. Christophersen, M.Ernst, M.Böhm, U. Botzenhardt
Efficient Virtual Garment Fit Evaluation Infrastructure based on Synthetic Avatar Target Customer Groups for MtM Application
Clotech 2020 digital

E. Bendt
Textile Based Microplastics - Challenges, Approach and Status Quo
Webinar - WFSGI - World Federation of Sporting Goods Industry

A. Glogowsky, M. Korger, C. Steinem, J. Meyer, S. Huysman, M. Rabe
Smart, personalized, fashionable - combination of functionalities through 3D printing processes.
Workshop "Additive Manufacturing in the Textile Industry", Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen-Vogtland e.V. online, 11.11.2020

E. Strunevich, U. Detering-Koll, B. Quattelbaum
Investigation of usability and measurement accuracy of 3D body scanning mobile applications
Clotech 2020
Innovative Technologies for Development and Assembling of Functional Textile Products
Online Event September 7th - 11th, 2020

E. Bendt
Wool - Animal Hair as Warming Clothing for Humans
Expert Talk Deutschlandfunk Nova, 06.11.2020
Podcast at: www.deutschlandfunknova.de/beitrag/wolle-tierhaar-als-waermende-kleidung-fuer-menschen

R. Nolden, K. Zöll, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Smart Glove with an Arduino-Controlled Textile Bending Sensor, Textile Data Conductors and Feedback Using LED-FSDsTM and Embroidery Technology
Presented at: International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles 2020), Virtual venue, UK, November 4, 2020

E. Bendt
Why are holes in socks round?
Expert talk WDR, "Die Sendung mit der Maus zum Hören", 26.10.2020
Podcast at: www.wdrmaus.de/hoeren/podcast60.php5

A. Glogowsky, M. Korger, S. Sanduloff, C. Steinem, S. Huysman, M. Ernst, M. Rabe
3D Printed Structures for Customized Protective Elements - Soft Prints with Tough Requirements
3rd European Industry and Research Exchange on Technical Textiles for Health, online, Medical and Sport Application, 09.10.2020.

K. Klinkhammer, S. Polysius, P. Kempken, M. Krings, L. Vossebein
Improving the adhesion of seam sealing tapes for personal protective equipment (PPE) through the use of plasma technology
3rd European industry and research exchange on Technical Textiles for Health, Medical and Sport Application, on 8 and 9 October 2020, online event

R. Groten
Quels matériaux polymères pour développer des produits textiles éco-responsables ?
Atelier Innovation: Développement durable, Recyclage et valorisation des matériaux souples textiles
Pole Textile Alsace, Mulhouse, France, 13.10.2020

E. Bendt, M. Rabe, S. Brandt, J. Meyer, M. Obermann, S. Kolbe, K. Ratovo
Rethinking textiles for microplastic reduction
MG Open Spaces 2020 online, Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung, 25.09.2020

A. Glogowsky, M. Korger, S. Sanduloff, C. Steinem, S. Huysman, M. Ernst, M. Rabe
3D printing: applications for protectors
MG Open Spaces 2020 online, Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung, 25.09.2020

A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Smart PPE: Sensor technology in protective clothing
MG Open Spaces 2020 online, Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung, 25.09.2020

B. Quattelbaum
Der "weiche" Schitt - Qualität ist mehr als Konformität zur Norm: Schutzhandschuhe
MG Open Spaces 2020 online, Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung, 25.09.2020

M.E. Wachs
Zeichnen als Weltentwurf - the significance of de/sign - Gestaltung im Zeitalter von Wissens(schafts)management und Bildungsmanagement
Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften der Freien Universität Bozen, 09/2020
(Publication: in English, 2021)

E. Bendt
Wool and linen - sustainable functional fibers of the future?
09.09.2020, series of lectures on the special exhibition "Gut betucht - Textilerzeugung bei den Alamannen", Alamannenmuseum, Ellwangen

L. Vossebein
Disinfection safety through the RKI and VAH list
Kompetenzzentrum Hauswirtschaft, 15.05.2020 Webinar

E. Bendt
Sustainability: Disposing of disposable carnival costumes correctly
Expert discussion Deutschlandfunk Nova, 24.02.2020
Podcast at: www.deutschlandfunknova.de/beitrag/nachhaltiges-karnevalskostuem-am-besten-selbst-machen-einwegkostuem-korrekt-entsorgen

