STRASUS: Strategic sustainability for logistics using a business game
Project duration: June 2017 to May 2020
Project funding: INTERREG-V-A(
The STRASUS project is being carried out as part of the INTERREG Germany-Netherlands program and is co-financed with EUR 1,071,158.00 by the European Union, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs (Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat), the MWIDE NRW and the Provincie Gelderland.
Initial situation
The STRASUS project supports German and Dutch SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) from the logistics sector in the systematic development, creation and implementation of an individual sustainability strategy.
The topic of sustainability or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) encompasses the contribution of companies to sustainable development in ecological, social and economic terms, while respecting the demands of their stakeholders. This topic has also become increasingly important in the logistics sector in recent years.
The main target group of the project are SMEs from the logistics sector in the Rhine-Maas-North and Rhine-Waal border region, whose competitiveness compared to large companies is to be strengthened.
The STRASUS project aims to "gamify" the creation and, above all, active implementation of a sustainability strategy, i.e. to make it a playful experience. The aim is to prepare the logistics sector in Germany and the Netherlands for the changing requirements of the future in a more targeted and efficient way than has been possible to date. Serious Gaming Modules (SGM), or business game modules, are to be created for this purpose, as they can be used to grasp complex content and issues more quickly and permanently. The focus here is on the core topic of sustainability in corporate strategy. The SGMs are designed and developed both on the basis of the sustainable strategy development process and according to best practices in order to be as practical as possible and thus relevant for the participating companies. The main objective is to create a holistic concept in which structured and intensive short workshops and simulation game elements complement each other in a meaningful way. In this way, the growing demand for CSR training can be met without disregarding the prevailing lack of time in the logistics industry.
The STRASUS project is divided into the following four work packages:
1. serious gaming modules
2. workshops
3. PR and marketing
4. Project management
In work package 1, the simulation game modules are designed, which are then tested, realized and applied in the workshops from work package 2 during the project period. In work package 3, the scientific project partners will develop a model for the continuation of the workshop serious gaming concept according to the "train-the-trainer" approach. This will ensure that the holistic concept can be continued in the same quality on the German and Dutch sides after the end of the project, albeit at a cost. In addition, effective communication with other small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the region will be ensured and the dissemination of the concept will be promoted. Work package4 will handle the central project management ofSTRASUS.
Work package 1: Serious Gaming
The logistics industry is usually characterized by high fluctuation, time pressure and a lack of experience among employees. By shortening the learning phase, gamification should help to implement in-house continuing education with less time and less disruption to day-to-day business.
1. objectives
In the first work package (WP1), a serious game (SG) will be created to support logistics companies on-the-job at various levels in the process of creating a sustainability strategy and to raise awareness of the many facets of sustainability. This process also defines the stages of the workshops (see work package 2 (WP2) for a detailed description). The main aim is to train strategic thinking and raise awareness of the need to balance the social, economic and environmental aspects of a decision. The playful introduction to the new topics means that the learning process is not perceived as work. Employees can be motivated to learn simply by "having fun". Their own ambition is awakened and they want to accept and master the challenge on their own initiative. There is also curiosity: What's next? What else can I do? Can I outdo the other players next time? A serious game combines acquired knowledge with its application: in this way, more comprehensive and cross-thematic action structures are memorized. Learning takes place passively, while the players can act actively without having to observe social or local restrictions or fear real consequences.
2. realization
The simulation game will be developed on the basis of the computer-based action learning approach, as this method has proven to be particularly effective for action-oriented target groups (e.g. logisticians) and ensures a high level of learning transfer.
Work package 2: Workshops
Work package 2 is based on the process of creating a sustainable corporate strategy. However, as this process cannot be implemented successfully or with lasting positive effects in practice without competent guidance and regular professional support, individual sustainability strategies are prepared in close cooperation with the logistics partners in the project. The following steps are implemented for this purpose:
- Evaluation of the logistics partners' current corporate strategies
- Exchange with management and relevant employees on their own CSR level
- Identification of successes and problems in the company through CSR assessment
External companies can participate in workshops on the following topics free of charge, depending on their own requirements:
Level 1 / Workshop 1: Foundation course of CSR in logistics: what is CSR?
- Raising awareness of doing business in harmony with society, the environment and financial gain
- Importance/relevance of concepts such as the CO2 footprint and the social footprint for companies
- Certifications (implicit or explicit)
- Mission and vision: goal identification
Level 2 / Workshop 2 Introduction to analysis methods for a successful CSR strategy
- Theoretical introduction to survey, analysis, evaluation, draft solutions, evaluation and selection of draft solutions
Stage 2 / Workshop 3: Case studies: problem areas and suitable key figures
- Identification/ narrowing down of the relevant survey areas or case study/ model company
- Problem areas VS target definition
- Familiarization with suitable key figures and their basis for data collection
Stage 3 / Workshop 4: ...but how to implement CSR? Basis for realization
- Evaluation of zero measurement
- Raising awareness of internal communication and interrelationships within the company for the successful implementation of CSR
Stage 3 / Workshop 5: ...but how to implement CSR? Certifications
- Preparation for relevant certifications and more in CSR management
Level 4 / Workshop 6: Preparing your own CSR report
- Preparation for creating a report, e.g. according to GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)
Would you like to take part in one of the workshop concepts mentioned? Contact us to be informed about current dates!
Active project partners
The project involves three scientific partners ( Gemit Institute of the HSNR, ICIS of Maastricht University and the Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen) and six industrial partners(Johs. Stelten GmbH & Co. KG from Krefeld, the juice producer Valensina GmbH from Mönchengladbach, the software developer BuGaSi GmbH from Schwert, the Dutch transport companies H.M. Verploegen and Gesink B.V. and the cold storage and technology company FFT projects).