Institute for Surface Technology – HIT
Your Partner for the iHIT Solution Engine

Welcome to the HIT-Institute

The HIT-Institute at the Hochschule Niederrhein provides an OPEN LAB SPACE supporting Industry and University research. Combining Chemical Expertise, Automation, and Machine Learning with an evolving data management system will spark your R&D and innovative product development.

At the HIT-Institute you will meet both SMEs and large companies. All of you are driven by developing sustainable products in a short time with high resource efficiency. Our iHIT Solution Engine will guide your efforts and ensure the best product performance for your application.

Interdiscilinary Team of Experts

Our interdisciplinary team of experts offers support in all aspects of the process - 

Talk with us about your challenges, ideas, or projects.

The iHIT Solution Engine Approach …

... uniquely combines the areas of chemistry, automation, and machine learning. It offers novel, unprecedented solutions that are designed to simplify your path to Chemistry 4.0. 

For detailed Information about the components of our solution engine, you can enjoy our Webinar series in the following section and for more insight about the iHit Institute, visit

In the following videos our experts explain the individual aspects of the iHIT Solution Engine. 
Please contact us if you have any questions! We will be happy to help you!

"Welcome to the HIT Institute"

Contact our experts!

The D-NL-HIT Project

In the D-NL-HIT Project, paint, coating, and adhesives industry partners in the German-Dutch border area are invited to use advanced solutions to evolve their next generation products. Combining expertise, automation, and machine learning, partners in the D-NL-HIT project can take full advantage of the latest technologies. The project partners are financially supported by INTERREG V A programme to strengthen innovative solutions, develop products, and build strong German-Dutch interactive networks.

The Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences is the lead partner, supporting project partners with both expertise in multiple fields and service capabilities. Through our Open Innovation Hub, we can take an active role in preparing our region with developments for a sustainable future, supporting strong collaboration through multilateral alliances across the region. 


Can I Participate?

With our Open Innovation Voucher Program we give companies the opportunity to conduct innovative projects at our institute. The focus is on combined German-Dutch projects; developing sustainable products and processes. In addition to being funded, these projects will receive support in machine learning and automation from our HIT experts. Through the INTERREG V A project, a company can receive funding for 40% to 50% of the overall project budget if:

The theme of the project deals with paints, varnishes, adhesives or 3-D prints

The total project budget is ≤ 30.000€

The project must be finished by March 2021

Not a partner of the D-NL-HIT-Consortium yet? Find more information in the Downloads section!

Technical Director

Project Coordinator


Academic Staff

For General Information:

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