L. Vossebein
Studying Textile and Clothing Technology at the University oh Applied Sciences Niederrhein
12.02.2020, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT), Nishatnagar, Turag, Dhaka - 1230, Bangladesh

M. Rabe
Microplastic Shedding of Textiles - Definitions, Analytics and Problem Solving Approach
11.-12.02.2020, International Conference on Cellulose Fibres, Organizer Nova-Institut, Cologne

E. Bendt, M. Rabe, S. Brandt, J. Meyer, M. Obermann, S. Kolbe, K. Ratovo
TextileMission. Development of functional textiles with reduced output of synthetic microparticles
11.02.2020: as part of the OECD Workshop on Microplastics from synthetic textiles in the Environment: Knowledge, Mitigation and Policy, OECD Headquarters Paris, France

E. Bendt
Cut up # 13 - Innovative Materials
Panel discussion Design-Station Hamburg: GLORE Altona, Holstenstraße 175, 22765 Hamburg

E. Bendt
Co-creation for future
27.01.2020, panel discussion, Sustainability Hub of ISPO, Munich

L. Vossebein
Hygiene requirements for textile service providers
DTV master craftsman preparation course
15.01.2020, Offenbach

E. Bendt, M. Rabe, S. Brandt, J. Meyer, M. Obermann, S. Kolbe, K. Ratovo
Textilemission, research project to reduce textile-based microplastics
11.01.2020, "Open Day" Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology, HS Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach

Lectures 2019

E. Bendt
Textile Microplastics. - Addressing the Challenges for Politics, Industry and Research
10.12.2019, Lecture at the Parliamentary Morning and participation in subsequent panel discussion, L42 Business Center & Workspaces, Rue de la Loi 42, B-1040 Bruxelles
> Article in the Textile Network

M. Böhm, S. Rose, M. Schlütter, B. Mussmann, S. Jug, C. Oskamp, M. Ernst, D. Güntzel, S. Sanduloff, S. Bayer, A. Christophersen, J. Lehmann
Product development in the digital transformation - building blocks of a completely virtual development process
Session "Best Practices: Transfer - From the idea to practical application"
28.11.2019, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden

R. Groten, G. Seide
Integration of sustainability aspects of polymers in the development of textile products
Session "Polymer Materials & Functionalization"
28.11.2019, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden

R. Klauer, M. Rabe, E. Bendt, S. Stolte
Microplastics of textile origin - approaches to avoidance in the textile supply chain of an outdoor clothing manufacturer
Session "Polymer Materials & Functionalization"
28.11.2019, Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden

E. Lempa
Review on ITMA 2019
28.11.2019 VDTF regional meeting, Krefeld, Germany

E. Lempa, M. Rabe, L. Van Langenhove
Coating and digital printing electrically conductive paths on textiles under consideration of percolation threshold
20.-22.11.2019, 3rd International The Recent progress symposium on textile technology and chemistry. Bursa, Turkey

B. Mahltig
Textiles for protection against radiation - concepts and new materials
14.11.2019, IV International Scientific and Practical Conference, Education and science in the 21st century, Vitebsk, Belarus

B. Mahltig
Metal effect pigment coatings for functionalization of textiles
13.11./14.11.2019, International Scientific and Technical Conference - Innovative technologies in the textile and light industry, Vitebsk, Belarus

B. Mahltig
Modern range and properties of inorganic fiber
12.11.-14.11.2019, Guest lecture at Vitebsk State Technological University as part of the seminar program Vitebsk, Belarus

B. Mahltig
High Performance Fibers for special applications
12.11.-14.11.2019, guest lecture at Vitebsk State Technological University as part of the seminar program Vitebsk, Belarus

B. Mahltig
Functional finishing of textiles
12.11.-14.11.2019, guest lecture at Vitebsk State Technological University as part of the seminar program Vitebsk, Belarus

O. Heß
Workshop, Vom Feld bis zum Bügel: Wasser in der Baumwoll(-Industrie), Suffizienz statt Effizienz
15.11.2019, Nachhaltigkeitstag an der Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach

B. Mahltig
Effect pigments as coating additives to realize functional textile materials
04.11.2019, IPF-Colloquium on "The Versatility of Nanostructured Materials", Dresden

M. Obermann, J. Meyer
Textile technology: Causes of microplastic shedding and promising approaches
07.11.2019, Stakeholder-Fachkonferenz TextileMission, Berlin

J. Rees, M. Korger, M. Niggeweg, C. Steinem, M. Muth, M. Rabe
Digital textile printing solutions as a resource-saving and profitable alternative: increasing eco-efficiency through pigment printing
19.10.2019, Textilveredlertag VDTF, Bayreuth

R. Groten
Innovation Round-Table Discussions
16.-17.10.2019, EDANA (European Nonwoven And Disposables Association) Nonwovens Innovation Academy -Meeting, Denkendorf

C. Graßmann, R. Brendgen, T. Grethe, B. Mahltig, P. Paelinck, M. Vanneste, B. Morgenstern, O. Klimmt, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Recycled Polyvinyl Butyral for Textile Applications
27.09.2019, 10th Textile Coating and Laminating Congress, Gent, Belgium

E. Lempa, E. Rohleder, M. Rabe
Wear performance of functional coatings on delicate fabrics
26.-27.09.2019, 10th Coating & Laminating Congress. Ghent, Belgium

E. Bendt, J. Wiedemann, C. Richter, M. Grustat
Workshops "Design options of the future"
23. + 24.09.2019, TW Summer School, Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach

M. Wachs, A. Hall
European Driving Range - Innovative Landscapes For A Tangible, Non-Hierarchical Learning Space Within A Material And Immaterial Togetherness
13.09.2019, International Conference On Engineering And Product Design Education, Department Of Design, Manufacture And Engineering Management, University Of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Link: https://www.hs-niederrhein.de/textil-bekleidungstechnik/forschung/#c83996

M. Wachs
The Entrepreneurial Power Of Design Schools - Like Bauhaus - As Driver For Business Models For Industry Yesterday And Tomorrow - Case Studies: Profitable Partnerships In Architecture And Textile
06.09.2019, Annual Design History Society Conference 2019: "The Cost in Design", Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK

M. Wachs
"Technik - Textil und Textiltechnologie gestern und in Zukunft: zur Renaissance-Mode nach Matthäus Schwarz"
Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, Braunschweig, 25.07.2019

M. Wachs
Fashioning Furniture Future - lecture and workshop - European Initiative for Non-Hierarchical Cross Cultural Learning Landscapes by Marina Wachs
09 / 2019, Royal College of Art, School of Design, London, UK

S. Sanduloff, M. Korger, A. Glogowsky, J. Meyer, C. Steinem, S. Huysman, M. Ernst, M. Rabe
Body contour compatible protectors using 3D printing technology
12.09.2019, 58th Dornbirn-GFC, Dornbirn, Austria

E. Bendt
Textilemission - Development of functional textiles with reduced output of synthetic microparticles
11.09.2019, as part of the Chemical Fibers Conference, at the Gesamtmasche Association, Obertshausen, Dornbirn, Austria

L. Vossebein
Introduction of the University of Applied Sciences, Niederrhein, Faculty of Textile and Clothing Management
29.08.2018, Hawassa Industrial Park, Awassa, Ethiopia, Africa

M. Busila, T. Textor, B. Mahltig
Influence of zinc oxide nanoparticle size on the antibacterial and photocatalytic activity
25.08.-30.08.2019, XX International Sol-Gel Conference, St.-Petersburg, Russia

E. Bendt, R. Klauer
TextileMission - Initiative against microplastic contamination by textiles
02.07.2019, Sustainability Hub - ISPO Messe, Munich

O. Heß, M. Korger
InoCottonGROW project presentation (project video & flyer) at the exhibition stand of The Hochschule Niederrhein, Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology
20-26.06.2019, ITMA 2019, Fira De Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

A. Glogowsky, M. Korger, J. Meyer, C. Steinem, S. Sanduloff, M. Rabe, M. Ernst
3D Printing Potentials for Textile Applications - from Digital Model to Customized Production
23.06.19, ITMA Speakers Platform, ITMA Innovation Lab. Barcelona

M. Obermann
Minimizing microplastic shedding in textiles
20.06.2019, Plasticity Global Conference, Amsterdam

E. Lempa, M. Rabe, L. Van Langenhove
Electrically conductive textiles under consideration of percolation threshold and polymer crystallinity
11.June 11-15, 2019, AUTEX 2019, 19th World Textile Conference on Textiles at the Crossroads, Ghent, Belgium

A. Glogowsky, M. Korger, S. Sanduloff, C. Steinem, S. Huysman, M. Ernst, M. Rabe
3D printing for improved comfort - fits like a glove. Additive manufacturing for improved comfort - fits like a glove. Additive manufacturing in the textile industry
13.05.19, Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen-Vogtland e.V. Obertshausen

C. Graßmann, T. Grethe, A. Krause, C. Großerhode, J. L. Storck, A. Ehrmann, L. van Langenhove, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Textile Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Natural Dyes
11.-15.06.2019, AUTEX 2019, 19th World Textile Conference, Gent, Belgium

E. Bendt, M. Wolf
Workshop "Waste to Value - Next Material" as part of the exhibition "Textile Pop"
24.05.2019, NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf

S. Sanduloff, A. Glogowsky, M. Korger, J. Meyer, C. Steinem, S. Huysman, M. Ernst, M. Rabe
Possible Application Areas of Customized 3D Prints in the Apparel Sector. Possible Application Areas of Customized 3D Prints in the Garment Sector
16.05.19, Techtextil Forum, Messe Frankfurt, Frankfurt

B. Mahltig, L.C. Greiler, H. Haase
Preparation of fluorescent solutions from amino acids by using microwave technology and application onto textile fabrics
26.04./27.04.2019, International Conference, Innovative Textiles and Fashion Design, Monastir, Tunisia

S. Fradj, A. Baffoun, B. Mahltig, M. Hamdaoui
Luminescent polyester fabric for anti counterfeiting applications
26.04./27.04.2019, International Conference, Innovative Textiles and Fashion Design, Monastir, Tunisia

B. Mahltig
Metal effect pigments for textile functionalization,
26.04/27.04.2019, International Conference, Innovative Textiles and Fashion Design, Monastir, Tunisia

L. Vossebein
Things to know about the hygienic reprocessing of laundry
04.04.2019, Altenpflegemesse Nürnberg

E. Bendt
Textilemission - Initiative against microplastic pollution from textiles
27.03.2019 "Smarte Masche", Verband Gesamtmasche, Obertshausen

M. Obermann
Detection of microplastics in clothing textiles and ways to prevent discharge
21.03.2019, General Assembly VÖTC, Dornbirn

L. Vossebein
Hygiene in laundries - theory & practice
Training course for the Swiss Textile Care Association (VTS)
11. and 12.3.2019, Laundry Baden, Switzerland

E. Bendt, K. Amprazi
Strong appearance 2.0 - Innovative sustainable shoe concepts
20.03.2019, 3N - Ecoinnovations Congress from Biomass 2019, Papenburg

A. Huber, M. Korger, J. Bergschneider, B. Mahltig
3D printing on textile surfaces
18.02./19.02.2019, Dechema conference, Chemistry helps 3D printing, Frankfurt

E. Bendt, N. Espey
TextileMission - Initiative Against Microplastic - > Update <
04.02.2019, ISPO, Munich

M. Mende, M. Freericks, O. Hess, M. Korger, B. Mahltig, C. Baumann, F.-A. Weber
Reducing the water footprint of the global cotton-textile industry in Pakistan by implementation and application of efficient and advanced dyeing chemicals, technologies and wastewater treatment
29.01./30.01.2019, MidTerm Conference - InnoCottonGrow, Faisalabad, Pakistan

L. Vossebein
Hygiene requirements for textile service providers
DTV Master Preparation Course
18.01.2019, Langensebold

M. Muth
Trends and innovations in the textile industry: Is digital printing the future for sustainability in textile printing?
08.01.2019, Promotex/Viscom trade fair, Düsseldorf

The FTB introduces itself

The Research Institute for Textile and Clothing (FTB) of the Hochschule Niederrhein as an institute of the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology is a powerful and versatile development partner for the textile and clothing industry in Germany and abroad. In this way the university is not only actively involved in imparting textile specialist textile knowledge, but also in gaining new insights.

Our knowledge - your future

The region of "Mittlerer Niederrhein" covers the entire textile chain from raw materials to wearable garments. The Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, with its faculty for textiles and clothing, is an important part of this as a guarantor for qualified young engineers. However, it sees its task not only in imparting knowledge, but also in creating new knowledge: With its Research Institute for Textile and Clothing (FTB), founded in 2005, the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences also offers the textile and clothing industry a powerful and very versatile development partner.

The machinery used jointly with the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology enables the FTB to carry out research and transfer projects along the entire textile chain. The topics are - just like the industry - very diverse and range from electrically conductive textiles for use in sensor or luminescent textiles, stab protection systems, products with a barrier effect against thermal radiation or electrosmog up to questions of sustainable design. The scientists at the FTB are also working on developing textiles that fit perfectly. These investigations even include a 3D body scanner in order to be able to precisely measure the body shape of people.

In this way, the research institute represents an important bridge between education, science and industry. For industry, new developments are crucial if it is to stand their ground in global competition. However, if companies lack the time, know-how or technical facilities to drive innovations forward, they can find support at the FTB. At the same time, the research facility gives students at the university a glimpse into industrial practice by actively participating in industry-related research projects. In this way, the prospective engineers are introduced to scientific and creative work at an early stage. It is not uncommon for this to lead to initial contacts with future employers. This is a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Professors and Lecturers

Vice-dean Textile Technology | Simulation
Prof. Dipl.-Des. Ellen Bendt
Fashion design with specialisation in knitwear and innovative product design Head of study TP/Design
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Breckenfelder
Computer-aided development and simulation of textile products
Textile Technology, especially Fabric Technology Study Direction MTTT/Technical Textile
Prof. Dr. Monika Eigenstetter
Industrial Psychology CSR Management Head of A.U.G.E. Institute Head of EthNa Competence Centre CSR Head of study program
Prof. Dipl.-Des. Marion Ellwanger-Mohr
Design teaching, textile design and collection development with specialisation in textile printing and weaving. Director of studies DI/Textiles
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Dipl.-Ing. Michael Ernst
Textile Product Development Deputy Chairman of the Examinations Board of the English Degree programmes Head of TP/Clothing Head of TuB/Product Development
Prof. Dr. - Ing. Katrin Freier
Product management, apparel development Director of Studies Textile and Clothingmanagement
Chemistry, Colorimetry and Analytics, Functional & Medical Textiles
Technical Textiles Head of TUB/Textile Technologies Head of Textiles INNOVATORIUM
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Boris Mahltig
Chair of the Examinations Board for Degree Programmes Taught in English Functionalization of textiles
Prof. Dr. Mathias Muth
Textile Printing Technology Chairman of the faculty council Head of TP/Textile
Quality management, textile examinations
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maike Rabe
Head of research institute "FTB Textile finishing and ecology
Prof. Dr. ir. Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer
Functional Textiles and Clothing Deputy Chairman of the Examinations Board of the German Degree programmes
Dean Textile Technology, Textile Examinations and Quality Management Head of Public Testing Laboratory
Design theory with specialisation in textiles and fashion
Textile technology, especially technology of "Wirkerei & Strickerei; Schwerpunktleitung TUB/Textilmanagement
Chairman of the Examinations Board for Degree Programmes Taught in German Textile technology of spinning and physics
Prof. Dipl.-Des. Jutta Wiedemann
Design theory, clothing design and collection development
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Zöll
Head of Garment Production Technology Laboratory Confection technology


Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Brandt
FTB" Institute
Rike Brendgen, M.Sc.
Textile sensor technology in the KneTex project
Antje Christophersen, Dipl.-Ing.
Research Assistant Virtual Lab, CAD Garment Design, 3D Product Development
Lennart Hellweg, M.Sc.
Textile Technology | Simulation Project AItransdisciplinary
Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Heß, M.Sc.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB)
Prisca Holderied, Master of Science
Research Institute Textile and Clothing Technology (Knitwear)
Dr. rer. nat. Kristina Klinkhammer
Surface modification of textiles, soil repellency, adhesion promotion, plasma technologies
Dr. Sabrina Kolbe
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Korger
Surface modification of textiles, digital and 3D printing technologies
Evelyn Lempa, Dipl.-Ing., M.Sc.
Smart Textiles, Conductive Coatings
Manuela Niemeyer, Dipl.-Ing.
Initial study phase, website, block seminars, EDP
Karin Ratovo, Dipl.-Ing
Research assistant
Benita Rau, M.Sc.
Marie Christine Reuters, M. Sc.
FTB Research associate
Dr. rer. nat. Esther Rohleder
Surface modification of textiles, plasma technologies, enzymes
Irina Singer, M. Sc.
FTB Research associate
Christine Steinem, Dipl.-Ing.
Surface modification of textiles, digital and 3D printing technologies

University of Applied Science
Research Institute for Textile and Clothing (FTB)

Postal address: Webschulstr. 31
Visiting address: Richard-Wagner-Str. 97
41065 Mönchengladbach

Phone: 02161 186-6011 /-6015 /-6099
E-mail: ftb@hs-niederrhein.de
Fax: 02161 186-6013
Web: www.hs-niederrhein.de/ftb

Your contact to us

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